Archived How many trucks does your store get?

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Former PFresh Assistant
Jun 15, 2011
I'm just curious as to how many trucks other stores out there get each week and avg pieces for both the holiday season and the rest of the year.

My store AA+ Super
Normal 8 per week about 2,500 pieces each
5 FDC about 1,700

Holidays we get 14 trucks... doubles every night, and I believe that they start next week 🙁
Typically we get about three trucks a week with an average of about 1800. Doubles during holidays and sometimes we get two trucks a week.
We normally get around 6 trucks a week with an average of about 2300. For holidays we will probably get 10 trucks a week, three doubles a week.
B-volume, 4am store. Four trucks a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, between 1800 - 2400 pieces, average 2100. PFresh trucks Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Holiday season we get six trucks a week, Monday - Saturday, with no trucks on Sundays. Not sure how often we get doubles, but when we do, the ETL-LOG tries to switch the Flow process for that night from 4am, to 12am, with the Flow and Backroom AM teams out by 8am.
C volume store and we will start 6 trucks a week on monday. 4am store....Normally we get 3 per week.
B Volume. 4 AM Unload. 5 trucks a week, 2200 piece average. 3 FDC trucks. Dunno about holiday season, but I can ask!
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B-volume, 4am store. Four trucks a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, between 1800 - 2400 pieces, average 2100. PFresh trucks Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Holiday season we get six trucks a week, Monday - Saturday, with no trucks on Sundays. Not sure how often we get doubles, but when we do, the ETL-LOG tries to switch the Flow process for that night from 4am, to 12am, with the Flow and Backroom AM teams out by 8am.

Ditto. Although we take eight trucks a week from now until xmas. Our store is the only Target store within 70 miles so we do more business than the other stores in our district at this time of the year. We are on the border of two states and Canada so we get a lot of crossover business. We do over $730,000 on Black Friday and we are still only a B store.
B-volume, 4am store. Four trucks a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, between 1800 - 2400 pieces, average 2100. PFresh trucks Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Holiday season we get six trucks a week, Monday - Saturday, with no trucks on Sundays. Not sure how often we get doubles, but when we do, the ETL-LOG tries to switch the Flow process for that night from 4am, to 12am, with the Flow and Backroom AM teams out by 8am.

Ultra low volume D store - 3 trucks - 6 am unload (except for a few days around the holidays) - 2 McLane food trucks.
Normally 4 a week 1800/2100 but that changes now with the holidays. 2 McLane trucks also.
B Volume here. 4-5 trucks a week avg 1900-2200 during most of the year with a few 1500 or so once in a while. Back to school and Christmas we can expect 7-11 trucks per week. Average will increase to 2200-2400. We have been overnights since July and will be going to 4am sometime in January. Thank goodness we didn't have to change to 4am for a few weeks between back to school and Christmas. What a pain trying to adjust your sleep habits from one work schedule to the other and then back again. We also have 2 McLane trucks a week, but that doesn't really concern flow. (Unless we're 4am and can help push it after the truck is finished.)
B Volume here. 4-5 trucks a week avg 1900-2200 during most of the year with a few 1500 or so once in a while. Back to school and Christmas we can expect 7-11 trucks per week. Average will increase to 2200-2400. We have been overnights since July and will be going to 4am sometime in January. Thank goodness we didn't have to change to 4am for a few weeks between back to school and Christmas. What a pain trying to adjust your sleep habits from one work schedule to the other and then back again. We also have 2 McLane trucks a week, but that doesn't really concern flow. (Unless we're 4am and can help push it after the truck is finished.)

Sleep habits can easily be adjusted. For three years I worked Mon-Fri 6am to 3:30pm for my primary job, then worked Friday/Saturday nights from 9:30pm - 8am. That meant I was up at 6am Friday and didn't get to bed until about 9am Saturday morning; slept until about 4pm then did it again Sunday, hitting bed about 9am and forcing myself to be up by noon or 1pm so I could get back to sleep Sunday about 10pm and start the whole cycle again. I never had any problems, and I wasn't exactly a youngster (I was about 40 or so).
My store gets 10-14 trucks a week, more during 4th quarter. P-fresh gets shipment 3 times a week. It's a super-duper high volume store.
Normally, 4 regular trucks, 3 general food trucks. Right now we're getting 6 a week for the holidays, possibly 7 in the coming month.

I cannot imagine getting as many as some people in here... we're all stressed out enough already. :wacko2:
Volume C almost made B last year. 4 trucks, 3 food. Will get 6 or 7 a week for the holidays. Trucks average 2200.
4 to 5 gm trucks and 3 food trucks a week. Pfresh has been a freaking nightmare with the logistics process. We're a mid to high B volume, possibly about to jump to A once next year rolls around.
4 to 5 gm trucks and 3 food trucks a week. Pfresh has been a freaking nightmare with the logistics process. We're a mid to high B volume, possibly about to jump to A once next year rolls around.

Same here. I really do hope we make it up to A.
Our average week would have 5 GM trucks and 4 FDC trucks a week... Right now we are taking 6-7 GM and 4-5 FDC though...
A-Volume Pfresh.

Normal: 7 GM ~2,100 pieces, 3 FDC ~700-1000 pieces.
4th Quarter: 14GM (Starting Monday), 3 FDC.
We get about 3 trucks every night. 2 Regualar & 1 Pfresh. Each truck iranges from 1500-2500 pieces.
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