Archived Receipts Are Too Old

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Jun 11, 2011
Anyone else having the issue with the registers saying that receipts from today yesterday and the 29th are "Too Old. Past 90 days"? Must say it's been quite a pain in the ass, especially with guests that tend to wait until the end of an order and say "Oh yeah I need 20 gift receipts and I wanna use this giftcard to pay"

What solutions have you guys found? So far we've been told to return with the license and call 718 to get the override code, but people are getting quite agitated that they have to wait for 20 minutes for 718 to pick up the phone for us
There was a message board regarding this. Receipts for the 29th should be functioning correctly, for March 1st GSTL should do an emergency override. I didn't pay much attention to it since I have nothing to do with Front End process.
^ is correct. My GSTL just wrote the emergency override code on a piece of paper. Only thing is you have to adjust the prices on the no receipt return so they match what the guest paid on the receipt. Also you have to get a new emergency override code each day 🙁
^ is correct. My GSTL just wrote the emergency override code on a piece of paper. Only thing is you have to adjust the prices on the no receipt return so they match what the guest paid on the receipt. Also you have to get a new emergency override code each day 🙁

We were doing this today too. We also had some sheets posted by the guest service registers about doing missed coupons and discounts. It took a little bit to maneuver, but we got used to it. Hopefully it quits doing this soon!
Totally threw a wrench into my night. Closers in guest service, pharmacy, electronics, optical, and portrait had to be briefed on the issue. After explaining it 10 thousand times to everyone, they finally got it. I stressed to the cashiers to ask every time (like they should be already...) regarding coupons and gift receipts.

A few minor issues and some confusion, but I gave my closing SDTM the override code and let her handle it. Luckily, she's very capable and independent.
I had to explain this issue to some of our GSA's. Why is it that I knew more about this than they did? Oh right, because I pay attention and read things....
Ok. We had a GSA tonight. I didn't think to use my code for it. Because I was ringing up guests too.
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Sign in to the register.
Go to the GSTL menu
Hit "Emergency Override Code"
It'll give you a 4/5 digit code which is good for your store until end of business. Use that to override any returns during this system error.
This happened at my store for today's (well, yesterday's if you're on the East Coast) receipts. Our opening GSTL got an email with a scan sheet that we would use instead of the receipt barcode.
I had a question about this. Was off today, but last night, was hanging around Guest Service and noticed the GS team member doing a no receipt return. The interesting thing was, since the item was over the $70 limit by a sizeable amount, I was wondering if because of this issue that the limit was being waived for the time being. Mainly asking since during the return, there was never a prompt to call for an override or anything.
Try this and see if it works for a today dated receipt....I did it once but never got to try it again... Start it out as a no receipt trans, after you scan/swipe the license swipe their method of payment and then scan the item. The recommended refund came up as that card and I didn't have to use the emergency override code. Food for thought.
The $70/limit might have been bypassed while this "issue" is around.
The $70/limit might have been bypassed while this "issue" is around.

I noticed that too! Had a guest return a $99.00 item with no receipt; I was preparing to tell her she was going to have to exchange it, but it gave her a gift card for the full amount. Weird! She was happy......
I noticed that too! Had a guest return a $99.00 item with no receipt; I was preparing to tell her she was going to have to exchange it, but it gave her a gift card for the full amount. Weird! She was happy......

We were able to return a factory defect coffemaker yesterday that came up to $85. Both the SDTM and I were amazed.
Sure hope this gets fixed's confusing having to watch for the receipt date and then decide how to help the guest.

Would have thought that the February 29 date had been addressed. This didn't happen four years ago.
I'm not scheduled again until Friday night. I hope they have it fixed before then.
Wasnt fixed tonight... Found out how to use the Emergency Override Code, made things 10x better 🙂
Wasnt fixed tonight... Found out how to use the Emergency Override Code, made things 10x better 🙂

EOC was specifically mentioned in the workbench notification and the email. Did you not get the email from your GE/GSTL? Hahaha.
We had it come up yesterday in the pharmacy....with a receipt from yesterday!!! The pharmacist couldn't even do a post-void, she had to do an Rx Adjustment, which wasn't really the "proper" way to do it, but it was the only way to keep them off the RTS report.
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