Archived Minimum amount of hours?

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Because of YOU
May 1, 2014
I'm going back to school in the fall full time (I'm a bit older) and I was wondering if I would be able to stay as a part time cashier but with the bare minimum of hours per week. I'm debating whether I should take an educational leave or does that only apply to people of "college age?" I'd rather not take the leave and work Saturday or Sunday for 4-6 hours max. What is the minimum amount of hours Target requires? Thanks!
Haha I would think Spot would welcome your decision to help save payroll. :D

Weekend warrior, come in and kill it on the weekend and back to business during the week.

However, ASANTS. Just have to ask HR and management.
I've seen people get scheduled for that many hours before, so it's a definite possibility!
Educational LOA is open to anyone going to school. You can take up to 120 days per semester, although really you might end up taking a few more than that. I recommend it if you're going to be taking a full load of classes and they are not going to be relatively easy and/or have little homework. If you don't go on leave and just want to work weekends or a night during the week, that is also a viable option. The minimum you have to work to stay on payroll and avoid leaves is one shift per pay period.

There's really not much point in working that unless you have benefits. If you do LOA, you have to pay your full premiums. If you work 4 hours, that still might not cover your portion of the premiums anyway.

I recommend saving up and doing an LOA if you'll be full time. You might have to rein in your spending habits or stick to a well planned budget, but it's so much easier to focus on school when you don't have to also focus on work.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate the info!
Yeah I was wondering about this too because I might have to change my availability to working only Sundays during the winter because I do swimming through my school unless I did weekdays too for literally like an hour and a half, but sometimes I have meets so I don't want to risk it...
I didn't know if there was a certain # that must be met per shift? I'm thinking 4 hours is the smallest shift anyone works at my store.
I didn't know if there was a certain # that must be met per shift? I'm thinking 4 hours is the smallest shift anyone works at my store.
3 hours is the absolute bare minimum you can work. Anything less than that (2.75 for example) they still have to pay you for 3 hours.
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