Archived Is your store hot?

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Yeah it's usually pretty warm. There's only been a few times during the summer where it's been intolerable. Sometimes to the point where it makes me feel sick. Yet in the winter, it's often way too cold. I think it's ridiculous that stores can't control their own thermostat.
The first store that I worked at was pretty bad from spring until early fall. We attributed it more to humidity than the actual temperature as the temperature in the store always was around 71-72. It was a older store and I don't think was designed to control the humidity very well.

My current store was built around the same time but is much higher volume. From what I've heard, during one of our remodels (possibly Pfresh?) they upgraded some of the humidity controls in the building. It's comfortable most of the year.
Cotton shirts suck. Wicking material or at least a 50/50 blend are much cooler.
Oh god...

What do you all do to stay cool? Any kind of clothing I should be wearing? I wear cotton made shirts pretty much every single day and khaki jeans. I sweat like a monster and its especially embarrassing doing MyFA with a river of sweat running down my back.
Oh fuck khaki jeans. They're made of heavier material than regular khakis so yes you will sweat a lot. I pretty much wear the same thing but I might have to get some of those C9 moisture wicking shirts instead.
Oh god...

What do you all do to stay cool? Any kind of clothing I should be wearing? I wear cotton made shirts pretty much every single day and khaki jeans. I sweat like a monster and its especially embarrassing doing MyFA with a river of sweat running down my back.
Wear golf pants. They're super lightweight and quick drying. I believe we sell C9 and Hagger brand of those types of pants. Just wait for a good sale or cartwheel deal and buy a few pairs.
Wear golf pants. They're super lightweight and quick drying. I believe we sell C9 and Hagger brand of those types of pants. Just wait for a good sale or cartwheel deal and buy a few pairs.
I do hope they have some in women's sizes
Oh god...

What do you all do to stay cool? Any kind of clothing I should be wearing? I wear cotton made shirts pretty much every single day and khaki jeans. I sweat like a monster and its especially embarrassing doing MyFA with a river of sweat running down my back.
I know how you feel, some days I seem to just be sweating my ass off and others not at all. I just wear an undershirt and a breathable golf polo. I bought like 6 of them haha. And I get a cold water bottle. They were all big on no drinks period but seriously at least once the store opens it cools down some.. also I straight up go to the fountain when I need a breather lol. Some of those pog pulls are ridiculous
Yes i work on the lanes and the cashiers, the guests, and i are always complaining about how hot it is. Between broken a/c, being by the doors and food avenue, it gets really hot in my store, we have fans on every lane but one. Several women have asked me "am i having a hot flash or is it really that hot up here" and i have to tell them its a lot hotter up front.

Im pretty global compared to the other cashiers, so whenever i get a chance to help out on the floor i take it cause the rest of the store is cooler, except the backroom which gets suprr muggy and smells like sawdust lol.

Also boob money is the worst. I once had a very obese guest(wearing a strapless dress) have her tit completely fall out while getting crumpled smelly soaked money out. It was so gross i put it under the drawer and told my gsa about it, she grabbed it out at the end of the night with a ziploc bag. Lol.
At my old store guests were constantly complains about how warm it was in our store. Lucky for us if it ever got to be too much we would just step inside one of the coolers or even the freezer for a split second. Worked like a charm. Its just ridiculous. I remember once for a week there was actually AC in the back room. Never again after that.
I've never understood wearing two shirts when it's warm.

The undershirt is supposed to keep sweat from getting on the outer shirt, but it just makes you hotter imo.

I always wear tank tops, and normaly will wear my work shirt over it, unless its cold, then i wear a long sleeve underneath. My work shirts are kinda baggy though.
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Wear golf pants. They're super lightweight and quick drying. I believe we sell C9 and Hagger brand of those types of pants. Just wait for a good sale or cartwheel deal and buy a few pairs.

Yes I got golf pants and they are a major life saver.
At FA & SB we're in close proximity around hot equipment (ovens, pretzel steamers, brew stations) so we'll arm wrestle to see who gets to pull milk or pastries from the walk-in.
Our deep freeze has been FIFO'd to a tee.
My store had been really hot the past couple of days too.
Pit stains are the least of my worries when I'm heat stroking.
Yes but that's because half of our ACs are broken.
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