Archived It's a PDA, not a gun

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Jun 25, 2011
Seriously, I get "shot" by people with a PDA about three times a day. I realize that's not too much, but we're adults here. I do realize the PDA is shaped like a gun, but that doesn't necessitate "shooting" people with it.
Who's an adult here? :)
Have to plead guilty, haven't done it lately but there were a few times when I've 'shot' people.
It does bother me when I hear the word "gun" used over the walkie in reference to the PDA.

"Hey, did my pulls drop into the gun?"

As a guest, I'd feel a little uncomfortable hearing the word gun spoken all around the store.
i turned my PDA into a lazer gun once, got into the sound files and theres one thats a lazer beam sound, set it to loop and let the fun begin!
Seriously? You've NEVER played Star Trek with your PDT?
I wish it were a gun. Perhaps your coworkers feel the same way.
You have to make the "Pew Pew" sound for full effect. I always have an LPDA, so those rare days I have a PDA, I admit to some laser tag fun. ;)
Seriously? You've NEVER played Star Trek with your PDT?

You are the 2nd person to refer to a PDA as a PDT... what does PDT stand for? The first person who mentioned it (Backroom SrTL had no idea, yet calls it a PDT all the time..
Portable Data Terminal. Think of a device that looks like your PDA but it ONLY runs the "RFApps" stuff. Its an older term for a more single purpose device. It couldn't play mp3s or check your email or chat on MSN like your PDAs could (if they weren't prevented by the firewall!)
Yeah the PDT was the precursor to the PDA. Some people still use this legacy term to refer to the new devices.
Portable Data Terminal. Think of a device that looks like your PDA but it ONLY runs the "RFApps" stuff. Its an older term for a more single purpose device. It couldn't play mp3s or check your email or chat on MSN like your PDAs could (if they weren't prevented by the firewall!)

ahh.. I can see clearly now.. thanks!

The continuum transfunctioner is a very mysterious and powerful device and it's mystery is exceeded only by it's power.
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