Archived Promotion advice.

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Mar 31, 2019
Any advice on how to get promoted from TPS to APBP?
I’m not really into the whole kiss ass thing to get a promotion. My stats and work are solid so I know I have nothing to worry in that regard, I just would like any advice please and thank you.
If you’re lucky, you’re at a store where there isn’t an APS and the APTL does the whole undercover thing. If not, then you probably pretty much need to promote to APS, then APTL, then AP ETL, then perform very highly in that role. Identify trends in your store, and look at what other stores in your district are getting hit with and identify trends and help figure stuff out that are hitting your district. Get internals. Our BP is huge on that. Tackle shrink caused by process issues, that’s a big one that will help you move up. The road to APBP from TPS is a long one.
Also. Be fucking careful. I think it’s safe to say an NPI could set you back for a loooong time
Keep good connections too - no need to kiss ass, but don't do questionable crap and follow the directives. Work solid and be informed about new theft trends, try to offer new ideas to lower theft and be proactive not reactive, and as long as your stats are good too, you'll start climbing the ladder. ETL-AP did the same thing, and he's well on his way to being an APBP, from being a cart attendant. Also if you don't already, make sure you have a degree, or are getting one.
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