Archived Less and Less Hours Everyweek? i thought holidays gave us more hours?

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Jul 13, 2011
2months ago i was at 32-36 hours, then it slowly started going down, now after we hired all this holiday "help" im down to 22 hours on a week with 3 trucks, my longest shift is 5 hours. And its not like we dont need help, pretty much our whole team is out my 11ish and they have one guy in the BR doing all the pulls and truck backstock himself. Are they just saving hours so they get their nice holiday bonus or what?
2months ago i was at 32-36 hours, then it slowly started going down, now after we hired all this holiday "help" im down to 22 hours on a week with 3 trucks, my longest shift is 5 hours. And its not like we dont need help, pretty much our whole team is out my 11ish and they have one guy in the BR doing all the pulls and truck backstock himself. Are they just saving hours so they get their nice holiday bonus or what?

I don't know anymore. We are entering the holidays with JANUARY hours. I'm afraid Target just doesn't care anymore about it's guests and team members.
I am averaging 11hrs a week on the flow team ,even with a 4th truck ( on saturday !) I usually work from 4am to 7am( or sometimes 8!),even when scheduled until 8 ,we are asked if we want to leave early!
we were just told that the flow will have to come at 10pm on thanksgiving night! that is where our hours are ,I guess!
I remember back in my early days at Target. Regular TMs were supposed to get first dibs on hours during the holidays. Usually every regular who wanted the hours got 40. Then seasonals would fill in. Then around the 2006 holiday season that was thrown out. Seasonals were getting 30-40 hours while regular TMs were getting 20 or so hours.

I remember going in and there just be seasonal TMs working cashier and salesfloor except for the TL (or GSTL) and maybe one regular TM.
I remember back in my early days at Target. Regular TMs were supposed to get first dibs on hours during the holidays. Usually every regular who wanted the hours got 40. Then seasonals would fill in. Then around the 2006 holiday season that was thrown out. Seasonals were getting 30-40 hours while regular TMs were getting 20 or so hours.

I remember going in and there just be seasonal TMs working cashier and salesfloor except for the TL (or GSTL) and maybe one regular TM.

my thinkin was why pay me my wage, when they can use the new hires who get paid alot less :/ sucks but it seems thats the way its goin
A new Backroom Day TM (seasonal) started today. I saw his schedule for next week, and they gave him 38 hours. A Backroom Day TM that we hired in the Summer only has 11 hours next week. What the hell kind of sense does that make?
i know way back when, seasonal used to get max of about 15 hour. now they get much more than that, if they have the availability. it also has to do with your hr clerical. ours is all about being fair. seniority has little to play in it anymore. that is also, probably about 4 HR's and 6 or more clerical since then too. they used to say open your availability, no one would, then they had to hire more seasonal help. i can only imagine with seasonal help, they kind of have to say, we can give you x amount of hours give or take. then when they come in for orientation, they grab all the open shifts on the swap shift sheet. and they continue to do that, thru the season. hoping they can hire on as permanent employees.
A new Backroom Day TM (seasonal) started today. I saw his schedule for next week, and they gave him 38 hours. A Backroom Day TM that we hired in the Summer only has 11 hours next week. What the hell kind of sense does that make?

There are plenty of reasons this could happen. What's the more veteran employee's availability like? What's their production like? Have they gotten in any trouble? Have they asked for a reduction in hours? Have they been complaining/whining about work?

Just b/c you've been around for a while doesn't mean you deserve 40 hours. However, it could simply be an error, maybe they should ask HR about it? Or their TL/ETL?
There are plenty of reasons this could happen. What's the more veteran employee's availability like? What's their production like? Have they gotten in any trouble? Have they asked for a reduction in hours? Have they been complaining/whining about work?

Just b/c you've been around for a while doesn't mean you deserve 40 hours. However, it could simply be an error, maybe they should ask HR about it? Or their TL/ETL?
They have open availability, like the new hire. He's a fast and hard worker, hasn't gotten in trouble, doesn't complain or whine, and has not asked for any reduction of hours. In fact, he's asked for more, even offering to come in at 4am for Backroom AM, whenever they need someone.

Of course not everyone deserves 40 hours. But we have two main Backroom Day TMs, this TM who got hired in the Summer who gets 10-20 hours per week on average, and another TM that's been with the store about 3 years who gets around 30 hours per week. I just think it's a bit unfair to give this new seasonal hire 38-40 hours.
There are plenty of reasons this could happen. What's the more veteran employee's availability like? What's their production like? Have they gotten in any trouble? Have they asked for a reduction in hours? Have they been complaining/whining about work?

Just b/c you've been around for a while doesn't mean you deserve 40 hours. However, it could simply be an error, maybe they should ask HR about it? Or their TL/ETL?
Heck...for 7 years I had my availability completely open. Begged to learn new work centers. Took on duties that wasn't asked of me to do. I still saw my hours drop during the holidays in my last 3 years. And during the holidays, I saw seasonals get more hours every week.

If a company wants to keep morale up and keep its more veteran employees they need to recognize them and benefit them.
Within the last few years, Target has dropped the ball on that aspect.

