Archived Pfresh CAFS

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May 30, 2014
How do you handle hourly CAF pulls in Pfresh? Our store's routine seems strange, and I wanted to see if it's the same across the board.

FRZN/BAKE/MTFZ/FZDM/MEAT/DARY/DELI are fine, exactly the same as any other CAF.

PRO1/PRO2/MTCL, however, are odd. Say there is a case pack of ground beef, or some kind of salad.
When pulling the salad, there may only be 1 or 2 in the case pack, but we say we're pulling 6.
When pulling the ground beef, some are pulling a single package out of the case pack and saying we're pulling 1, others are pulling the full case and saying we're pulling 12. Which is correct?
for meat, it must stay in the box that it arrived in, so you must pull entire case of meat. Also pull the oldest box first, the box that is about to expire.

Please make sure you put it on the metro correctly.

Roof (top shelf): pre-cooked meat, lunchables, hot dogs, lunchmeat.
1st shelf: Beef, pork.
2nd shelf:Ground Beef, Ground Pork.
Bottom Shelf: Chicken, turkey, ground turkey (jennie-O).

for pro1 please pull all salads and keep them in the box also. It is a lot easier to sto on the shelf and see the expiration dates on the boxes !!
say the box comes with 6 and now there is only 2 in the box, pull 2.
also, I hate it when you pull 4 oranges or 3 limes, pull the whole damn box please.

when in doubt, pull the whole box, the oldest box first so we can get the product to sales floor and sell it,
it won't sell from the backroom, just rot and have to qmos it.
If you pulled the whole case every time I'd kill you. That's how four different dates end up on the floor with four different half cases on the backstock rack. That nobody backstocks but me.

We pull what it asks for. There used to be wacos for the different types of meat to keep them separate on the pull, but we haven't used them in years.
when I meant pull the whole box, I meant the box that is about to expire, it might be a half empty box of meat.

So, if it is asking to pull 6 and there are 2 boxes in that location , 1 box of 20 and 1 box of 10.
Pull the box of 10 and put it on the metro.

Don't ever pull the meat out of the box and just put on the metro.
And never pull a box that has a older date than one about to expire.
Pull what the system wants. Work it hourly before it gets out of control. BAKE, MTCL, PRO1, and PRO2 should be profiled as open stock so you're not pulling full casepacks every time, leaving you with backstock every hour.
I am a PA and will backstock the meat, pro1 and pro2, every hour after I push the pull. Sometimes I even get to backstocking the dairy and deli, if time permits.

I guess ASANTS !! All Stores Are Not The Same. So ask you backroom TL and Consumables TL how they want it done at your store.
Ground meat asks for weird counts due to it not holding a quantity for the location. All it knows is that there is product there.
sometimes the beef wrapped bacon on a stick never asks for a count when STO'd. so it is weird, that use to happen to the chicken parm, but once the price changed to 10.00, now it asks for a count and we enter 4 for the full casepack.
sometimes the beef wrapped bacon on a stick never asks for a count when STO'd. so it is weird, that use to happen to the chicken parm, but once the price changed to 10.00, now it asks for a count and we enter 4 for the full casepack.
If it is a variable weight product it can't count how many items, just pounds. So it backstocks as "some". Once some changed to fixed weight they can then be counted in eaches.
It sounds like your store is not grouping its casepack locations properly.

For raw meat, it should be set as open stock since you pull from the casepacks, and it's rare that an entire case will flow to the floor.

For produce, it gets a bit more complicated and proper labeling is key here. In my store we have 1 4 foot section of WACO's for non-veggies(drinks, salsa, etc), and another section for bagged veggies(bagged salad, bagged produce, carrots, etc). Casepacks of these items are also kept on 3 shelves in those respective 4 foot sections, just so it's easy to see what you have at any given time. WACO's are open stock, shelves are case pack, lower/upper as needed.

For the larger, bulk produce(avacodos, apples, strawberries, etc) that is kept in their boxes, the locations are set as open stock, so that we don't get an entire casepack of loose apples or heads of lettuce flowing to the floor. Since we've done this, it's rare that product flows to the floor that we don't need.
For produce, it gets a bit more complicated and proper labeling is key here. In my store we have 1 4 foot section of WACO's for non-veggies(drinks, salsa, etc), and another section for bagged veggies(bagged salad, bagged produce, carrots, etc). Casepacks of these items are also kept on 3 shelves in those respective 4 foot sections, just so it's easy to see what you have at any given time.

This is fantastic. It's hard to get it to where everyone understands that, but it helps a lot. I'm glad you mentioned that.

At my store, only drinks, bagged veggies, salsa, and hummus are backstocked. Everything else is thrown on shelves, dated, and filled as needed.
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