Archived My Support

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Jul 27, 2011
Please tell me, is there a way to get them to answer your questions in less than a week. Some of mine get answered quickly. However, the ones I need answered quickly set there for a month, then drop off, unanswered. I know I can have the STL re-submit it, and I have a few times. That is just a waist of time. I have re-submitted some 3,4, and 5 times. Then i just give up. What am I doing wrong. I have tried killing with kindness, I have been rude, I have just been. Help please!
What kind of questions? I've never had a question go unanswered for more than a day.
I've had a couple take more then two weeks but they involved a far amount of back and forth.
Simple stuff they're real good with, anything more complicated, the system makes it hard to communicate back and forth easily.
Make sure you dial in to the specific form you need. If you use the generic forms it will usually add time to it as they will have to figure out who to funnel it to for a proper response. Get on as early in the day as possible to submit, tickets are chronological and AM tickets should be answered before PM tickets(ideally).
There is a really good training module on workbench for Mysupport. We had everyone who uses mysupport do it. If you submit on the wrong form or are too general it will be bounced around. My biggest gripe about it is sometimes they get downright snotty with their replies. Answer my question, if you can't let me know and then find someone who can
Its kind of random. If you ask something that can be answered in a canned answer it comes fast. Other times you can go for months.
Please tell me, is there a way to get them to answer your questions in less than a week. Some of mine get answered quickly. However, the ones I need answered quickly set there for a month, then drop off, unanswered. I know I can have the STL re-submit it, and I have a few times. That is just a waist of time. I have re-submitted some 3,4, and 5 times. Then i just give up. What am I doing wrong. I have tried killing with kindness, I have been rude, I have just been. Help please!

Have You tried sarcasm? I tried kindness numerous times and rarely got a response. So I started asking the question as if it was their fault in the first place. My response time went from two weeks to a few hours. Of course the answers you get will be equally sarcastic. So be careful.
Had a new record in response time today. Submitted a ticket for a missing lock box(AX1396?) for the new Electronics set at 6:25am and had a reply in hand at 7:15am.
i do ad prep along with several other of my duties. this last week, i ask that they add three dpci's to the chip 7 x 11's so we didn't have to put up 75, 3 x 5's. it is still not answered, i wrote it thursday. i would think anything that has to do with the weekly ad, should be answered immediately. i changed out a lifescapes interactive. Like the Holiday modules, In previous years they had to be sent back, or store would be charge something like $500.00. i started this in june. i stated, i have the new one, it is installed, am i supposed to send the old one back to be refurbished? the best answer yet is, you can order them by calling the 1-800 number on the inside of the door. #1. NO YOU CANNOT!. you have to order it off tipp, at least in our neck of the woods.
the mmb transition, i still had the black (i guess shadow boxes) frames with the movie, and singer, preview pictures on them. transition manual did not say to toss, PTL said yup toss. I said not till i get direction. I have mysupported it 4 times, finally they say, keep them, put them back up, partners are working on new pictures for them shortly. now mind you, i have changed the posters/pictures probably since may. one still had shreck on it. so i store them. like any of us have any room in the fixture room.
the mmb transition, i still had the black (i guess shadow boxes) frames with the movie, and singer, preview pictures on them. transition manual did not say to toss, PTL said yup toss. I said not till i get direction. I have mysupported it 4 times, finally they say, keep them, put them back up, partners are working on new pictures for them shortly. now mind you, i have changed the posters/pictures probably since may. one still had shreck on it. so i store them. like any of us have any room in the fixture room.

Really? We ended up tossing ours. There was no direction for them in the Transition Manual, Adjacency, Pogs or to be visually confirmed in Online Planogram. With the way our store is set up and the new directional headers on the top piece of backer paper for MMB they couldn't really be set anyways. I think the person who finally gave you an answer was just trying to play it safe and told you to store them. We still have a pallet of fixtures stored in our fixture room for an old Jewelry set. It's been in storage for over TWO YEARS now, but whenever I MySupport it they keep telling me to not toss it in case it gets called out again.
these stupid jewelry fixtures. 6 months ago, i mysupported that, do we still need to keep them, since our direction is to toss anything not used in a year of receiving. from the last cosmetic set, i tossed 99% of the stuff left from all previous sets. i have several new shelves, and minor pieces and parts. it had grown to 6 grey bins and 4 or 5 repack boxes. i am down to 2 bins.
Had a new record in response time today. Submitted a ticket for a missing lock box(AX1396?) for the new Electronics set at 6:25am and had a reply in hand at 7:15am.

it happens once in a while. It is awesome when that happens, and boy do i praise them on the feedback. I go thru all the motions, of trying to start with the proper area to send it to. It is just amazing how long sometimes it takes to respond to questions. I honestly think it all goes to the same place and it is just the luck of the draw who gets it. I have been writing my supports way back when it was E-support, got the same slow response. but we ourselves could escalate them. I have noticed that if a TL asks the same question, usually they will get answered much quicker than mine till. SFT and I have done this a few times.
If you ask a question using the right form they usually answer it in a day. If you have a general question without a specific form it gets bounced around a lot and can take a few days to weeks for them to answer. Sometimes they require more info.
Had a new record in response time today. Submitted a ticket for a missing lock box(AX1396?) for the new Electronics set at 6:25am and had a reply in hand at 7:15am.

Oh my God you're missing yours too?! So are we and my TL is kinda pissed off about it!
Oh my God you're missing yours too?! So are we and my TL is kinda pissed off about it!

We didn't get the one for the tablet extension.
Kept thinking it was going to come on the next pallet and the next pallet and it never did. Hope the response from My Support is as quick for us.
We didn't get the one for the tablet extension.
Kept thinking it was going to come on the next pallet and the next pallet and it never did. Hope the response from My Support is as quick for us.
Our lockup for the tablet extension came from the portable DVD aisle. The portable dvds are now spider wrapped and the lockup went to the tablet aisle at our store.
Our lockup for the tablet extension came from the portable DVD aisle. The portable dvds are now spider wrapped and the lockup went to the tablet aisle at our store.

This is exactly what I found out this morning. Unfortunately I ended up looking dumb because MySupport gave a timely answer to my question so I wasn't able to cancel it! Oh well.
Our lockup for the tablet extension came from the portable DVD aisle. The portable dvds are now spider wrapped and the lockup went to the tablet aisle at our store.

We used that one for the E-reader extension but now we don't have a case for the tablets. Not sure whats up.
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