Archived Red Card incentive ideas?

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Aug 20, 2011
What are some of the ways your store has done incentives for cashiers to get Red Cards? Maybe some kind of fun contest or small prize to win? We need some fresh ideas at our store to get the cashiers interested!
We've started a monopoly board thing in the break room, it isn't actual monopoly but its more of a game board in which you progress a space when you get a redcard. There are certain checkpoints in which prizes/candy are given.

We also have a prize box, so if it is a day in which it is like 4pm and we haven't got a red, we'll offer a prize to whoever gets the first one.
Something that was a big hit for us was a punch board similar to punch a bunch on the price is right. We used some poster board and glued small dixie cups to it. We then put tissue paper between the poster board layers with prizes in the cups that ranged from a candy bar all the way up to a $10 DVD. We spilt up the prizes based on their value so that there were more lower value ones to make it more exciting when you got the DVD.
Hey, I just wrote out four ideas and when I went to post it I was told that I didn't have the correct access (type of message).
So my ideas for you went to the great graveyard of lost replies.

I'll try to share my ideas again....but not tonight!
Hey, I just wrote out four ideas and when I went to post it I was told that I didn't have the correct access (type of message).
So my ideas for you went to the great graveyard of lost replies.

I'll try to share my ideas again....but not tonight!

You probably got timed out. Whenever you're typing a long post, highlight it and copy it so you can paste it if you get timed out.

we do target dollars. Each redcard you get, you receive a "dollar" to spend at food ave or starbucks. Also top performers for the week get either Spot or some other merchandise. Both seem to work pretty well.

In December, we did something similar, but our "dollars" were redeemable for any merchandise (it would be requisitioned).
I use to do gift baskets when I was GSTL. You'd start off with a small basic gift basket and add an item to it every time someone got a red card. Everyone who got a red card, name would go into a basket for the week end drawing. I did themed baskets, like movie night, summer picnic etc.... My team got a huge kick out of it, especially when it became a "music lovers" dream basket and my STL requisitioned out a iPod Nano to go in the basket! That week we honestly had 90+ red cards! Got major Group/district recognition for that.
I use to do gift baskets when I was GSTL. You'd start off with a small basic gift basket and add an item to it every time someone got a red card. Everyone who got a red card, name would go into a basket for the week end drawing. I did themed baskets, like movie night, summer picnic etc.... My team got a huge kick out of it, especially when it became a "music lovers" dream basket and my STL requisitioned out a iPod Nano to go in the basket! That week we honestly had 90+ red cards! Got major Group/district recognition for that.

Wow I like that idea!!! I am definitely doing this one 😛
we do target dollars. Each redcard you get, you receive a "dollar" to spend at food ave or starbucks. Also top performers for the week get either Spot or some other merchandise. Both seem to work pretty well.

We are doing it poker chips equals a dollar.
60 a DAY?! My ETLs would have kittens!
We'd be doing good to get 60 in a week!
I guess there is a Red Card contest going on in our District. Since doing these incentives, our Red Card count have been exceptionally high. We recently got 110+ Red Cards on a weekday; but we're averaging around 60 Red Cards a day now.

I spent a year as a GSTL.

I would definitely *not* recommend candy or anything like that if you have older cashiers. (read: 25 years or older) The reason is - they see it as patronizing them, (form of harassment) basically like you are treating them like a kid. I made the mistake of giving a 50 something year old cashier a few times (because she kept getting red cards), and ended up on a counseling for harassment. She had an attorney come to the store and was ready to sue us. Basically they had to write me up to prevent a lawsuit.
You just can't win with some people.
I'm's one thing to try:

Set up a tic-tac-toe board and each time a TM gets a RC they get an "X" or an "O" when the TM who makes the tic-tac-toe happen then that TM gets to pick a treat and then have their name put it a drawing box. At the end of the contest time a name is chosen from the drawing box and that TM gets a "big" prize.....beverage from food ave or starbucks....a $5.00 gift card or some small Target rewards item. This concept lets everyone get a chance to win even if they do not complete a "tic-tac-toe."

Another idea.....have a theme based baseball....and have a drawing basket for each RC with treats that are good...and treats that are not so good. (I'll give some examples in a moment) Each TM has their name in a drawing box for each RC (or electronic attachment plan) they get, they get to pick a
'treat" from the box and then at the end of the contest since all names have been put in the drawing box then any one can win....even that TM who only got one card.

