Archived InStocks help

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Feb 20, 2012

I have recently started training on InStocks. I am a little confused about the process. I don't really know what the difference is between RIGS, RSCH, and OUTS. I think I just need a better explanation of the whole instocks thing.

I feel like RSCH and OUTS are the same thing?

Any advice or input would be appreciated 🙂
Outs - to be used for truly out of stock items (nothing on the shelf). Pulls from the backroom if it has a location. Outs are shot in every department every day. Outs is used to fill the floor to correct things that are in the backroom that should be on the floor. Put a grey dot on anything you scan under Outs.

Research - to be used to change the on hands (how many the pda says we have) for anything that does not fulfill minimum presentation - one each per facing or completely out of stock. Ex. you have four shelves of tide but you only have 1 container on one shelf. the pda says you have 2. You can then type in 1 and it will change the on hands to one. Does not matter if there is a grey dot on it or not. If it is out of stock, scan it. This will trigger it to be ordered for the store. Research is conducted once a week for a particular fillgroup. Research should not be used to fill the floor.

RIGs- Research Investigation Group. These are for items with suspicious sales or quantities. ex. baby food on hands of 20 with no backroom location but the shelf capacity is 12. The computer wants to know if it is overstocked or missing so it tells you count how many you see. More often, these trigger for items that are out of stock that do not have rainchecks up yet.
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you're thinking about this too hard.

instocks is a mindgame...don't even jump through the hoops.

Just grab some grey dots and have fun!
As far as Outs, Research, and RIGs go, all you really need to know is:

-Outs: Scan only the new, non-dotted out-of-stock merchandise, then put a dot on it.

-Research: Scan all non-dotted AND dotted out-of-stock merchandise and update the counts accordingly. And always update a negative on-hand count to whatever it is you see there on the shelf. Also, you must scan critical lows in Research. For example, if the items-per-facing is supposed to be 2, but there is only 1 item on the shelf, scan that item and enter 1.

-RIGs: Simple enough..just go to the location it directs you to, scan it, and count how many there are at that location only. Be sure to look out for double facings. And always make sure to scan the item, not the shelf label, when doing RIGs..of course unless if the item is out of stock.

Well thats pretty much the basics of it. I won't get into detail about the drastic count reports or PTMs. Hope that helped!
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