Archived Last day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oct 14, 2011
Damn, it almost feels like I am dreaming.

I spent years with this company. I've been a cashier, cart attendant, sales floor TM, plano TM, electronics spec, MMB spec, GSTL, and sales floor TL in all my time here.

Looking back on it now, I wonder where all the time went. I still remember some of my best friends from years ago when I first started. I still remember standing outside in the parking lot chilling with other TMs 3 hours past when we were let out at 1AM lol. People who had been with the company even longer than I have now. All gone now. Kind of crazy considering a lot of them (at the time) had been with the company 15+ years and were making near $20/hour. All of them bailed within 2-3 years time when the company really started getting greedy around the mid 2000's.

This is my plan tomorrow as my last day as electronics TL:

1. Say goodbye throughout the day to any TMs/TLs in the building.
2. Get as much "busy work" done in electronics/toys as possible so the ETLs don't shaft my TMs with a bunch of work after I leave.
3. Leave some notes/tips/guides behind how to best run things for TMs (especially the ones who might replace me) so they don't have to learn the hard way things I learned over the years. (you wouldn't believe the kinds of useful things I have stashed in the electronics stock room over the years. Everything from tools to old signage that is still useful to spare parts for the boat)
4. Get the playstation rep binder/playstation section nice. (save me some work when I first visit my old store lol)
5. Clean out my "desk" in the TL office. I plan to throw out everything personal. Leave absolutely nothing behind so I don't regret leaving it there.
6. Be a cold ass towards at least half the ETLs/STL.
7. Finally, going out like I came in. Giving it my best.

In a way, I am really sad. I have invested so many years of my life doing this job. At the same time, I know working for Sony is probably going to be a great career move. To top it off, I don't even have to deal with guests anymore! lol "Sorry, I don't work here. See that guy in the red shirt?" Will be my favorite line.

The only thing keeping me around was the TMs/TLs.... but so many of them are gone now it is no longer like the "family" it used to be.

Last night I sat around wondering if I should try to cancel my two weeks at the last minute. Fact is, I couldn't stop thinking about how the company has changed over the years. You guys who weren't here in the 90's/early 2000's really don't know what you missed. This really was one of the "best companies ever". There were so many freaking awesome times, and everyone really felt the company cared because they actually took actions to show that they did. Plus, you really got to know everyone. Most people (even TMs) had been around for years. ETLs were mostly former TMs who had worked their way up, and they were down to earth and never pulled any of the stunts you see these idiot 20 year old ETLs pull. You really got to know people. Not like now when you are lucky if anyone stays a few months.

Anyway, I know the worst is yet to come for the company seeing the way things have been going in recent years. I know if I stay, I am basically choosing to stay on the Titanic before it goes down. This recent stunt with screwing everyone on the health insurance is one of the final nails in the coffin IMO. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see Target bankrupt in a few years. No one thinks it possible now, but remember 3 years before circuit city went downhill they were one of the strongest retailers around. Then they started to cut employee pay/benefits, cut hours in the stores, same BS Target is pulling. Next thing you know they go completely under before anyone sees it coming.

To top it off, certain ETLs have really been going out of their way to screw with me since I put in my two weeks. In a way it irritates me, but at the same time it just reminds me how petty they are and how truly pathetic and miserable they must actually be in life.

Well, we will see how tomorrow goes. It has been a fun ride Target.
good luck!! i only hope to leave soon but, sadly, with no "degree that will guarantee me a great job" i can only ride on the fact that i have years of retail experience... hopefully that will land me something with somewhat decent pay. it makes me feel physically sick that the years i've spent in this place have been wasted. watched it slip through my fingers despite all the effort i put in.

i think you should rewrite the last few paragraphs and send it to every etl, stl and group-whatever that you can find an email for.. and send it to gregg whats-his-face...
It's been a joy to follow you getting the job offer, getting the job and giving your notice with class.
I have to say the sadness you write this post with comes through very deeply and if there are any execs monitoring this you should be paying attention.
This is just one of the good, dedicated TM's you're loosing every day.
And so many of us are reading this and wishing it was us as well.

Good luck man, don't be a stranger.
Good luck, man. Some day, you'll open your closet door and remember how 3/4 or your wardrobe used to be red and khaki. As a former cart attendant from my store used to say, may the Force be with you.

Last night I sat around wondering if I should try to cancel my two weeks at the last minute. Fact is, I couldn't stop thinking about how the company has changed over the years. You guys who weren't here in the 90's/early 2000's really don't know what you missed. This really was one of the "best companies ever". There were so many freaking awesome times, and everyone really felt the company cared because they actually took actions to show that they did. Plus, you really got to know everyone. Most people (even TMs) had been around for years. ETLs were mostly former TMs who had worked their way up, and they were down to earth and never pulled any of the stunts you see these idiot 20 year old ETLs pull. You really got to know people. Not like now when you are lucky if anyone stays a few months.

I recently found out that one of my neighbors worked at my store when it first opened in the late 90s. She told me she loved it there after the first Q4 ended. One of her coworkers in softlines is now one of my GSTLs.
Good luck! I know how hard it is to leave. I remember crying when I punched out at the end of my last shift. The whole experience of the last two weeks was hard. But I worked every shift that I was scheduled and I used to enjoy going to visit my store after I left but before I moved out of state.
Good luck. I kicked the dust off my shoes when I left the store on my last day as a team lead. No more stress. No more negative emails from my STL. No more screaming sessions in his office.

Please stay in touch.
I read this, and the last few paragraphs could have come from one of our operators. She always tells me how great it was to work there, ten or so years ago, and now it's really not. I agree with that. I'm sad I couldn't have experienced it in its heyday (I started 4.5 years ago) and I keep hoping it will get better, but I have a feeling it won't. Hopefully I can get a full time job soon so I don't have to deal with this anymore.

Good luck to you! Hope we still hear from you here. 🙂
To quote the mad hatter, "Fair farin' SoT".
Let us know what it's like on the other side.
I wish you great luck in your new job,you will enjoy it as you deserve to do.I know that it is hard to leave as I to remember when we were a great company to work for ,but when my last day comes I don't think I will mind that much.I do like my job,but it the people that make the difference and there is a disconnect between etls,tl and tms that will probably never be repaired,enough for now....
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