OK.....the GSTLs write up little messages on paper to be drawn for each RC. For example your message could say.."you hit a home reward is a $5.00 gift card." or
'you hit a get a free meal from food ave ." or "oh spilled your bag of treat." "you fell asleep before the 7th inning goodies for you!" You get the idea......while each individual may or may not get a good little prize they are still entered in the BIG winner treat....a $20.00 CD or movie.

So each message can be a fun winner or a fun loser......but the "BIG" prize can be a $20.00 CD or $10.00 movie.
We've found that having little daily treats that culminate in a BIG treat tends to encourage TMs to get a RC. This way each"RC" winner gets a chance at winning something.

Having each TMs name put in for the BIG drawing then gives even the TM who only got one RC a chance at the prize. The only advantage that multiple RC getters have is if they get 4 cards in a week, then their name is put in for the BIG drawing 4 times.

Daily treats also seems to help TMs who come for back-up....they try a little harder for the daily prize.
One more idea.......Spot hot potato.....
1) pick a busy day
2)the first person to get a RC or service plan attachment will get a stuffed "Bellseye" dog on their register.
3) the next person to get the RC or attachment gets to get "Bullseye" on their register.
4)this continues until
a) a set time of the day
b) when "Bullseye" is on a register and that TM's shift is over

where ever "Bullseye" is sitting will go to the person who has him at the designated time. When you do this by the time that a TM must leave sometimes that encourages competition.

If the person who has "Bullseye" leaves at 1pm then you can get another "Bullseye" for a second round of hot potato.

Hopefully this makes sense. If not I'll try to clarify it later.
I spent a year as a GSTL.

I would definitely *not* recommend candy or anything like that if you have older cashiers. (read: 25 years or older) The reason is - they see it as patronizing them, (form of harassment) basically like you are treating them like a kid. I made the mistake of giving a 50 something year old cashier a few times (because she kept getting red cards), and ended up on a counseling for harassment. She had an attorney come to the store and was ready to sue us. Basically they had to write me up to prevent a lawsuit.
Ok, as an over 50 cashier, I would not mind candy. Sexual harassment because she got candy for getting red cards! It boggles the mind. And mine is boggled enough as it is:wacko:.
anyone doing anything more recently they'd care to share?? Our conversion score has hit rock bottom and i want to take a bunch of ideas to my ETL tomorrow.
Thanks guys!!
anyone doing anything more recently they'd care to share?? Our conversion score has hit rock bottom and i want to take a bunch of ideas to my ETL tomorrow.
Thanks guys!!

My store is red for conversion and our wonderful new GSTL is getting on everyone's case that has a "low conversion rate," i.e. anyone who doesn't get a ridiculous number of Red Cards in one shift. I wish we had an incentive for the guests to open Red Cards; our conversion rate depends on them after all, not necessarily us! It doesn't matter how many times we ask guests if they'd like to save 5% today and every day by opening a Red Card; the fact is, no one wants to open a credit card in today's economy, and few people carry their checkbooks for the check card app.
My store is red for conversion and our wonderful new GSTL is getting on everyone's case that has a "low conversion rate," i.e. anyone who doesn't get a ridiculous number of Red Cards in one shift. I wish we had an incentive for the guests to open Red Cards; our conversion rate depends on them after all, not necessarily us! It doesn't matter how many times we ask guests if they'd like to save 5% today and every day by opening a Red Card; the fact is, no one wants to open a credit card in today's economy, and few people carry their checkbooks for the check card app.

Edit, I got a pm so I added more info for every body-

Some stores used to give out $10 Gift Cards to every guest who filled out a application. There was a barcode that you would scan and it prompted to scan a giftcard to give to the guest. I think only one person at our store tried to abuse it, it was some electronics tm. AP caught on to them really fast though. So thats a idea there. Offer a $10 Gift Card & 5% off todays purchase. Then tell them the 5 precent is everyday and about pharmacy rewards.

Our store used to have some awesome giftcard raffles, I won them a couple of times :excited:. They were like $20 & $30 amounts. I wish they would have given away a iPod like another posted mentioned. That would have been so awesome.

Our Giveaway was-
For each red card you opened, you got one entry in the raffle. And the end of the month someone was randomly drawn. It worked well for our store. $20/$30 Gift Cards were the prizes.

I sort of miss my cashier job, some of the guests were really nice at my store. In AP, I only deal with rude criminals.... Its defiantly not the same.
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