Archived Have anyone heard about the petition to keep Target from opening at midnight.

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Its BS. Nothing is gonna change. Do you really eat dinner at midnight? Also Doesn't the fam,ily stay for at least a few days? Cant you see them on friday? I don't know but people love to *************** about everything. I'm just surprised it came from a employee. a guy from Best Buy did the same thing

Link to Targets

Its the price you pay working in retial and if you don't like it, find another job.

Seems this month people are getting very feisty. From the dumb occupy movements to people complaining about working you have to wonder where our country is going...
The bad part about it, the team member put his name out there. Im sure from Steinful on down is pissed and wonder will anything happen to this guy( find ways to term him) if it hasnt been done already.
He probably will be termed for union activity/organizing a movement. Not sure if he did it on company time or not, but regardless.
Well if he did, he can enjoy Thanksgiving with his family and come to Target at midnight to shop with the mad crowd:sarcastic:
"Created By
Anthony Hardwick
Omaha, NE"

Well if he does get fired he can spend time all the time he wants with his family
Why should he be terminated?

Target has cut off all lines of communication with Team Members so they have no clue how things are doing out here. I'd say he is doing them a favor by alerting them to the problem that is brewing.
problem that he doesnt want to work and that he eats dinner way later then normal. Problem that people seem to "Care" about the employees when they really dont. They are just pissed because they think they are forced to go wait in line all day....
The local news talked about this yesterday, but when I saw the petition was started like 2 years ago I lost interest.
I think it's pretty ridiculous. If this guy feels so strongly about not working on black Friday, he should try looking into a career-type job that provides holidays off. All of the grocery stores in my area are opened every day except Christmas, he should feel lucky he at least has Thanksgiving day off.
I think it's pretty ridiculous. If this guy feels so strongly about not working on black Friday, he should try looking into a career-type job that provides holidays off. All of the grocery stores in my area are opened every day except Christmas, he should feel lucky he at least has Thanksgiving day off.
This year at least. The way things are going I wouldn't be at all surprised if we start being open on Thanksgiving.
We will next yr. They will be testing stores this yr in CO, and rollout company wide next yr. Watch and see.
I work at a store in this area and the media is getting a bit out of hand. We've been instructed to not speak to anyone in the media regarding this. We're now getting phone calls from guests complaining about how greedy we are and we should be letting the employees off to spend time with their family.
Kind of annoying all of this is coming from a fellow team member. =(
Target made Nov. personal wellness month and one of the things on the list was spending time with friends and family.
Gotta love that the one day of the year that is set aside for that very thing is being shot all to Hades for the almighty dollar and the babe in swaddling clothes.
I don't care about Christmas, it's not my holiday, and would be perfectly glad to work it but Thanksgiving means something to me.
Should it matter to Target what days are important to me?
That it annoys me that the store is closed on Christmas but I have to take a vacation day for Yom kipper and Rosh Hashanah?
Or my friend who's a TL wanted to take Samhain off but couldn't while a Catholic coworker was able to get Easter off?
In other countries like Germany they don't let large retail stores open too early or stay open too late.
They have limited hours on Sunday and are closed on national holidays.
The attitude is the workers should have time with their families just like everyone else.
Target is not going to go bankrupt by opening at 4:00 instead of at midnight.
They could probably make a major ad campaign out of it about how much they care about their employees and get more customers that way.
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many grocery stores and many other retail outlets still open during thanksgiving and christmas and you don't see them complaining or starting a petition (its stupid)
Their are plenty of people out there that want a job and are willing to work any hour that the business will require so if you don't like working those type of hours or the holidays look for a job where you don't have that schedule. point blank...(" I wont be able to spend time eating dinner with my family" ) BS . seriously that person will be up eating dinner with family at MIDNIGHT .PLEASE ...what that guy probably wants is more time to drink

Jesus. "what that guy probably wants is more time to drink"? Way to judge.

No need to yell. We're not blind, ya know...
Fact is, Target keeps trying to one-up Wallyworld. They thought they could when they announced the midnight opening. Until WM pushed THEIRS back to 10pm Thurs.
Hear that? It's the sound of Target blinking first.
Lesson: Don't try to one-up a 24-hr store.
I honestly believe it speaks to a much deeper issue. I have worked retail for a very long time and retail will always be competitive between retailers, that's just how it is. What disturbs me is that since coming to work for Target, they have always been 'FFF' and very family friendly as well. Target, over the past couple of years, has become detached from the standards that I remember so many years ago when I was hired and it seems like the team members and their family have become secondary to sales. Now, for all of you who have been at Target for a while, we ALL know that we will all be out of all the doorbuster stuff just that much earlier anyway. I could care less about opening earlier, but the public image of Target will begin to tarnish as our loyal guests will surely understand our frustration over this. From the many team members, TL's, and even ETL's I have spoken with since this was announced, they ALL agree that this will be poorly executed, as staffing will be the biggest issue. Buckle up everyone, it'll be a bumpy ride.
I remember when we had company picnics (& the store provided the food!), an annual recognition dinner (also company-paid), neat stuff in the company store, awards that meant something, feeling that we were a valued part of the company (not easily expendable), pride in whom we worked for....this is what kept me there in the early yrs. Now, it's because there isn't much out there.
look retail hires human beings, some human beings like to spend time with their families

jesus. "what that guy probably wants is more time to drink"? Way to judge.
agreed with spending time with the family but its not a secret that when you have a job you are promise off the hours of operation just comes with responsibility
you upset about working late and holiday hours and theirs is people that dont get to come home for the holidays but again its all about responsibility...

Is midnight family time what you really want because any civilized family would noy used thanksgiving as a party day.... Think about that.
Now I don't know about you guys and your ETLs but I have an interesting story. I was the closing GSA and went into the GSTL office to double check the start funds and noticed that my ETL left her email open. The message that was pulled up was about the petition. I didn't read it but the mere fact that the subject was about the petition shows that this is actually making an impact. Do you think this petition is honestly generating a change?
It'll get their attention. And it'll probably get the TM who started it fired so he'll get BF off for sure (& accomplish his goal after a fashion).
I didn't read it but the mere fact that the subject was about the petition shows that this is actually making an impact. Do you think this petition is honestly generating a change?

Good job "reading" the subject! Haha jk. 😀

A quick enough change? Probably not but it's noticed for sure. As trendy as Target is, I'm sure the PR team follows everything Target related. Plus in the age of FB/Twitter/YT it's hard for companies to ignore things now.
For all of those that say you don't eat dinner with your family at midnight, what about those that have family out of town? And since Target closes all time-offs in like August for the holidays, it's going to be harder and harder to be your family even for just 24h.
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