Archived Quitting before 2w period?

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Jul 24, 2015
I'm finally leaving for military basic in January, so I recently put in my 2 weeks at work so I can start getting things sorted and done in real life before I ship off.

However, ever since I put in my 2 weeks, my ETLs are hounding me hard. They're much more unfair and disrespectful than usually, particularly one. The STL gave me a task to do (emptying a FULL truck and prepping a sweep truck while I was juggling 15 other tasks), and then I was told to do another task, in which I said "Okay, but which should I finish first? The STL's request that he wanted done in 30 minutes, or switch to yours?"

He got mad and said "can you not handle this? You're going in the military and you can't handle this?" So I finally stood up for myself and said "Look, which task do you want me to get yelled at for not completing due to having to do another? Yours or the STLs? I'm the only one doing all of this work right now." And he said "do both" and walked away.

Overall, I'm a little tired of being belittled, and since I have a job lined up that's basically guaranteed unless I die, I'm thinking of quitting on the spot.

Does anyone advise against this in my situation? I'm trying to think if they can do anything else other than blacklist me for rehire.
The only consequence would be that you're inelligible for rehire.
I want to say I respect you for not just walking out on your store. You have far more pride in your work ethics than those who are treating you this way. Thank you for making the commitment to our armed forces.
I would say tough it out when you go for basic it's going to be a lot more intense, just think of it as mental prep. Plus you never know if you have Togo back later doesn't mean it will be with the same people or store. Do what you can at work leave on good terms, don't go above and beyond just keep busy and your head down you'll be fine they can't touch you if you do your job.
It has nothing to do with intensity or not being able to handle tasks given to me. I do however have a problem with being regularly targeted simply because I put in my two weeks to finally leave for the military. It's a $9 an hour job and I have money saved until I ship. I'm not exactly begging to be here. I'd much rather have more training time than get belittled.

I'm mainly asking if they do anything else other than ineligible rehire, because I'm not often one to burn or damage bridges.
They can't do anything else other than mark you as ineligible for reapplication and only state you are not rehireable if asked by an outside job source.
All you can do is keep your head down and ride their shit out.
You shouldn't have to put up with them being obnoxious pricks but by being a better person than they ever could be you will win.
All you can do is keep your head down and ride their shit out.
You shouldn't have to put up with them being obnoxious pricks but by being a better person than they ever could be you will win.

Not trying to play devil's advocate, but win what exactly? I could alternatively as stated by others just leave and not have to deal with it at all whatsoever.

If ineligible rehire is all they can generally do, I'm pretty sure my decision is made.
Well there is the whole matter of burning bridges.
You never can tell when picking up some quick part time work will come in handy.
And despite being a complete douche the ETL who pointed out that you would be facing much worse in basic training does have a point.
Smile at these losers like you know something they will never understand and then go serve your country.
I like that and by being very polite while you are doing it you can make you etl look like an idiot,I am surprised though that you are seeing such behavior under the circumstances.
@soliloquy First of all, thank you for the fact that YOU are willing to go into the military and defend our country. If I were you I would just walk away from Spot...I would enjoy the Holidays with my family without having to stress over Spot related mess.
Only two problems with quitting early:

1. Non-rehirable.
2. If you ever list them as a reference, whether you are rehireable is one of the things they can legally disclose.
Lots of good advice. If the ETL is setting you up to fail by heaping on the extra tasks, definitely radio the STL and 'ask' which task has priority. ..makes ETL look bad.
Sounds good to me!

Put extra shifts on the swap board to try and minimize your time at, and frustration with, Spot.

I finally had enough of Spot's baloney, and left earlier this month. However, I was not going to let anyone or anything negate my time at Spot, blemish my work history, or deprive me of a positive job reference/verification. I gave away as many shifts as possible. I actually came in on a day off that was after what I had expected to be my last day, but still within my 2 week time frame for voluntary termination. I wanted to make sure I was marked rehireable! I don't plan to return to Spot, but after a year of being a good employee, I deserved the rehireable status/employment verification. I have no clue what the future holds, but don't want to close any doors on myself!
In my eyes, them telling people you are rehireable is more important than being rehireable.
If I quit at Target, and apply somewhere else, and they are told that I am not rehireable at Target, that's a pretty big red flag and will likely cost me the new job.
First off, it isn't illegal for a place to give you a bad reference. They just don't because they aren't going to risk a defamation case.

Second, Target no longer verifies rehire status.

Third, someone around here went through a serious government background check for a job, and in that case, the Feds showed up at that person's old store to ask questions. You never know where life might lead.
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