Archived Planogram NOT done, shift is over. Doesn't matter, CLOCK OUT!

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Jul 9, 2012
I swear to God, it's NOT at all because I am slow or anything, but there are some aisles that every Planogram TM & TL should well aware of that's going to be longer than what the hours says. No matter who does it, IMPOSSIBLE to speed thru like those easy ones in toys or sporting goods. My PTL and of course, my STL, and other managers are absolutely clueless about this! And, I am so sick and tired of their cluelessness! Yeah, I suppose it isn't just our store only, it's probably company-wide ignorance.

I always get one of these planograms that I had to mess with dividers, it says so-and-so hours to complete but the reality is since they have dividers they are gonna take about twice or 1.5X at least as long to do these.

So, not done with a lot left, they don't care they say I must clock out.

We are also already 1.5 weeks behind on POGs/Revs :/
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Part of the problem is corporate office idiots, they design these stupid planograms in a way they never ever distinguish like a toy Rev from a Rev that you have a tons of dividers on... they just have no good formula for that crap for years that I've worked on Plano. Tried to talked about this problem forever, but situation NEVER improved! Might actually gotten worse, instead of improving.

I ask you, HOW can anyone move and change a Rev that has like 25+ label stripes and each shelf you have to move about ALL the dividers on there (sometimes like 10+ on those) and get it done in just 2 hours?

Am I wrong by saying this is an impossible thing?

*SIGH* :(
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Plano is often on my bad side. I know it isn't their fault, because the workload is horrendous some days. But being expected to handle your mountain of backstock on top of all the regular backstock is a nightmare. When I'm about to clock out and the ETLs look at me like "um, why isn't this backstock done?"...well...see the title of this thread for my response.
Since I started plano I've noticed the pogs get progressively worse, especially the past year or so. Corporate has cut a lot of people in that department it seems. What should be a easy revision to add one or two new product ends up changing 20 strips at times.
Not seeing why this upsets you. Clock out. Leave. If it's consistently not getting done they'll be forced to schedule you to work more hours. POG being finished is the concern of those in charge of the scheduling, not the people being scheduled. As someone being scheduled, your job is to complete as much of the job as you can in the time allotted to you. Nothing more, nothing less.
I feel for you. It would drive me nuts too. My pog tl is really good about these things though. We're not to behind usually and if we are we find hours to add.
I would be constantly updating your PTL with progress (if they don't check on yout to begin with) because consistently not finishing daily workloads is something I would coach & CCA my TMs for. I consider myself to be pretty sympathetic to how shitty the adjacency hours can be compared to realistic work, though.
Thanks! I just wish the company gets it and improve on this, but I think I have given up on their ways. 5 years I worked on plano, my #1 complaint was these divider aisles hours accuracy, but they changed nothing!

It's a matter of setting me up to fail now, possible trying to get me fired by not able to complete work, Which I hate, despise if it's the case because I know I am a fast revision setter, but put in a very difficult situation so I won't accept that these punks feel I am slow because they never do these work themselves.

Where I come from, if I myself have a really hard time getting a ALL-dividers aisle where I have to set 25+ shelves in 2 hours, no way I would feel it's fair to assign to ANYONE such workload and demand them to get it done and do more.

So, yeah, to me my PTL is also responsible for this misery!
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Our TL was very passionate about his job. Really took pride in his work. So it was hard for me to tell him to calm down when the job wasn't finished and his team was approaching overtime. I don't think anyone at corporate understands the work or the higher ups put pressure on them to make a more efficient process. I think they just lie and say it takes less hours and people to do the same tasks. Someday the POG team will be 1 super TM with 150 hrs of work to complete in 20 hrs, because we all know Target doesn't want full time TMs. Sorry to hear about the struggle. Just do your best with what you have.
Since I started plano I've noticed the pogs get progressively worse, especially the past year or so. Corporate has cut a lot of people in that department it seems. What should be a easy revision to add one or two new product ends up changing 20 strips at times.

Or changing strips that only change the schematics... Really? Wth is the point of that?
Lets make this 2-1-4.008 instead of 2-1-4 and nothing on the shelf moves.. :-/
This post completely hit it on the head! How do they even come up with these times? What pisses me off is to our face our TL will say she understand that the times aren't always right but yet be ready to write you up cuz you didn't finish. When you finish an 5 hrs pog in 3 hrs they say yeah those times are usually wrong but when it take 5 hours to do a pog they say is 3 it's a problem and you obviously aren't working fast enough. These 45 mins -2 hours 4x4 aren't counting into the hours nor is your breaks so if I'm scheduled 8 hrs you can't really give me a Plano that's supposed to take 8 hours. But you can't tell them that cuz they swear they know it all but they couldn't do it. The LODs at our store have set pogs for us (called themselves doing us a favor) we ended up having to go back over it. They didn't clean the shelves, the strips are part standard and some reverse, lips broken and label holders so yellow you can't even read the label. But hey what do I know I don't have a degree
Our store is really good about "finding" the hours to let us stay. But our store is also good at finding out the hours we need to finish our workload, subtracting like 20 hours from that and yelling at us to work faster. Essentially we use the hours they should have given us to begin with, but They have to bank some because flow ALWAYS overspends.

