Archived Priority Pulls Backstock

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Every time I push a Priority Pull, literally 50% or more of it is backstock every time. I always fill second locations, etc. What might be going on here? Is it instocks doing a crappy count? Or am I doing something wrong?
So many variables.

SFQ isn't the answer because the point of research is to update the SFQ based on capacity. However, the capacity could be wrong: capacity is 10, but only 5 fit, Instocks TM keys that 3 are on floor, 7 will pull (more depending on size of casepack), leaving 5 to backstock.

Are the Instocks team researching before push is complete?

Are eaches backstocked in a casepack location?

Are Instocks TMs not counting correctly?

Are Salesfloor ties incorrect?

Probably more I'm missing.
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Probbaly more I'm missing.
Backroom throwing priority clips on random vehicles?

We used to use priority clips for challenge and mix it with actual research pulls because that was the only way to get people to work it.
Instocks tm might be missing second locations, and "zeroing" out items to bring out too much to salesfloor..... ie Mouth wash, Chem, etc
Every time I push a Priority Pull, literally 50% or more of it is backstock every time. I always fill second locations, etc. What might be going on here? Is it instocks doing a crappy count? Or am I doing something wrong?
If you have a Zebra myDevice and scan an item it tells you how many will fit in that location. If fewer than that quantity fit ask a TL or Instocks TM to show you how to update the capacity for those locations. Since Target is hell bent on gong to E2E everyone working on the sales floor will eventually need to know how to do this.
If you have a Zebra myDevice and scan an item it tells you how many will fit in that location. If fewer than that quantity fit ask a TL or Instocks TM to show you how to update the capacity for those locations. Since Target is hell bent on gong to E2E everyone working on the sales floor will eventually need to know how to do this.
I already know how to do this, I update counts frequently. I'm just wondering why I always have so much backstock since priority pulls are triggered by research. Are the people doing research just updating the counts wrong or what?
My guess would be people just hitting "Zero" instead of what is actually there. I understand why that is how we used to do it to fill spaces. Because if you are say only needing half the amount to fill the shelf it may not actually pull so hitting zero will bring it out to fill.

I would say these things:

Capacity incorrect
people incorrectly zeroing out instead of counting what is there
not pushing to second, third, fourth locations
multiple people shooting the same thing
Stuff flexed but not actually tied - looking at you one asshole TL who thinks they are all that and a bag of chips!
Shooting before truck is pushed through an area. I have done this a few times since going 4am, thought they were done with area but nope not so much.. "Sorry guys didn't know the auto's had not been pushed through there, so yeah that flat of hangers is backstock."
My guess would be people just hitting "Zero" instead of what is actually there. I understand why that is how we used to do it to fill spaces. Because if you are say only needing half the amount to fill the shelf it may not actually pull so hitting zero will bring it out to fill.

I would say these things:

Capacity incorrect
people incorrectly zeroing out instead of counting what is there
not pushing to second, third, fourth locations
multiple people shooting the same thing
Stuff flexed but not actually tied - looking at you one asshole TL who thinks they are all that and a bag of chips!
Shooting before truck is pushed through an area. I have done this a few times since going 4am, thought they were done with area but nope not so much.. "Sorry guys didn't know the auto's had not been pushed through there, so yeah that flat of hangers is backstock."
Didn't even think of the last! That's most likely it. Our store has been super short-handed with flow lately and it's been taking forever to get truck done, and as Instocks gets there at 7, it's very likely they're shooting things that haven't been worked yet.
Didn't even think of the last! That's most likely it. Our store has been super short-handed with flow lately and it's been taking forever to get truck done, and as Instocks gets there at 7, it's very likely they're shooting things that haven't been worked yet.

Why I jump around the store following the wave and not wave parts. The flow team are pretty good about getting the auto pulls out to the floor so I can see the tubs, flats out so I can avoid that area. But like today it didn't happen. Sorry guys.
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