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Jun 7, 2011
This has been a long time coming. My peer is always on my back about my area, my people, my way of doing things. I finally had enough and told my ETL about the issues going on. Now my ETL and HR are going to have me meet with them and my peer. The issue is this coworker is going to take this meeting badly I know her and she is not one that likes to talk. I dont know how to have this meeting without coming out of that office with a new enemy. Any help is welcomed!
I would take some quiet time and write down your points, examples, ideas, and frustrations ahead of time. That way the discussion can hit each of those points and you should have better results.
I had this with one of fellow tms. She was always questioning everything anyone did and would say that's not the right way to do it or we never use to do it that way. After letting this go on for weeks I spoke to my etl and the 3 of us sat down for a talk. I stated the problems as I saw them, I was honest but not mean. I told this person that if she had a problem with the way I or any other tm did their job that she should talk to our tl. The meeting went well, she promised not to question everything I did and things got a lot better. Are we friends? Not really but we're not enemies either. A sit down talk with the etl and hr present is better than letting your co-worker treat you without respect. Just say your piece and don't get angry, let them know you want to resolve the issue and be able to work together with this co-worker. Remember though that there are people who are just nit pickers and they don't know how to change. Good luck.
DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT....Both sides of the story. Pros and cons. Positives and negatives. ETLs eat that up.

Write up your personal and team's strengths and weaknesses. List any goals that you achieved or still working on. List any incidents that were handle correctly and efficiently. List any incidents that could have been handled different. List any needs training, equipment, or time.

You want to go into a group meeting with something in hand.

Just don't be throwing excusations or opinions on someone else's work skills or ethics at a meeting.
DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT....Both sides of the story. Pros and cons. Positives and negatives. ETLs eat that up.

Write up your personal and team's strengths and weaknesses. List any goals that you achieved or still working on. List any incidents that were handle correctly and efficiently. List any incidents that could have been handled different. List any needs training, equipment, or time.

You want to go into a group meeting with something in hand.

Just don't be throwing excusations or opinions on someone else's work skills or ethics at a meeting.


Always write stuff down and keep your cool.
Never curse, be the calm one and make sure you have your ducks in a row.
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