Archived How to request more hours?

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Nov 18, 2017
So, I am a seasonal hire and I started about a couple weeks ago. So, because of this, I understand there is a distinct possibility I could be let go at the end of my contract. This is my first job, and I'm a junior in high school, so I'm really trying to set myself apart from the others. But, the past couple weeks, after I finished my 3 or so days of training, I've haven't been getting many hours on the schedule. I've tried using the Kronos app, but I have no idea how to know the shift actually went through and was secured. The shift-swap board in the break room hardly ever has any shifts available either, so its practically useless. Any help here?
Atleast at my store the KronosMobile app is very underutilized. People prefer to use the paper swap sheets at TSC. You should ask someone at tsc to guide you through the App . It’s difficult to explain via text in this forum. Talk to your TL about getting more hours too. We are in Q4 and there should be no shortage of hours. Sometimes you just got to ask. Dont just depend on an App or even this forum. Be proactive, good luck.
I don't know if all stores have this but we have a whiteboard where you can write in if you are available on your day off. If people no show, call in or there's an extra truck (even if that's not what you normally do) they might call you in.

Your hours may go up. I'm new (hired at the same time as seasonal but told they want to keep me on if I'm willing) and mine have fluctuated substantially. Also weeks I need time off (2 weekends declared at my interview) seem to be really low. Let your fellow TMS know you are willing too. If people know you are looking for hours they might come to you directly when a shift comes up they want to get covered.
It's tricky. Minors can't close or work mornings so it's hard to schedule them this time of year. With the extended hours of the holidays, minors are getting 2 or 3 shifts a week at my store unless they are in food service.

Don't ask for more hours you will sound whiny and I doubt they will keep you. HR is stressed as is this time of year. Let your ETL and hr know they can call you if they ever need to fill a shift.
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I wasn’t thinking about the minor issue and that is definitely a factor . Still I think my suggestions stand.
Want more hours? Learn more stuff. I'm a minor but I get my maximum availability every week because I'm well rounded and can do everything on the front end.

Work hard where you are. Don't call out. Say yes if you're asked to come in for a shift. Don't complain when you're at work. Build relationships with your fellow team members and leads. (also all of that applies if you want to be kept on after seasonal)
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