Archived Learning Plans?

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Cart Attendant
Jun 11, 2011
I heard a fellow TM ask to be crossed trained in other areas and they told her that they won't be able to give her the training hours now because they are being used by new hires but that they could give her learning plans for the workcenters.

I was wondering what learning plans are? I was also interested in those same workcenters and was thinking about asking if i could get them.
They used to make sure that you are trained correctly for that workcenter. Most of the time, you are partnered with a tl or trainer. Ask hr or your tl for those books. Ita another way to get more hours for you & help others/spot in those workcenters.
Always be proactive, a team player, & willing to learn something new, may lead to a tl job. Mgt always love tm's who know alot, help guests & solve problems due to staffing, call outs, etc.
Good luck!
You can get learning plans from your TL/HR. I always take the responsibility of acquiring them when I have to train in new Cart Attendants.

When you are being trained by the trainer, they will usually fill one out with you. The learning plans won't really teach you much though by themselves, so I don't know what good they are for cross training.
Alright because I wanted to get trained in all front end stuff, along with hardlines and softlines. I'm gonna ask for learning plans next time I go in for work.
You really need someone to show you the ropes on stuff too... Especially if Carts is one of the front end things you are picking up.

Cashier you can just read books all day, but I think everyone gets trained on that at hire anyway.
I heard a fellow TM ask to be crossed trained in other areas and they told her that they won't be able to give her the training hours now because they are being used by new hires but that they could give her learning plans for the workcenters.

I was wondering what learning plans are? I was also interested in those same workcenters and was thinking about asking if i could get them.

Maybe this is why they haven't started crosstraining me in Hardlines yet. Then again, they've never told me this, and one of our SrTLs asked me if I wanted to crosstrain (about a month or so ago). Both he and a GSTL I asked about it 3 weeks later said they were gonna talk to the ETL-HR, but I've heard nothing. 😕
The learning plan for the signing for the signing specialist has just about nothing to do with the job so that was a bust but the one for flow, hardlines and cashier are OK.
You do really need to have someone show you the ropes though.
Mostly it was for doing adset which is fine because I do that too but it's different from the core role of building and hanging signs.
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