Archived Honestly Cute

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These are the prenatal ones I'm talking about.

Back to the dolls though, they just added more today since we got a truck. I haven't seen anyone actually buy them though which doesn't surprise me. Most kids would prefer a Baby Alive doll instead.

I'm actually surprised people buy the Our Generation dolls since they're really cheap American Girl knock offs but at least they come with nice accessories
Slightly off topic, I wonder if my store will carry the brown ones lol. We almost never have the brown baby dolls (we have a small selection of brown fashion dolls, though) and people always catch me folding leggings next to the doll aisle and they're like "umm... Do you guys have....... Dolls with....... Brown..... Skin?" Nit is next to toys in my store and I'm black so I guess they expect me to know where one could buy a doll of color.
There weren't any at all at first at my store but after the new truck came in, there were plenty of them
Our little Circo dolls have the "Honestly Cute" labels. I wonder if the "feed and go" dolls are part of a trial of new dolls? I noticed that the feed & go doll needs batteries......sure don't want to know what sound effects the doll makes! Hey, what is the price of this "new" little doll?

The "Our Generation" dolls actually are a reasonable substitute for the American Girl dolls. I mean, most of the American Girl dolls run well over $100.00....and how many families can afford that price? Have you ever noticed the the "our Generation" dolls actually have the eyes that open and close? Most other dolls don't have that feature anymore...seems pretty creepy to be a little girl playing with my doll and then "put her to bed" and have her eyes remain open.
Maybe then they'll have to "take baby to the morgue" and buy her a casket!!
It probably burbs and may make a peeing sound. Maybe I should buy my niece one to encourage potty training. I had a doll that ate this food stuff (it looked like apple sauce) and then it "pooped" but in a diaper. I kinda loved it tbh. I had that cabbage patch doll that ate food too, but then it was recalled lol
It probably burbs and may make a peeing sound. Maybe I should buy my niece one to encourage potty training. I had a doll that ate this food stuff (it looked like apple sauce) and then it "pooped" but in a diaper. I kinda loved it tbh. I had that cabbage patch doll that ate food too, but then it was recalled lol
I really wanted that first one when i was a kid, just because it pooped.
Is the cabbage patch doll you're talking about the one that could easily bite your fingers off and low key eat you alive?
Yea lol, that's the one. I put my finger in it a few times just to see, but I didn't get hurt

Oh, guys I bought that feed and potty honestly cute doll (my store didn't carry the black one, so I bought the white one). I bought the like $4 Latina colored doll too and it also fits in the potty and high chair seat. Not the cutest dolls on earth, but my niece doesn't care. She just likes feeding the doll and flushing the potty (that's the only sound effect btw)
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