Archived Overnight Walkies

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Oct 12, 2011
Well I have another question. I was wearing a walkie at work last night during the overnight shift. I thought it is the right thing to do. Well one of the TLs took it and said only TLs are allowed to have Walkies during Overnight. That doesn't make any type of sense at all since the ETL didn't say anything about it at all. Any word on if that is true or not?
WOW!!! I never heard of such a rule. Not many carry walkies on our ON team, but we are just flow & backroom. (Except when presentation is working a big transition set.) Our ETL-Log, BR TL (When he arrives at 3am) SRTL-Log, one or two BR TMs, and our cardboard guy are always have walkies. BR TM is to keep the ETL informed about pulls and other things going on. Cardboard guy has one so he can be informed when there are full cages, where they are located, as well as other info when we are clearing the floor.
That seems rather ridiculous. At my store, the only TMs that don't use walkies are cashiers, Reverse Logistics, and HR (all have phones), and Guest Service shares one walkie. The only reason I can think of for such a rule is if your store doesn't have enough walkies or a lot are broken/missing and they want to make sure leadership and plano have enough.
Well I have another question. I was wearing a walkie at work last night during the overnight shift. I thought it is the right thing to do. Well one of the TLs took it and said only TLs are allowed to have Walkies during Overnight. That doesn't make any type of sense at all since the ETL didn't say anything about it at all. Any word on if that is true or not?

I'd be careful with that username, Old Bridge and Manalapan, easily giving away that youre in New Jersey. Be careful what you say, Theyre watching!
I'd be careful with that username, Old Bridge and Manalapan, easily giving away that youre in New Jersey. Be careful what you say, Theyre watching!


The walkie situation gets a bit crazy when they start disappearing.
It could be they've lost a bunch on the overnights and this is the radical solution.
Some bosses seem to go to ridiculous extremes to make a point.
At my store, the only ON that gets walkies are the TLs, TMs working on the displays & the ETL-LOG.
I don't even think they know this forum exists to be honest. I didn't even know about it at all until I found it earlier this morning. I was just asking a simple question. I only have it just in case you can't find anybody because a lot of times you can't and it would easier I think to get a hold of them just in case you need to find out where to go next.
I don't even think they know this forum exists to be honest. I didn't even know about it at all until I found it earlier this morning. I was just asking a simple question. I only have it just in case you can't find anybody because a lot of times you can't and it would easier I think to get a hold of them just in case you need to find out where to go next.

Woah. Mega bad assumption.
Not that my store is an ON store, but we have a list of people who are to always have walkies on them when they are working. Today alone we had 15 working during my shift who had to have walkies, with the extra ones doubling up on POG, Pricing and Flow. We have about 25 walkies at our C Volume store. We practice a high degree of communication which usually contributes to our green scores across the board.
If you don't think 'they' are watching, go under members & see how many have joined & NEVER POST.
I guarantee the majority of the lurkers are leadership. While they can't bar you from posting on here, it can color their perception of you should they find out who you are.
Great responses so far. Redeye that is some good advice so thank you. I got my reason so thank you all.
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