Archived PCI and Goals

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What do you feel are your Wins and Oops? How's the Vibe score during the time that the Flow team is there since they should be vibing as well? How's your RWT time in regards to unload, autofills, backstock goal times? These are all things that I've included in mine.
Why isn't your goal plan complete already?

It could go two ways... Does he mean that he hasn't even written his goal plan yet? That is pretty behind!

Does he mean that his goals need to be "completed" as in they are accomplished and he needs to come up with new ones? I would argue that his original goals were not high scope enough.
i know i have to status by tomorrow to get my goal plan updated but i just have to write what's going well and what's not. Shouldn't take too long.
I had a meeting with my Etl Hr about 3 weeks ago to ask how I would rate myself on my pcci just so there wouldn't be any suprises....really I know how I would rate myself because of numbers but I don't think that it is a true reflection of my job.
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