Archived GSA: Love/Hate Relationship

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Executive Team Leader
Aug 19, 2013
I gotta say, for the most part I love my move from Electronics to GSA. Moving from being primarily alone to being able to work with a team is wonderful, and the team seems to be taking me in quite nicely. However, the extra workload/leadership is making me feel like the lack of a pay increase from electronics to GSA is not worth it very much. My only drive is to use GSA to get a TL position, and the fact that I get a constant 36-or-greater hours a week.

Can anyone offer up some advice that might help my outlook a bit?
All I can say is that we feel you. The only reason I do it is for the average of 35 hours I get. If it weren't for that, I would have stepped down a long time ago. Every three months or so I seriously consider it, but haven't done it, knowing my time at Spot is hopefully going to be limited.

Stick with the GSAs at your store. The more you get to know them, the more you will find out you all feel the same damn way. Have each other's backs, no matter what. You are your own little one else will get it like they do. If you have a solid GSTL, build a solid relationship with him/her. I regret not doing that sooner. And the fact that he has moved to another position makes it hard. Find one SrTL or etl that you can trust. They can help keep you sane as well.
The more I read these GSA threads the more I appreciate my schedule. I work exactly the number of hours I want to per week, and spend the vast majority of my time in the cash office or comp shopping. I work maybe one whole GSA shift per month, and other than that it's just a few hours here and there covering breaks or doing odd jobs after I'm done with the CO. I do get lonely sometimes, but the level of bullshit I deal with on a daily basis is low.
All I can say is that we feel you. The only reason I do it is for the average of 35 hours I get. If it weren't for that, I would have stepped down a long time ago. Every three months or so I seriously consider it, but haven't done it, knowing my time at Spot is hopefully going to be limited.

Stick with the GSAs at your store. The more you get to know them, the more you will find out you all feel the same damn way. Have each other's backs, no matter what. You are your own little one else will get it like they do. If you have a solid GSTL, build a solid relationship with him/her. I regret not doing that sooner. And the fact that he has moved to another position makes it hard. Find one SrTL or etl that you can trust. They can help keep you sane as well.

Oh my gosh!!! This...every bit of this!! Stick with your team. They understand the woes of the front end better than anyone else in the building. I unfortunately I'm not that close with my fellow GSA but that is mainly b/c of his arrogance and the fact that he arbitrarily decides when or if he is gonna come to work. One of my GSTLs is awesome and I can go to him about anything and he and I definitely have each others backs. My other GSTL is much like my GSA partner...but...I'm not stupid...she's my TL so I try to stay on her good side.
It really does help having someone that you can talk to/vent to. Like Retail Girl said....we feel you. I am coming up on my 1st year being a GSA; there are days that I really miss being on the floor and want to go back. But I have to admit I do don't entirely hate being up front.
I had my GSA interview the other day which was a total joke... When I found out who else applied and that the ETL asked her to I knew I wont get it. I feel the "interview" was just an excuse for her to talk down to me.
I had my GSA interview the other day which was a total joke... When I found out who else applied and that the ETL asked her to I knew I wont get it. I feel the "interview" was just an excuse for her to talk down to me.

Tbh, it could have been. GSA is still considered a team member position, so interviews aren't even required. You just need your TL's and ETL's to agree with the move and bing bang boom your job code is changed.
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