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May 4, 2018

I’ve been looking at the site for a good year now and decided today that with the questions I have it’s time to make an account.
I was hired seasonally about a year and a half ago. I started in hardlines, I was hired on permanently and then I moved to Starbucks.
Ever since I moved to Starbucks I’ve had some issues with my HR lady. I’m not sure why but she doesn’t like me and I’ve caught her talking about me and other team members in a very negative way. She plays with peoples hours if you do anything that displeases her.
hours have been a struggle. She refuses to schedule me consistent hours but insists I have open availability.
So I got a second job that pays me $2.50 better an hour. I can only offer target 1-2 days out of the week (open or mid shift). I’ve been told to put my two weeks in or give 3-4 days. I really don’t want to do that yet but I feel as though I have to. She wants to discuss when I go into work today. Any suggestions?
We have many TMs who only work at Target 1 or 2 shifts a week, because they have a F/T job elsewhere. It's not unheard of. Not sure why your "battle" is just between you and the "HR lady". It sounds like you need the support of your immediate Leader, and your ETL to make this work. If they feel you're still an asset to the Starbucks Team on days that support the business, then they can go to bat for you. When you talk w/ the "HR lady", take your emotions/opinions about her out of the equation. The meeting is about what you can offer to get what you want in return. Make sure you're truly willing to help the business; ie: being available for weekend business/ or Friday nights when there's call-0uts, etc. Try to be as flexible as you can w/ what you can offer.... and get the support of your Leadership. Good Luck !
Second what sprinkle says.
Keep your discussion at a dispassionate level.
Despite having open avail, your hours are insufficient which necessitated a second job.
Unless she can give you a bit more-consistent schedule or additional hours, you may need to be ready to walk.
If you haven't taken your BTS yet, this would be an excellent opp to take the ETL-HR to task for her trash-talk about you & other TMs (contributing to poor morale) & contributing to loss of talent in a specialty area.
If you haven't taken the BTS, pay particular attention to the statement about leaving Target for a job with equal or greater pay.
Answer it with 'disagree' or 'neither disagree or agree' & it will ask for a specific reason; choose 'other' & a comment box will appear.
Use it.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
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