Archived Potatoes and Onions are a Mess in Backroom

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Dec 3, 2011
What do other stores do with the bags of potatoes and onions? My store is supposed to have the bags monarched and located on a MetroRack. Do you keep them staged as opposed to located? I have a problem with people ripping open the bags so I can't keep them in the monarched bags. They get all mixed and my FIFO system gets fudged.
We monarch bags and locate them on a shelf on a MetroRack. Our bags (obviously, hopefully the oldest) get ripped open to get to the product that's being pulled. Just rip the bags open nicely so you can keep the sacks of potatoes in there and retain FIFO integrity.
Ok, this has sparked a question. Is all your PFresh stuff in location or just some stuff? I am just wondering because at my SuperT no perishables from Deli, Bakery, and Produce are in location... we just know what we need and where it is! I guess the idea of STOing this stuff is just kind of foreign to me.
Ok, this has sparked a question. Is all your PFresh stuff in location or just some stuff? I am just wondering because at my SuperT no perishables from Deli, Bakery, and Produce are in location... we just know what we need and where it is! I guess the idea of STOing this stuff is just kind of foreign to me.

Pfresh is STO'd. It's weird. I don't really understand why, but what do I know?!?!?!
It is because it can expired. This is where the suspected date audits are done. Plus, it gives a visual on how long it has been on the shelf.
It is because it can expired. This is where the suspected date audits are done. Plus, it gives a visual on how long it has been on the shelf.

I understand that, but, I have been working in produce departments for 5+ years and we never STO'd anything, granted the small grocery store chain I worked at didn't have the technology. I understand why dairy and what not would be STO'd, but, I just don't get the whole STOing of apples, bananas, and onions thing. I know you guys sell everything in eaches, it just bewilders me. I am just so used to walking the floor and looking for holes to fill rather than working CAFs.
Hi everyone! So I am currently a CTL in training and I am really really excited about my transition from Hardlines to Pfresh. Anyways, in preparation I have been trying to get as much info and advice from fellow CTLs and PAs on issues and solutions that you've all experiences. This topic is something that I have been curious about. I know that it is Best Practice to locate all merchandise in our coolers and freezers, yet the store that I am currently training at does not do this. They claim that it is much easier to be able to just walk into their backroom and just pull the items they need without having to subt or locu items. In your experiences, how do you feel about that? Is having things located easier or does it make things more difficult? What are the pros and cons?
Hi everyone! So I am currently a CTL in training and I am really really excited about my transition from Hardlines to Pfresh. Anyways, in preparation I have been trying to get as much info and advice from fellow CTLs and PAs on issues and solutions that you've all experiences. This topic is something that I have been curious about. I know that it is Best Practice to locate all merchandise in our coolers and freezers, yet the store that I am currently training at does not do this. They claim that it is much easier to be able to just walk into their backroom and just pull the items they need without having to subt or locu items. In your experiences, how do you feel about that? Is having things located easier or does it make things more difficult? What are the pros and cons?

That is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard... I really don't even know how to respond about how bad of an idea that is. I'll get back to you.
They do have SOME things located in Wacos but about 90% of their product is not. You can respond by giving me reasons as to why its ultimately better to locate all of my merch in the backroom. 🙂
1) SUBT/LOCU is easy, I really don't understand how you can possibly think cutting this out is an enormous time saver. Sure, on a big pull, or some such it could add a minute or two to the time it takes, but that's it. It saves very little time (at least with someone who has a clue what they're doing).

2) How do you know what you have? How do you know what to order? How do you know when you recv'd an item? Without Wacos, how do you FIFO appropriately? Without Wacos, how do you deal with open cases? The computers can be obnoxious, the system does run slow from time to time, but it keeps track of counts and that's VERY useful in the long run.

3) How do they ensure their on hands are correct? How do they ensure proper food safety in the meat freezer? This would, in theory, not be an issue if you were very selective in who was allowed to enter the coolers/freezers, but sometimes that's just not possible. PAs get sick, you get sick, vacations come, people quit, etc. If you can only trust 5 people to do things correctly, you're setting yourself up for a serious failure at some point.

Basically I see this as an excuse to be lazy and an invitation for wildly incorrect on hands... I suppose it would work OK at a very low volume store simply b/c there isn't enough merch. for things to get that messed up. So if it's low volume, you've got great PAs, someone in the backroom you trust not to mess anything up, and you're willing to take the risk of a massive screw up at some point... well go for it I suppose. Otherwise, there are a million ways this could get messed up and several of them could/should get you fired.
Your food order would be a nightmare. Get backroom certified! That way, you can train your p-fresh team correctly. Partner w/br tl. It sounds like that store your are training at, has some hidden issues. We have several threads on p-fresh that can help you.
The 1st thing I would be doing at your store, is train everyone correctly per best practice. Then, backstock everything with UPC/dated on all case packs, single items in wacos, in all the coolers. Then do a suspected date audit(sda) on short dated items. Oh yeah, FIFO & culling constantly.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I have been searching for and reading a lot of the threads on Pfresh on here and taking quite a bit of notes.

I have noticed that the store I am training at does have a lot of corner cutting and "hush hush" procedures going on. I don't plan to follow a lot of the the things my trainer is showing me, this being one of them because even though it seems as the her system works for her and her PAs, its just not Best Practice and I can see how it may cause a lot of issues.

To Naterstx's point, their order seems very confusing to someone who has never set foot in their dept. I was there on a Monday when we were to complete an Order and it's true, the system displayed On-hands that were very incorrect but they do not look at that because they go solely based off of their memory from what they pushed in the morning and what backstock they had from that. So completing the order, for me, was very confusing because it was hard for me to remember all of that.

Thanks for the feedback.
Other retail companies do manage to run a business without a backroom with everything scanned into locations...

Yes and it can work just fine, but it depends on the sort of logistics a company chooses to have and their loss thresholds. Targets methods require you scan things in to locations (at least food) if you have any hope of avoiding massive loss numbers.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I have been searching for and reading a lot of the threads on Pfresh on here and taking quite a bit of notes.

I have noticed that the store I am training at does have a lot of corner cutting and "hush hush" procedures going on. I don't plan to follow a lot of the the things my trainer is showing me, this being one of them because even though it seems as the her system works for her and her PAs, its just not Best Practice and I can see how it may cause a lot of issues.

To Naterstx's point, their order seems very confusing to someone who has never set foot in their dept. I was there on a Monday when we were to complete an Order and it's true, the system displayed On-hands that were very incorrect but they do not look at that because they go solely based off of their memory from what they pushed in the morning and what backstock they had from that. So completing the order, for me, was very confusing because it was hard for me to remember all of that.

Thanks for the feedback.

This is the way orders and backstock is handle in every SuperTarget I have been in, however PFresh is alway located.
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