Is this normal???

This is something to bring up with the Logistics ETL. Inexcusable. Night crew should have had the decency to process this shit. It would only take a few minutes. Crank out a bale? 5 mins tops.
Our 3rd ETL-GM since christmas just quit on Thursday. This is every single day for the last 10 years. This is how it looks when I leave at night. Have had to start taking pictures because the leadership keeps trying to blame me for not cleaning it up....


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I'm pretty sure a call to OSHA or somebody would do something, isn't it literally against the law to leave that baler OPEN? I was always told it was a huge fine.
I'm pretty sure a call to OSHA or somebody would do something, isn't it literally against the law to leave that baler OPEN? I was always told it was a huge fine
I already did, our region has one inspector who is not interested in leavibg his/her office for anything short of a death... and even then it's grudgingly
Pretty much normal, especially if there's a double. Nobody takes the time to organize the repacks. If I'm back there working receiving they'll put them in right. So it's not like they don't know how. I understand now why most receiving TMs over the years have been grouchy, since I started in the position.

Are you the only receiving TM? It really helps to have someone else work 2 days, and with both of you scheduled at least 1 day/week just to help catch up, and give you regular days off and it won't be so destroyed when you get back.
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Pretty much normal, especially if there's a double. Nobody takes the time to organize the repacks. If I'm back there working receiving they'll put them in right. So it's not like they don't know how. I understand now why most receiving TMs over the years have been grouchy, since I started in the position.

Are you the only receiving TM? It really helps to have someone else work 2 days, and with both of you scheduled at least 1 day/week just to help catch up, and give you regular days off and it won't be so destroyed when you get back.
I am the only Receiving person (no backup, no break coverage, no vacation coverage) and I'm scheduled to do the backroom Audits every day, sweep the backroom every day, get carts every day... so I really don't even get to do any of my job. By double you mean trucks, right? We average two trucks a week because it takes the team three days to unload and push, we haven't had a single week without cancelling a truck since September. I could understamd a mess if we were doing two trucks in a day, but we're not...
Ok, so it really is I work at the worst store in Target. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can look up a store number by location so I can contact the HR where I'm moving? Thanks...
That's crazy I guess having a higher volume can be a blessing in some ways. I'm at an A level Super Target. We get 5-7 trucks / week and hardly ever cancel a truck, and rarely have freight roll over to the next day.
Just do a Google map search of Targets nearby your future location and call those stores.
Ok, so it really is I work at the worst store in Target. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can look up a store number by location so I can contact the HR where I'm moving? Thanks...
1040 use to be worse than you but they got a new Sd last year and now it’ a lot better . And fyi your pictures says a lot about which store you are at.
backroom Audits every day, sweep the backroom every day, get carts every day... so I really don't even get to do any of my job.
None of this is the job of receiving. Sweep the receing area but not the whole backroom. Their next receiving person will quit quickly. When are you leaving? Are they aware? Have they even given you someone else to train yet?
None of this is the job of receiving. Sweep the receing area but not the whole backroom. Their next receiving person will quit quickly. When are you leaving? Are they aware? Have they even given you someone else to train yet?
Early next year, yes, and no not at all... not even to help when I'm off....
None of this is the job of receiving. Sweep the receing area but not the whole backroom. Their next receiving person will quit quickly. When are you leaving? Are they aware? Have they even given you someone else to train yet?
I dunno if it's in the job description, but our receivers will take care of anything going into a trailer (dunnage, repack pallets, plastic, etc.). We usually take care of it as Inbound, but if we take 3-4 trucks and things aren't 100% by the time they arrive, they do it.
I dunno if it's in the job description, but our receivers will take care of anything going into a trailer (dunnage, repack pallets, plastic, etc.). We usually take care of it as Inbound, but if we take 3-4 trucks and things aren't 100% by the time they arrive, they do it.
Technically, my understanding is it belongs to Inbound and we do the paperwork. Honestly. I don't mind loading the truck, if 1) Truck was unloaded before it's time for my shift to end 2) they actually took all of the inbound product off of the truck and 3) if anything (see first picture) was actually ready to be put on the truck... When I;m only getting 5 hours and 3 are being used on the audit because I've got over 100 locations every day
No way would the area around the baler look like that at my store, ever, even during Q4 when we're getting more trucks than usual and have seasonal TMs who don't know how to do the repack bundles or how to crush the baler.
We're not a high-volume store, get only 3 trucks a week now (although they are all packed so full it can be hard to open them), sometimes 4, hardly ever roll freight to the next day, never as far as I know ask that a truck be canceled.
If the rest of your store looks anything like the baler area, I'd wonder how it could have enough guests shopping there to keep it open.
Looks about right. yes yes we are falling apart and all 'leadership' cares about is the zone of the back room.
Back when we used to pull cafs (that had to be pulled within the hour or our metrics went red and there was hell to pay) one of out ETLs made us stop pulling to sweep the backroom for a visit. I should have seen the writing on the wall for Spot right there…