Archived HR Issue

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Sep 17, 2014
So I took a TM from another store in my district to finish off her AST training. They have no TL right now and so their ETL is their main point of contact. I've heard so many disturbing things about what is going on there that I felt I needed to shower after word. Long story short, this TM told me that her ETL was so desperate to get her signed off (apparently the DTL is now involved) that said ETL had the TM's punches deleted from HR and had her work without a lunch and off the clock. I was beyond shocked when she told me this that I asked her if she was telling me the truth, she said yes. So as a TL, there's not much I can do to fight back an ETL especially at another store so I contacted my STL and told her what was told to me. I just had to report it, it was making me feel guilty for letting that pass off as okay just because someone higher than her did that shady crap to save their own ass. Was this the right move or what should I have done?
That's what I feel she should have done. I'm just shocked that this happened.
That is messed up on a MYRIAD of levels.
I can't even.....:mad:
Long story short, this TM told me that her ETL was so desperate to get her signed off (apparently the DTL is now involved) that said ETL had the TM's punches deleted from HR and had her work without a lunch and off the clock.
I don't get it. How would that help her get signed off?
I hope that tm was present with you, when you reported it your stl. Because they don't work at your store & you could get in trouble for misinformation. Be very careful.. Document all events without delay.
Follow your COC. Report it to your STL and ETL-HR. They will then report it to District who will investigate it.
I just relayed to my STL what the TM from this store told me. I asked her what I should do and she told me I already did my part.
That poor TM....
Terming would be too good for that @#$!! ETL.
He needs a ride in the baler.
And my buddies say there's still room in the walk-in.
You absolutely did the right thing! Hopefully your STL gets the correct people involved and that ETL gets fired.

I'm a CVS at Target employee now. One of my techs, who happens to be a former CVS employee, told me that she had done her online training at home. I was angry and made her do a punch correction. No one should work for free! I'm honestly ok with her doing it at home free of distractions, but she should get paid for it!
I hope something gets done. I was shocked that an ETL would do this knowing the repercussions and how unethical that was, obviously if what the TM said was truly of course.
I hope something gets done. I was shocked that an ETL would do this knowing the repercussions and how unethical that was, obviously if what the TM said was truly of course.

If and when it does, I'm sure you will only find out about second hand.
Spot doesn't like to air it's dirty laundry and this is as dirty as it gets.
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I care more about this not happening again but yeah I agree. I just wanted to do my pet to help stop it.
You should hear something back within 2 days. If not call the integrity hotline and tell them it was someone working off the clock by leadership direction.
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