Archived Interview attire?

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Nov 4, 2011
Hello everyone. 🙂

I have an interview coming up Monday for the seasonal position and is looking forward to it! 🙂 May I ask what would be the appropriate attire to wear for the interview? I do not want to be overdressed.

I was thinking of wearing tan slacks and red turtleneck sweater with a makeshift name tag "Please Hire Me. 🙂 " Would that be too much for the interview or come across as too cocky?

Yeh, it would. You'd be remembered but not necessarily in a good way.
Dressy casual slacks, open-collar polo or other nice shirt. Combed hair, no bed-head.
If you have piercings, wear the smaller ones.
Thank you.

After I posted, I realized it was too arrogant and decided to scratch that wardrobe idea. lol Plan to wear my black slacks and nice blouse.
Just don't want you to be the butt of TL jokes.
Tats & piercings are OK as long as they aren't overly distracting. Dressy casual & neat are your best bet.
Good luck on the interview.
Good luck on the interview.
I have read that you want to dress one step up from the standard dress of where you want to work, whatever that means.
Sounds like you went the right route.
Liked your original idea though.
Welcome to the forum. You should be fine if you follow the rest of the suggestions above. Hope all goes well!
thank you everyone. *sipping cup o java*

mrknownothing, just a seasonal position. I have put down sales floor or cashiering, I am pretty flexible.
thank you everyone. *sipping cup o java*

mrknownothing, just a seasonal position. I have put down sales floor or cashiering, I am pretty flexible.

I was just wondering which workcenter you were going for, that's all.
Salesfloor, I hope!

I hope so too....I have a feeling I'll get salesfloor rather than cashier due to my deafness. I have done cashiering before and one of the pros was not having to hear guests' complaints or whatever. Especially on Black Friday! 😉 :music:
Welcome to our forums. I can't add to what was said before me but don't be a stranger once you are hired. Good luck!
Thank you Bullseye. I intend to update everyone on the status once I have my interview on MOnday. Do we find out immediately after interview if we are hired or not?
For the love of god, just make sure you don't wear jeans. You have no idea how many interviews I do where the prospective TM is wearing jeans and a tshirt.... soooo unprofessional.
Thank you Bullseye. I intend to update everyone on the status once I have my interview on MOnday. Do we find out immediately after interview if we are hired or not?

we usually extend an offer right after second interview - only thing is - if there is no one there that is able to extend - they might call you within a day or two to come back. But no longer than that - Target needs to hire the seasonal TM right away in order to get you trained for BF
The majority of stores will extend a conditional job offer to you after the interview if they plan on hiring you. If you are just told to leave right after don't get your hopes down because there is still a slight chance they could do a call back for you, but the majority of the time you would be given the form for a drug test and conditional offer on the spot.
Holey jeans---checked
Stained shirt--checked
Serious case of bed hair--checked

Yup, I m looking good and all ready for the interview! In all seriousness, red turtleneck with black pin stripe slacks and hair nicely done. High heels..scratched that idea since I want to be comfortable so nice black shoes.

Will update you all when I am done with interview, job or no job.

Wish me luck!!
Update: I got the job! 😀 I have to return to Target tomorrow to get the "official" offer , paperwork, and drug test set up from the HR. The reason for this was she needed to arrange an interpreter for the orientation and was unfamiliar with the process since I am the first person who needed an interpreter for interviews/orientation. She told me it takes up to 24 hours to process the interpreter request for orientation so she wants to offer me once she gets the definite set up for orientation. Blah bl least I got the job! 😀

They want to put me on the flow team with shift starting at 4 a.m.
Make sure you have good shoes, your feet are going to need them.
Work gloves can come in handy too.
Thanks hardlinemaster and commiecorvus, for the tips. Appreciate all the help.

When I was brought into the room for interview, there were four tables set up. After my first interview, I had to wait a "sec" (more like 20 mins but that was okay since I spent the sweet time chit chatting with terp lol). Then a male interviewer came in with the applicant. It was awkward having other people doing the interview in the same room. That applicant was weird....twitchy and unkempt hair. AND third interviewer came in with another applicant (one of the posters who commented here, you'd love this...he was wearing jeans and very casual t shirt). I felt very overdressed and felt like i was invading their space.

Is it the norm to have more than one applicant interview in the same room? There were three of us being interviewed in close proximity. The stares from other applicants while I was doing the second interview....awkward much?
Is it the norm to have more than one applicant interview in the same room? There were three of us being interviewed in close proximity. The stares from other applicants while I was doing the second interview....awkward much?

I've never seen them do that at our store (or any place I've ever worked at).
They must have been seriously short on space or trying to do a ton of interviews at the same time.
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