Archived Pfresh TMs, would you be mad if.....?

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Sep 15, 2011
Would you be mad if

When you had to close, coming in at 2:30:

All the pulls up till 2 are done,
Pfresh has hardly, if any, outs
The zone is decent, bananas, eggs and milk are full,
There is no QMOS to do and all the QMOS bins are empty
Alot of the daily cleaning tasks are done allready, except the floors
No cardboard to break down, no credits to report to C+S, no backtock in produce or meat to take care of,
There was no truck to receive or extra projects to do other than just the normal pfresh routines
4/7/7 TPCs have been made and taken care of
The order if there is one is done.


There were some monthly and weekly cleaning tasks that had to be done.

I usually do all of the above when I open and the closer should be pretty happy. I get the feeling that despite all of what I did the pfresh closer was still irritated at me because the cleaning hadnt been done. Was I wrong to take care of all that instead of just cleaning all day and leaving a big mess for the closer?

Not to mention today i had to work out a whole cart of market,seasonal, mini seasonal and a few one spot items and fix/zone/fill a few endcaps including 3 in market and filling 2 liter soda up front. OH and also having the pfresh walk take 40 minutes and having to pull all short dated casepacks from dairy and work them out and FIFO product and enter it into the SDA
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Heck no you did the bulk of the work sounds like the closer is just lazy. Have they ever worked a morning market shift, it can get a little crazy at times. Try taking on your own work load plus having your c&s truck late and having to help the team push as well. Granted there was no order that was placed but still. I think the closer has no reason to be upset, tell them to talk to hr if their that upset.
I dont know for sure if they are upset but I usually do alot of that on my opening shifts even with a truck. Our trucks are weird though. On sunday, tuesday and thursday night everything but frozen comes in and monday, wednesday and friday the frozen truck comes in and everything is pushed out on those days. Not to mention im the only one who does TPCS haha. Look in our TPC log and its like 20 pages of TPCS with my hand writing on most of them.

I do want to help with the cleaning its just other things always seem to come up and are more of a priority in my opinion.
The sf will try to help out p-fresh when they call out. I do a fast culling, ck dates, & some push. Then I zoned p-fresh & hba, after checking my team doing cafs & zone.
tell the closer to go screw himself.

But really, he probably just hates to clean. I know I do.
pfreshdude, it seems you are already doing what is needed. Namely: Keeping up on tasks, and also writing down a record of your work in case anyone challenges you. I am finding that if I don't write down everything I do and over communicate it to leadership, they think I sit around all day doing nothing. No one is going to notice eggs and milk when they are full. Only when they are empty. No one is going to do a double take at an empty QMOS bin, or make time to find out if you have cardboard lying around.

Unfortunately, for your work to be appreciated you have to toot your own horn a little bit.

Of course, it is an entirely different scenario if those cleaning tasks were the one thing leadership asked you to do. You can't present them a list of everything they didn't ask for and expect them to be happy.

Sounds like you are kicking butt!
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You are doing a great job. If i was your closer, i would be happy you left with just the cleaning.

When you open, what time do you come in and do you work all the p fresh autofills? I ask because according to my ETL food, there is suppose to pushing the autofills with the opener do the opener can to their daily routines.

Well I will give you tommorow for example. I work 6-2:30


Our milk vendors schedule just changed so when I get in at 6 he should be there with a flatbed of push from the floor. Luckily we arent low on too many things (I know this since I closed haha). So my first thing is going to be pushing the milk and making it full. After that I will do the Frozen, Dairy, Meat, and Produce pulls in that order and do culling as I am pushing product out. If there is time I will try to do the SDA in here as well. If not I get to the SDA later. I usually backstock the produce and meat pulls as there usually isnt that many items on it. That leaves the backroom with just the Freezer and Dairy Cooler. Also I change the sanitizer somewhere in there. Usually when I go up to huddle unless I have to use it earlier.

At 8 is morning huddle which usually goes til about 8:10 for the actual huddle part. About half the time there is some sort of working or smart huddle right after til like 8:30 or so which is when I take my break. I get back around 8:45 and usually will do a fast zone in pfresh and make sure everything is good for the walk. Usually check message boards right after break since im allready in TMSC. I will also do the SDA here depending on time. Sometimes I wont go the the working huddle it just depends on how my workload is shaping up.

