Archived Possible he call

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Dec 6, 2016
During my shift last night, I was supposed to have something done by a specific time, and I didnt. I went about 20 mins over. A bunch of things happened while doing the task that kept my from completing it on time. Anyway, about 15 mins past when I was supposed to have it done, my lead calls me on the walking to ask about progress. I told him I was still working on it. he had me go to 4, and asked me what time it was. I said the time, and he had me repeated multiple times. Clearly treating me like a child and it was very condescending. Even the co workers around me fell it was not right for him to speak to me like that. Do I have a case to call the hr about? And it's not the first time he has acted like this.
You can report it to whoever you want, just don’t expect much to be done about it. He will probably just say he couldn’t hear or understand you on the walkie.
A witness would be nice, but short of that just write down what was said, date it and hang on to it.

They will dig their own grave.
After all the drama; I've been with my store. I'm always glad the leaders respect their team and if you don't finish not a big deal.
And of course I pussied out. Now I'm thinking I'm not gonna call hr. I'm afraid of the fallback
And of course I pussied out. Now I'm thinking I'm not gonna call hr. I'm afraid of the fallback
That's good. Non retaliation but retaliating actions are a target signature move. If you didn't die, suffer bodily injury ad the result of someone else's actions and it's not 150% clearly illegal due to protected status (race, gender, age, etc) its not worth getting on their radar. Even then sleep on it.
Next time he tries that ask "What's your location? You seem to be having a hard time hearing me." And see what he says. Cowardly asshats like that will rarely be direct when confronted on their asshattery.

Or you could try upping your volume and slow down, like you're speaking to someone hard of hearing, or a small child. But I'm old and Target is my second job, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend that approach if you actually really need this job. It could backfire.
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