Archived Haven't had a 90 day review yet

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Oct 2, 2014
Well, I started a little over 3 months ago, but haven't had my 90 day review yet. Thing is, since my first week there, I haven't worked less then 35 hours in a week, my average is 40, and I've had overtime twice, approved both times, and I was promoted to electronics while still under my 90 days. Would you guys say that I'm safe?
Yeah, I finally got my "check in" about 3 weeks after my 90 days. Everybody said as long as I was still being scheduled after my 90 days I was good. Seems to be the case. Congrats on the promotion!
Don't think I got one either 2nd time round. I did in 2009 though.
I've been at target since the beginning of May and I never had a review
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