Call LOD over for the Sales Walk. Usually it doesnt take too long but other times there is a very detail oriented walk and even going back to the dairy cooler and pulling all short dated product within like 10 days and putting it on a metro rack. Depends on who the LOD is. Most LODs do a really quick walk and try to do it as fast as possible haha. After the walk is done I will do anything we found on the walk, and finish the SDA. Since its tuesday, I will be doing research as well in Pfresh, Coolers, and Freezers. After research if they pull it quick enough I will work out any of the pulls in order to be full. If there is time before I actually HAVE to go to lunch I will also go through and do TPCS which I know i will have to since apparently im the only one capable of them. I say this because my writing is basically the only one on our TPC log of 10+ pages haha.

11-12 to 12:30
Get back from lunch and go on workbench to check the out of stock delivery report, the promotions reports, and the inventory management guide. Go to the backroom and write down how much of each and the dates. Go out on floor and start the order. Im pretty slow at doing the order but its only because I try to be as accurate as possible and dont want to screw up somewhere. Id rather spend a little extra time on that and make sure we have everything in stock for our guests. The last order was pretty quick so it just depends on if I have to help guests with something or any call boxes/calls etc.

When I get done with the order I take my last break around 1 typically. By then they have the 1 pulls done as well so I just work out the 12 and 1 pulls. Work out bananas. Take all cardboard to bailer. Then fill up milk and by that time the closer is usually coming in and will probably give me **** about not doing any monthly or weekly cleaning:suicide2:
So you do some of the stuff you should be doing and expect him to be happy? Perhaps you should do some of the cleaning instead of dumping it all on the closer. All of the other stuff you listed should be completed anyway.
So you do some of the stuff you should be doing and expect him to be happy? Perhaps you should do some of the cleaning instead of dumping it all on the closer. All of the other stuff you listed should be completed anyway.

Eh, its in the past, not sure why this got bumped up to begin with, just responded to it last night when I saw it did. Our cleaning routines are fine. I was just a little pissed off that day because the closer basically had an attitude like no matter what was done it wasnt good enough. In a low volume store with maybe 1 person in hardlines til 2, and an LOD dumping reshop and a few extra projects at me, the walk taking literally 30 minutes probably, it is just a little bit hard to get to the monthly cleaning tasks, especially if it is something that will take up a decent portion of time and not just something quick.
Pfresh dude: for it Sunday autofills, how many carts, tubs, flats and or rolling carts do u typically have? For this past sunday, it was 1 full red cart of loose dairy, 1 full green cart of case stock dairy, 1 red cart of bake, 1 red cart of loose frozen, 1 full green cart of case stock frozen, 1 red cart of meats, 2 red carts of produce, & 1 red cart of prod 2 push.

Now I got in at 630. I first did the deep cull, sda, wrote down all needed tpcs, did the tpcs, then did all that push on my own. I didn't get it done until 1055ish.

For someone in a B volume store, did I take took long pushing?

Pfresh dude: for it Sunday autofills, how many carts, tubs, flats and or rolling carts do u typically have? For this past sunday, it was 1 full red cart of loose dairy, 1 full green cart of case stock dairy, 1 red cart of bake, 1 red cart of loose frozen, 1 full green cart of case stock frozen, 1 red cart of meats, 2 red carts of produce, & 1 red cart of prod 2 push.

Now I got in at 630. I first did the deep cull, sda, wrote down all needed tpcs, did the tpcs, then did all that push on my own. I didn't get it done until 1055ish.

For someone in a B volume store, did I take took long pushing?

Im a lower volume store so its a little different. It really just depends on the day. Usually each area has a full metro rack but it really just depends. My backroom is on the complete opposite side of the store from pfresh as well.

Sunday for me, is basically:
1. Doing pulls and culling,
2. Checking all the meat prices to make sure they are accurate and changing the labels
3. Filling milk if it needs it, half the time its really low. Also zone most of`
3. Changing out the front water endcap if it isnt the vendors time to do that (depends on the product being put there)
4. Huddle where there is usually some sort of smart huddle or something to push or some project to do, then my break.
5. SDA, QMOS and TPCs, quick touch up zone, fill bananas if needed.
6. Lunch
7. Order and finish up anything else + cleaning...leave at 12:30
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