Yes seasonals get paid less. That is the most economic on payroll. But do you want a majority or an entire team of seasonals who barely have any training, and with a work ethic type that don't care because they know they are going to be let go in a month or two. I want TMs that know what they are doing and get things done.
I work instocks and it now should be called "flow clean-up". We can't get anything done because flow can't get their job done! My hours went from 35 a couple years ago to 32.5 a year ago and now I'm lucky if I get 25 a week. Our store has NO hours to spare. I'm so fed-up with Target --- they don't care about family anymore. They have gone greedy like Walmart. Our store is always messy cause in=stocks should NOT zone anymore -- so I touch NOTHING!!!!

As soon as the holidays are over I'm looking for another job (IF I can find one) Target is NOT fun or friendly to work at anymore!
The idea is to give noobs enough time to get their feet under them & their training down. You're also looking to see which ones you wanna keep after the holidays while looking at the veterans to see who the consistant bottom perform is so you can ax them at season's end.
All our noobs hire on with 'open' avail until they've gone through orientation & cashier training.
Then it's putting in for time off during the holidays, requesting BF off (?!), cutting back to a few shifts a week because they 'suddenly started classes', etc.
im surprised people have such problems getting hours... Swap shifts, or use the call me first binder. Get cross-trained in other areas. everyone can cashier, and cashiering has a TON of hours to pickup usually since the younger TMs (mostly cashiers) always want time off for friends/school/etc.

i know way back when, seasonal used to get max of about 15 hour. now they get much more than that, if they have the availability. it also has to do with your hr clerical. ours is all about being fair. seniority has little to play in it anymore. that is also, probably about 4 HR's and 6 or more clerical since then too. they used to say open your availability, no one would, then they had to hire more seasonal help. i can only imagine with seasonal help, they kind of have to say, we can give you x amount of hours give or take. then when they come in for orientation, they grab all the open shifts on the swap shift sheet. and they continue to do that, thru the season. hoping they can hire on as permanent employees.
thats what I did when i got hired on. showed up for every shift and came in when called, got offered a regular position 🙂
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im surprised people have such problems getting hours... Swap shifts, or use the call me first binder. Get cross-trained in other areas. everyone can cashier, and cashiering has a TON of hours to pickup usually since the younger TMs (mostly cashiers) always want time off for friends/school/etc.

thats what I did when i got hired on. showed up for every shift and came in when called, got offered a regular position 🙂

im cross trained everywhere, and with my crap hours its hard to grab shifts :/ cant really drive to work everyday just to check the board
They have open availability, like the new hire. He's a fast and hard worker, hasn't gotten in trouble, doesn't complain or whine, and has not asked for any reduction of hours. In fact, he's asked for more, even offering to come in at 4am for Backroom AM, whenever they need someone.

Of course not everyone deserves 40 hours. But we have two main Backroom Day TMs, this TM who got hired in the Summer who gets 10-20 hours per week on average, and another TM that's been with the store about 3 years who gets around 30 hours per week. I just think it's a bit unfair to give this new seasonal hire 38-40 hours.

I don't disagree with your assessment, at least based on the information you've provided. I understand the importance of managing payroll (and it is important, as much as many disagree with the practice), but you have to leverage that against productivity. Based on what you've said, it's just bad management by the TLs/ETL of the backroom and/or HR. I generally assume management knows what its doing (though that's not a popular stance on here), but that isn't always the case.
I guess I'm lucky as far as my schedule goes, I get to choose my schedule, I may not be 'garunteed' 40, but, to put it this way... when they asked all SFTLs to cut so TMs could have hours mine didn't change!! Now I have cut back for school so Im at 37 instead of 40 only cuz I didn't want to work any split shifts.
I try being as nice/helpful as I can to all the new hire-ons, but even I'm beginning to get more and more fed up with coming in each day and finding out there're training 340985832094 new people (exaggeration, though at times it doesn't seem like much).

I've been cross-trained in quite a few areas, more or less, have open availability and yet lately all I've been getting (if lucky) is 16hrs or less.

Newer TMs are, of course, getting far more hours, and of course management keeps giving the constant spiel about how hours have been tight for training or how there are so little hours for TMs because of sales -

When we've been MAKING sales pretty much every single day! :|

So at this point, I've just given up on being granted X amount of hours per week, and instead find myself desperately seeking any additional hours that I can get, if just to get at least 20 a week.
My store must be doing nice because I'm a cart attendant and I've been getting 36 hours weekly, haven't been below 30 in over 2 months.
I tend to work the shifts no one else wants. That's how I keep my hrs up.
For some reason I average 25-30 hours a week. 95% of them are cashiering (I don't mean to brag. I'm not the best when it comes to getting redcards in my store, or surveys, but I am one damned fast as hell cashier. If you took the top 10 cashiers in terms of speed + accuracy, I would probably be in the top 3. Hands down). Guess I'm lucky? I don't know about others in my store.
I think we're all getting less and less now that I see more examples. I haven't done a full 30 hour week since I don't know when. Our TL hasn't even clock over 32 lately. I've had good experiences with Target, but they seem to be milking the cow a bit much. If 3 guys get the job done, then let's keep doing that! Holidays or not.
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