Archived Guest Survey Comments

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Former Super x-trained TM
Jun 20, 2011
What took it so long? Haha, was reading through some of the old ones today and came across some i was meaning to post


You should have a fitting room for apparal (sic) merchandise

Again... :facepalm::blowup:
"You need to put up signs that say: The electric carts are not for people who like hamburgers too much but for people who are truly disabled" Srsly?

"Target should carry the Great Value brand like Walmart does to be more competitive" LOL
"You need to put up signs that say: The electric carts are not for people who like hamburgers too much but for people who are truly disabled" Srsly?

"Target should carry the Great Value brand like Walmart does to be more competitive" LOL
😀😀😀😀 Even my husband laughed at the second one.
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"I lost my son for awhile & NO ONE helped me! they just stood around on their little walkie talkies about code yellow. Really, you should come up with a system for finding lost children."
"I lost my son for awhile & NO ONE helped me! they just stood around on their little walkie talkies about code yellow. Really, you should come up with a system for finding lost children."

Thats gold 😀
"You need to put up signs that say: The electric carts are not for people who like hamburgers too much but for people who are truly disabled" Srsly?

"Target should carry the Great Value brand like Walmart does to be more competitive" LOL

I've had a few guests actually say the first one to me (I obviously didn't comment), but the second one........ :facepalm:
One of my favorites, yet to this day, was the comment:

"You shouldn't cut the lighting down so much after you close. It makes it hard to shop."

Duh! Our lighting did not drop to 50 percent until about 11:20 to 11:30. You shouldn't still be in there shopping at that point anyways.
One of my favorites, yet to this day, was the comment:

"You shouldn't cut the lighting down so much after you close. It makes it hard to shop."

Duh! Our lighting did not drop to 50 percent until about 11:20 to 11:30. You shouldn't still be in there shopping at that point anyways.

I work at a super which obviously has two entrances. About a year ago one of the comments said "Have more than one door." It's a classic.
"I lost my son for awhile & NO ONE helped me! they just stood around on their little walkie talkies about code yellow. Really, you should come up with a system for finding lost children."

Oh. Em. Gee. :facepalm:

I've never seen anything that good on our wall, but I do remember this one:

"make your plastic bags less decorative so I can use them to line my wastebasket"

One of my favorites, yet to this day, was the comment:

"You shouldn't cut the lighting down so much after you close. It makes it hard to shop."

Duh! Our lighting did not drop to 50 percent until about 11:20 to 11:30. You shouldn't still be in there shopping at that point anyways.

Ha, our lights go to 50% at 1005.

And the Code yellow thing... REALLY?!?! i mean didnt they notice that everyone in red & khaki literally drop EVERYTHING and start looking around frantically?
"I lost my son for awhile & NO ONE helped me! they just stood around on their little walkie talkies about code yellow. Really, you should come up with a system for finding lost children."

Wow...just wow
"You should have a PlayCenter/Day Care like Giant Eagle"

Nah, we have toys your kids can throw on the ground and run away from, just like you do!

"You need to have more price scanners so I don't have to walk so far to check something."
We have 14 scan stations in our store. WAY more than the super Walmart nearby.
Here's our latest pharmacy "rocket scientist" one:
"You need to order more Tylenol. The past 5 times I've been in, you've been out"

For those who don't know, Tylenol has been recalled and unavailable for about a YEAR now. We also have a SIGN stating the formations that are unavailable "DUE TO A MANUFACTURER RECALL". You can't look where the Tylenol shoul be and NOT see this signage!!! And if us NOT having it is such an issue, why haven't you ASKED someone, who I'm sure would have either pointed out the sign or simply TOLD you of the RECALL???
On that fact, I would say here is the spot brand & has no issues. Also, depending on mg's too. 500mg or 650Mg aren't too bad for 1/2 the price.
Tylenol was recall again for mold smell at the same plant in 2 years again, last month.
On that fact, I would say here is the spot brand & has no issues. Also, depending on mg's too. 500mg or 650Mg aren't too bad for 1/2 the price.
Tylenol was recall again for mold smell at the same plant in 2 years again, last month.

Which is basically what we do...and there was another one last week for products sold back in 2009! They've pretty much recalled a majority of their products with no word on when they're coming back, the only things that are available are the PM, cold, flu, etc. Even the children's versions are unavailable in the chewable forms (the liquids are slowly coming back) and guests seem to want to "blame" US for that! Sorry people! We don't MAKE it, we just SELL it...that is, we WOULD if we COULD!

We're having the same issue with some Rx meds...the FDA has recalled some of the older meeds and limiting the production of certain CIIs and guests are getting POed that we can't get them. Our pharmacists try to explain the reason, but they just want their medicine...NOW! Most of the older meds will never be back on the shelves because they have to meet new "efficacy guidelines" that weren't in place when they were first approved and it's not cost-effective for the drug manufacturers to spend the $$ to do the testing required because all are now available in generic and aren't big "money-makers" like the newer drugs that have replaced them (even though the older drugs may actually work better and have less side-effects).
"Your redcards and it's 5% off is a disgrace to the american dollar"

Yep... Seriously happened.
"Poner Personal Bolomgie"

I have no idea what it means either.

Then there was the one that said,

"You have dropped far below where you were ten years ago but if you hire me for $60,000 a year I can show you how to beat our Walmart, Kmart and all the others."
"Poner Personal Bolomgie"

I have no idea what it means either.

'Poner' is the Spanish verb for 'to put' and 'personal' is a cognate for the English adjective of the same meaning, but I have never heard the word 'bolomgie', neither in English nor in Spanish, so your guess is as good as mine what they meant to say, lol.
Maybe they want you to put personal bologna somewhere?
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