Archived Problem with a micro-managing trainer

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Apr 20, 2016
We have a trainer/schedule maker who was actually scheduled to cashier recently. No managerial duties, a regular TM like the rest of us.

She is Target's biggest cheerleader. She's basically a chihuahua on meth in a red shirt. She's fidgety and hoppy, and talks constantly, to no one in particular and treats people as though they're incompetent noobs and comes across as phony. I take offense to being told "good job" when it's something so rudimentary, so basic, that I've been doing for decades in the service industry (like saying hello, how are you today). I'm not a toddler, I don't need cheer-leading for using my words.
She had the GSA and Guest Services rolling their eyes so it's not just me.

When she's GSA she's intolerable, no one likes working with her. She does everything different from any other GSA, LOD, ETL, etc. She does not follow protocol and they all have to fix the shit she messes up.

Today she kept interrupting my guests to ask questions that I'd already asked - red card info, for example.
I sell red cards, I'm good at it. I don't need her telling the guest that they need to hand me a check to get 5% off.
I really don't like hearing her trick guests in to signing up. She's not straightforward with them. She also urges little old ladies to use 1234 as their pin. That's just irresponsible and NOT good guest service IMO.

Today she was up my ass for no reason. I'm a good cashier and a good salesman. I don't need anyone repeating what I've already said to my guests. My guests leave happy, they're entertained, they've seen me handle their purchases carefully, they've heard their savings and about cartwheel, stacking coupons, they know I recognise them and appreciate that I treat their kids like little adults, ask how their cats are, etc etc etc.

She pissed me off so badly, that for the first time since I was hired, I went to the bathroom and cried. Lemme tell ya', I don't cry over work or people! All guests get treated as valued customers regardless of how nasty or bitchy they can be. I simply do not care about their bad mood, it's their problem not mine. If my smile does not help them, then they cannot be helped. Not my prob. I got shit to do, that next person in line needs my sunshine.

So crying out of frustration from a militant, micromanaging, freak, really caught me off guard. It was so out of character for me.

I am in the middle of a raging sinus infection so maybe I'm cranky but usually can power through pain and periods so this was really extreme for me.
I left early. Smeared mascara and runny nose pretty much backed up my sinus infection story. I lost 3 hours because this crazy person made my shift miserable.

Okay, I needed to vent. This had to come out and I could not do it on Facebook.
I get lots of red cards. Sometimes only one in a shift but sometimes 5. Most I ever got in a shift was 10.

She gets them too but her methods are shady. She tells the guest that all they have to do is let us void a check and then they'll get 5% off today. Then they're directed to the credit card reader and she tells them what buttons to press without letting them read the screen, without explaining that this is a debit card (or credit card).
Sure, the guest could read the Terms and Conditions booklet but they won't do that while waiting in line. Then she tells them to pick 1234 as a pin. I've told her that that's not safe but she knows it all.

I try to prevent the guest from cancelling their red card sign up by being honest. I tell them we'll need a check or deposit slip for debit, and an ID/license and SS# for both, and that the numbers will be masked/encrypted and that we never store this information in the store. That usually puts them at ease. I urge them to think of a pin before they even get to that screen and tell them to think of something familiar that they can remember.

I just need to get her dislodged from my anal cavity once and for all.

I will take your advice and speak with my ETL. Thank you!
I try to prevent the guest from cancelling their red card sign up by being honest. I tell them we'll need a check or deposit slip for debit, and an ID/license and SS# for both, and that the numbers will be masked/encrypted and that we never store this information in the store. That usually puts them at ease. I urge them to think of a pin before they even get to that screen and tell them to think of something familiar that they can remember.

Glad to read that you do it the right way. I hope you get recognized for your efforts.

Not to be pedantic, but a deposit slip actually won't work. It may have the guest's account number on it, but unlike a check, it doesn't have the correct routing number.

I just need to get her dislodged from my anal cavity once and for all.

Did anyone else get a disturbing mental picture after reading this?
If she is lying to guests and suggesting their PIN numbers, you need to bring it up to your ETL. Or if you're not comfortable doing that, call the Integrity Hotline. The number is in Hardlinemaster's post up above. I believe you can stay anonymous.
Not to be pedantic, but a deposit slip actually won't work. It may have the guest's account number on it, but unlike a check, it doesn't have the correct routing number.

Ugh, I never thought of that! I'll mention it to the ETL also. If I do decide to call the Integrity Hotline, can I mask my phone number?

As far as mental images ... LMAO :p
Thank you all for the advice. I'm comfortable talking to people in a professional setting and my ETL is really open and listens well. I would not call Integrity unless it was a last resort.
I really love my job - customer service is something I do well and I appreciate Target rewarding us for a job well done. I just had a bad day and need help dealing with this person and hopefully they can get her the right track to ethically sign up guests for red cards and stop micro managing.
Thank you all for the advice. I'm comfortable talking to people in a professional setting and my ETL is really open and listens well. I would not call Integrity unless it was a last resort.
I really love my job - customer service is something I do well and I appreciate Target rewarding us for a job well done. I just had a bad day and need help dealing with this person and hopefully they can get her the right track to ethically sign up guests for red cards and stop micro managing.
Don't forget document the events, in case nothing happens with mgt.
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