Archived Is It Worth Training New Hires?

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Finally A Guest Again
Nov 11, 2015
My store hired a bunch of people for backroom. Maybe 2 out of, I don't know, 20, have told me that they plan on staying after Christmas. We have a lot of people who don't want to work and who just twiddle their thumbs or talk to each other about other stuff while I'm training them. The disrespect is real. I've had a few occassions where I told them to man up and stop wasting my time. I told another that I hope he quits because he doesn't want to do anything, period! We gave him the option to backstock, help in truck or help us do myfa and his words were literally, "I'll backstock so I don't have to do anything." I'm not joking. I put him on myfa after he said that and that's when I also told him that I hope he quits. I'm tired of wasting my breath and talking to air when I try to train these assholes. Is it even worth training these new hires? I mean, during the busiest time of the year, having a trail or trainees who aren't interested and are only there for an easy buck feels more like a punishment at this point and I don't know who I pissed off to deserve it.
I don’t think so. I have so many new cashiers at my target that don’t even know how to do basic things like count change or even keep their phones in their pockets while cashing guests out. Target should just suck it up and give existing team members more hours instead of trying to keep everyone under 30.
We have a lot of people who don't want to work and who just twiddle their thumbs or talk to each other about other stuff while I'm training them.

You should provide feedback about your trainees' lazy behavior during your training sessions to their TL/ETL asap so they are aware of who the slackers are among these new hires. Just see how long they last after that if they don't change their ways.
I don’t think so. I have so many new cashiers at my target that don’t even know how to do basic things like count change or even keep their phones in their pockets while cashing guests out. Target should just suck it up and give existing team members more hours instead of trying to keep everyone under 30.

This is a fallacy that they are trying to keep existing team members down. Although YEMV.

You can't staff without seasonals. For example my store generally gets 200 or so hours for hardlines. For black Friday we have 600 and everyone who wants it has 40. We are still 100 hours underposted because we need more seasonals.

The truth is you need some seasonals just to give breaks or push the truck. Yeah they may suck but it's better than being understaffed
You should provide feedback about your trainees' lazy behavior during your training sessions to their TL/ETL asap so they are aware of who the slackers are among these new hires. Just see how long they last after that if they don't change their ways.

So this. I had a heart to heart with my etl sf about a seasonal texting during my orientation after being warned to stop. She called her into her office and termed her. I was impressed

For the worst seasonals. Just laugh and remember they will be gone soon. At my old store we would joke about how bad some of last year's seasonals were.
We had a SL team member one day who pushed reshop for like 20 minutes of her shift then asked me (FRO) if there was anything to do back in FR because she didn’t want to run all over the place. There was one full three tier left, but luckily we had a good amount of tm’s scheduled, so I just let her organize hangers and train her on the phone. She didn’t even want to learn phones, but told her she had no choice there. Found out today she quit after a couple NCNS. She was really nice (to me at least), but barely wanted to do anything).
So this. I had a heart to heart with my etl sf about a seasonal texting during my orientation after being warned to stop. She called her into her office and termed her. I was impressed

HRZone, I am impressed too. Wow!

For the worst seasonals. Just laugh and remember they will be gone soon. At my old store we would joke about how bad some of last year's seasonals were.

That's true. Most JA or quit even before we decide not to keep them.

I am pretty patient when it comes to training those who want to learn. I hate it when people waste my time with their crappy attitude (like with OP's trainees). I have got more important things to do than talk to the air for hours. If they are that bad, I will definitely consider speaking with their leader.
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It would be nice to just get our o/n seasonal hires to get through more than a couple shifts before they stop showing up. One guy quit within 30 minutes. Everyone that has been there a while helped train one new TM because it seemed like she caught on quick, was eager to learn and was doing really well. 3 weeks in, she didn't come in and then called and said she quit.

It's hard to stay motivated to spend the time to train people correctly when so much of it goes to waste.
Target does not pay enough or treat employees well enough for the amount of work that is expected to be done.
Target has this image by a lot of people as being a great company and a more high end store. If they want that image and to be viewed that way they need to pay well enough to attract and keep good people.
When I was hired at the dc our interview group was probably 30-40 people out of that group maybe 10 -12 we’re hired and I was the only one remaining after roughly a year or year and half.... some just don’t want to work and some are just clueless and can’t catch on
This is a fallacy that they are trying to keep existing team members down. Although YEMV.

You can't staff without seasonals. For example my store generally gets 200 or so hours for hardlines. For black Friday we have 600 and everyone who wants it has 40. We are still 100 hours underposted because we need more seasonals.

The truth is you need some seasonals just to give breaks or push the truck. Yeah they may suck but it's better than being understaffed

We are understaffed as well and we do not have enough applicants! I will take some OT :D.
We are understaffed as well and we do not have enough applicants! I will take some OT :D.

We did last 4th quarter understaffed with no risers and double freight and no containers, we were fucked and will be fucked this year. The ones we are getting are either great and then realize they are fucked and split or complete waste of space and we can't wait for them to quit.

And yes they did gut our hours to give them hours since they need time to learn the job.. How the fuck can you learn a job without the people who actually do it to teach them? Cause there isn't any hours to train them..

OT? That seems to be reserved only for two special TL's at my store..

You must know these words to training new seasonal team member. "Your training instructor is Senior Human Resource Team Leader. This is the first person in your chain of command Assisting in the duties are Team leaders Logistics,
Team Leader Guest Service and Team Leader Sales Floor. Our goal is make each and everyone of you to become a nonunion Seasonal Team Member. A Target Team Member is characterized with one who has the highest retail workers. The worker obey orders, respect their seniors and management and constantly cross train to be the very best. Discipline and spirits are the spots of a target team member. We will give every effort to train each and every one of you when many of you will give quit on your own."
Some of my issues in the past with training new hires has come from our HR. Ours specifically, not poking at any of you awesome HR peeps. They would schedule a trainee with the same hours as me and then FAIL to tell me I was training that day. Nothing more frustrating than being knee deep in workload only to have this strange new TM walk up, introduce themselves, and tell you that you're training them. Like *SURPRISE* :p
Some of my issues in the past with training new hires has come from our HR. Ours specifically, not poking at any of you awesome HR peeps. They would schedule a trainee with the same hours as me and then FAIL to tell me I was training that day. Nothing more frustrating than being knee deep in workload only to have this strange new TM walk up, introduce themselves, and tell you that you're training them. Like *SURPRISE* :p
I've had that happen twice. Nothing like training somebody for hardline while setting a sales planner and covering half the floor by yourself . By the way both are wastes of space .
Some of my issues in the past with training new hires has come from our HR. Ours specifically, not poking at any of you awesome HR peeps. They would schedule a trainee with the same hours as me and then FAIL to tell me I was training that day. Nothing more frustrating than being knee deep in workload only to have this strange new TM walk up, introduce themselves, and tell you that you're training them. Like *SURPRISE* :p

Very legit complaint, I do my best to put up a training schedule with the trainers name up on the learning mentor board.
Man we just hired 70 just in 1 month. There are quite a few that just stand around on the sales floor not doing anything. Theyre giving these new hires 40hrs and pushing people who have had 40 hours consistently down to 20 and less. It's absolutely wrong. Idk if this is a corporate push down the line or what but people are very upset.
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