My store thinks that flow pushing things after planogram sets is efficient. Not really.. you are paying 20 people 30mins-1hr to push when you could have just paid 2 tms 2 hours. And then they leave their trash behind and you have to pay someone else to clean up after them when POG would have done it themselves.
Target is a company in decline. And I am sorry to say nobody at Corporate cares about you or your job getting done. All they care about is short term profits and the bonus that comes with them. It used to be a different company but, I guess when you on the way up you can afford to care more about your workers. The worst part it you and every other store level worker is paying the price for a series a terrible choices made by the people up top. Who after wrecking the company were let go with more money each than everybody working in your district would make combined over several years.
When I feel like I have an impossible amount of work to do in an allotted time, I think to myself "WWMD?" What Would Management Do? Half-ass it!

Dividers taking forever to put up? Don't put them up! Label strips change but nothing moves? Don't change it! You want to be a manager one day? Start acting like one! :p
When I feel like I have an impossible amount of work to do in an allotted time, I think to myself "WWMD?" What Would Management Do? Half-ass it!

Dividers taking forever to put up? Don't put them up! Label strips change but nothing moves? Don't change it! You want to be a manager one day? Start acting like one! :p

So sad but so true.
When I feel like I have an impossible amount of work to do in an allotted time, I think to myself "WWMD?" What Would Management Do? Half-ass it!

Dividers taking forever to put up? Don't put them up! Label strips change but nothing moves? Don't change it! You want to be a manager one day? Start acting like one! :p
yeah just do like they did one time in baby hardlines and didn't shift anything. The label strips and the dividers were off half an inch or so. The pog tm was so ticked that they didn't schedule him enough he just pulled the label strip out a little and folded it and placed a white label where there should have been a labelstrip. Haha
yeah just do like they did one time in baby hardlines and didn't shift anything. The label strips and the dividers were off half an inch or so. The pog tm was so ticked that they didn't schedule him enough he just pulled the label strip out a little and folded it and placed a white label where there should have been a labelstrip. Haha

I honestly think this is what you're SUPPOSED to do. Probably saved a ton of time, and didn't hurt anything. And who's going to notice unless the item at the end doesn't fit right?
I honestly think this is what you're SUPPOSED to do. Probably saved a ton of time, and didn't hurt anything. And who's going to notice unless the item at the end doesn't fit right?

Hey, I'm not complaining.. I even high-fived him.. it's something I would have done had I been upset and short of time too.. lol
Target is really on a decline, at least in my store, a lot TMs agreed that it hasn't been this bad for years, OVERALL.

Planogram at Target is specifically very poorly-designed and getting worse and worse instead of better. Like the changing of schematics, and Revisions that is as bad if not worse than many transitions, God is that going to be back 2015 all year? I hope not. A 3 shelf change NEED to be just a 3 labels, not way more than that. I've gotten 20+ labels on a 3 shelf change, that is RIDICULOUS! Also, a 50%+ change should not happen on divider aisles, period. Just assign that crap as a new POG so appropriate hours are assigned instead of say it's just 2 hours to do. NOT possible - NO one can do that in 2 hours!!! It's not toy or

But, these are my suggestion, cuz my experience I think we work faster and not perceived as a slow, bad worker if we don't get shit done. I get a hard one, but if you all ignorant people think I am slow, maybe you want to try what I do see if you can be faster. Probably (MOST likely) not!

*SIGH* Target, I am concerned for years, and you NEVER listened, why should I have hope that you will listen now?

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I agree. I don't think they really want us to do most of the things we're supposed to do. They want us to pretend we do them. It's hard for those of us who still care.

But then they'll use that as an excuse for coaching, CA, etc.
How about the fucking cosmetics revisions

let's talk about that.

For example the locations that look like this: 12-(black space)-1.08

why is there a blank space. what am i supposed to do with that.

Or, in one one-foot section, it'll look like this, from bottom to top

1-1-1. 1-2-1. 1-P1-1. 1-P2-1. 1-12-1.


Oh and then there's this one one foot section in Covergirl where it's basically

1-P1-1. 1-blankspace-1. 1-12-1

so yeah it combines them.

I don't even blame plano at my store for fucking it up because there's no way you can understand it

picture relevant

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