Archived info about insurance and rant about misinfo!

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Dec 7, 2011
Through part of open enrollment, no one could tell me why my PPO from last year wasn't carrying forward. So I call TMSC and found out that I had the Part time PPO and now my average hours required that I have Full Time insurance. So I made my changes, enrolled and away we go.

hours got cut... severely. I went from 39/40 per week to 26. OUCH! And the way I'm scheduled it's rather difficult to pick up shifts. Anyway, I realized there is no way my average hours is gonna stay above 31.5. I asked our HRtm if this is going to affect my insurance. To give her credit, the first thing she told me is I don't know, call TSMC. The second thing I shouldn't have listened to.. check with one of the execs. I checked with my STL. I was told in no uncertain terms that yes it would affect my insurance, i'm going to have to pick up hours where ever i can. UGH!!! I spent the rest of my shift and the ride home worrying how am I going to do this?

I called and was told that average hours are only reviewed once a year for insurance EXCEPT if you are demoted. Since I'm low man on the totem pole. YAY!!!

Now I know that it's very rare in any company that hr knows absolutely all the ins and outs of insurance, I'm not questioning that. But an exec? wth? don't open your mouth unless you are absolutely sure of what info you are giving out! the other thing, I can't be the only team member in this situation, can I?

I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about this but I know of a number of TM's who couldn't qualify for plans because they missed the required number of hours by as little as .5 hours.
In every case they are technically full time so the cutting hours across the board is straight from the top.
as often as target changes things, i would just call hroc (lol---change) and talk with them on ANYTHING benefit related. most etls are useless in hr stuff, and a lot of hrs ive met lately are the same way. there are several wonderful hr knowledgeable people here if you need a direction to go in.
Market, you were given lots of mis-information. First of all, you do not ask your HR or anyone at the store about benefits or impact to benefits, you call the Target Benefits Center 800-828-5850 (NOT the TMSC) Yes, average hours impact EVERYTHING! If you can't maintain 32 average hours you lose National Holiday Pay, Personal Holiday hours, and the Full Time better insurance benefits. You will now only get vacation hours, and the basic medical and dental plans.
Through part of open enrollment, no one could tell me why my PPO from last year wasn't carrying forward. So I call TMSC and found out that I had the Part time PPO and now my average hours required that I have Full Time insurance. So I made my changes, enrolled and away we go.

hours got cut... severely. I went from 39/40 per week to 26. OUCH! And the way I'm scheduled it's rather difficult to pick up shifts. Anyway, I realized there is no way my average hours is gonna stay above 31.5. I asked our HRtm if this is going to affect my insurance. To give her credit, the first thing she told me is I don't know, call TSMC. The second thing I shouldn't have listened to.. check with one of the execs. I checked with my STL. I was told in no uncertain terms that yes it would affect my insurance, i'm going to have to pick up hours where ever i can. UGH!!! I spent the rest of my shift and the ride home worrying how am I going to do this?

I called and was told that average hours are only reviewed once a year for insurance EXCEPT if you are demoted. Since I'm low man on the totem pole. YAY!!!

Now I know that it's very rare in any company that hr knows absolutely all the ins and outs of insurance, I'm not questioning that. But an exec? wth? don't open your mouth unless you are absolutely sure of what info you are giving out! the other thing, I can't be the only team member in this situation, can I?

I am in the same boat. They wouldn't let me renew my PPO, because they said I'm now considered a full time employee, and my old policy was a part time plan.
I am in the same boat. They wouldn't let me renew my PPO, because they said I'm now considered a full time employee, and my old policy was a part time plan.

I liked the PPO. Not overly thrilled with either HRA or HSA option but oh well. I've got it now. Now I gotta pick up shifts so that I can cover the extra expense 0.o since we are still wicked light on hours.
I believe the PPO plan used to be called tne Traditional Plan, and had co-pays, right? Yeah, they are getting rid of that plan and all HMO's in fact.
I liked the PPO. Not overly thrilled with either HRA or HSA option but oh well. I've got it now. Now I gotta pick up shifts so that I can cover the extra expense 0.o since we are still wicked light on hours.
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