Archived Learning Electronics

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Feb 17, 2012
Once we get some new team members and I train someone on the HBA and/or Stationary Breakout, I'll be going to Electronics. I've worked sales a few times since they through me in there for Black Friday, but whats the Electronics Breakout like? I see all the expensive stuff stays in the cage at all times, but what are the TM's usually jotting down when in that area in the morning?

I work for Gamestop as well, so the items and stuff aren't new to me fyi. Will I be able to grab extra shifts in Electronics after this training because Flow and Backroom can get tedious.
Once we get some new team members and I train someone on the HBA and/or Stationary Breakout, I'll be going to Electronics. I've worked sales a few times since they through me in there for Black Friday, but whats the Electronics Breakout like? I see all the expensive stuff stays in the cage at all times, but what are the TM's usually jotting down when in that area in the morning?

I work for Gamestop as well, so the items and stuff aren't new to me fyi. Will I be able to grab extra shifts in Electronics after this training because Flow and Backroom can get tedious.

When you're in that area, you need to audit the Zone 9 sheet and make sure you received everything on the list that is $99 or more. That is what they are jotting down. You need to let the ETL or TL know if there are any discrepancies.
When you're in that area, you need to audit the Zone 9 sheet and make sure you received everything on the list that is $99 or more. That is what they are jotting down. You need to let the ETL or TL know if there are any discrepancies.

OMG I am soooo glad someone actually attempts to do it the right way. At MY store, I actually went out of my way printing out the lock up items list for Flow and put it on their little supply cabinet so they can look at it and everyone KNOWS (including CAF pushers), but for some ungodly reason, they still don't use it and I find unsecured stuff all the time. Nobody on the team (store wide) does the double checking. Our TPS walks around with his little clip board every so often to check, but that's about it.
Every time I see a new TM over there pushing I show them the security clip thingies (not sure what they are actually called) and tell them they HAVE to use these for hanging security lock-up items...
Two weeks ago, the SF TMs told me they walked through and put the clips on all the items that didn't have it???????????????? Is that not a waste of PayRoll? Couldn't and shouldn't those TM's that did that could have done something else?
I will never forget the night that I was over in electronics and they gave me the audit sheet and didn't tell me to check only the items that were $99 or more so I checked everything. That took forever because I counted all of the video games, etc. It was only after I was done that they told me it was only necessary to check the expensive items. Yes, they had a bad habit of sticking me in an area I didn't know by myself.
Well thanks for the responses. That audit sheet does make a little more sense now. Provided now having training in both Electronics breakout and on cashier, will I be okay working the Electronics sales floor for extra hours? Or is there more training involved with knowing the TV products and such?
Well thanks for the responses. That audit sheet does make a little more sense now. Provided now having training in both Electronics breakout and on cashier, will I be okay working the Electronics sales floor for extra hours? Or is there more training involved with knowing the TV products and such?

There is a little more involved, but what you'll be doing will give you a great head start. There is something called the Electronics Champion training (and quiz) that you will have to take. It will help you with product knowledge. You should also probably be backroom certified before being scheduled back in electronics. The rest of it will just kind of come to you as you spend more and more time back there.
According to the ETL-AP at our store, ALL zone 9 items should be checked when they come in, not just $99+. He was kind of ticked when I said we had only been doing $99+. Course we are at AA+ & considered high risk. Might want to ask your ETL-AP what he/she wants you to be checking for.
I pushed electronics on our flow team for 3 years before moving to TL. My routine was pretty much the same thing every day. Every flow team is different though.

I set up shop at the camera boat. It splits our electronics in half, and makes it all easier. At our store, we never bowl anything out in electronics. One, it's time consuming, since your box freight may only be a handful of boxes on any given day... and two, it's just prevents theft and/or boxes disappearing. It's happened!

I usually separate the box freight by aisles down the mini aisle next to the camera boat. (Ours is the prepaid cell phones) I set all the brown repacks off to the side, and make a pile for movie repacks and a pile for music repacks. I ALWAYS grab a two tier metal cart, even if it means stealing one from the backroom before they notice! Sort out the brown repacks in the three tier, breaking it down by where the product actually goes. Top shelf is the closest, and bottom of the cart is the furthest from my starting point. Push that freight, come back and grab all the box freight and load it up in the cart, and then push that. Then I head over to the security cage with all the white repacks and break those out. Again, I sort it out using the two tier cart, separating the video games at the top, and everything else in the bottom two shelves. I always make sure the video games have the back (where you can see the title of the game) facing up, and put all the similar games together. That way it's easier to push, and easier to check off when you do your audit with the Security Item sheet that your TL or ETL should be printing off. We don't do the 99+ list, since that printed off everything in the store that came in that was over 99 dollars. There should be a report that is called Security Items list that will list everything that comes in the white repacks... even if it's the 12 dollar SD cards.

THEN! Comes my favorite part... MMB! I load up all the repacks of movies and move on over to the movie department. I, personally, open every box and scan every DVD... but instead of wasting time just grabbing a handful of movies and walking ALL over the place, I divide it up in my cart by aisle. Every aisle gets a pile, and I usually only stop to push the movies when the pile is getting too big and is at risk of falling over and making a mess. Do that until the movies are all gone. Music sucks... since half the time our dayside team doesn't zone it and nothing is in the right spot. We usually only get 1-2 repacks, even in the busy season, so it's not TOO bad. I just set the repack on my cart in the middle of the three music aisles, and grab a handful and go. Books is the same as music.

Well... that's a little more detailed then you may have been looking for.. haha but make sure you're putting on spider wraps on merchandise, and using the security clips on anything that's hanging! Your ETL-AP will thank you!

Good luck!
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