Archived RedPerks

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Scary Socialist
Oct 24, 2013
So my store is gonna be testing this reward program soon so I figured I'd make a thread for it

Anyone in a store testing this? What's it like?
I'm pretty sure I read that there are other ways to get points too. Like random challenges/scenarios where you can earn bonus points. And also free Starbucks at 500 points or something like that. Not sure of the specifics.
At best buy you spend $250 to get a $5 coupoun. Target is still being cheap
Even Kohl's has a better rewards program. They rolled it out when I was still working there. Every dollar you spend is a point, and for every 100 points, you get a $5 off coupon.
Do you still get the points if you use a red card and can it be stacked? Red card, perks, cartwheel and employee discount?
Its a pretty crappy rewards program as of right now, but I believe they are using it as a medium for something more (remember when the REDcard used the points system before converting over to a discount?). The point is to design a loyalty driver that is not based on tenders, and then to simplify the other loyalty drivers into it to simplify it for guests.

If they are listening, I would suggest to utilize the Target App and accounts. The CEO is extremely passionate about dissolving the lines that Target has formed between brick and mortar shoppers with shoppers. We also want to simplify the experience so its just a "Target Experience" and not specific to any given medium. This would mean that if I want to pay in store, I should be able to log into my Target App. If I want to track my loyalty drivers, I should log into my Target App. If I want to pick something up in store or get something online, I should be able to log into my Target App. The problem now is a saturation of our guests' senses with too many methods, mediums, and apps. We also need to excel our online platform more.

So, let's just say there are two versions of a Target Account (again, you log into your phone and this account should work in store or online). The free version is similar to what you have now, doesn't provide much benefit (other than tracking and offering specific deals based on purchase habits). The upgraded version should offer all the benefits in one place. REDperks, Cartwheel (automatic adding anybody?), Personalized Sales, Free 2 Day Shipping etc... The thing I think it should have imo, and this is the kicker, is that you can EITHER pay for this service per year like some of our competitors OR if you load up your REDcard as your preferred tender, the fee is waived! How sweet would that be? Target App should also be a form of mobile payment (get rid of CurrentC and internalize it as a REDcard).

The point is, as a shopper I want to come in and to be able to use my phone and one app to access everything I need. I don't want cards, multiple apps and log-ins, etc to get everything. I think (especially for our RC users), that they should be able to do this.
If they are listening, I would suggest to utilize the Target App[lication] and accounts. The CEO is extremely passionate about dissolving the lines that Target has formed between brick and mortar shoppers with shoppers. We also want to simplify the experience so its just a "Target Experience" and not specific to any given medium. This would mean that if I want to pay in store, I should be able to log into my Target App[lication]. If I want to track my loyalty drivers, I should log into my Target App. If I want to pick something up in store or get something online, I should be able to log into my Target App[lication]. The problem now is a saturation of our guests' senses with too many methods, mediums, and applications.

One login, and one system, agree.

We also need to excel our online platform more.

From running themselves to AWS to back to internal. It went to crap when AWS took over, and totally went off the rails when it went back internal. The whole ADD look of the site, and most sites, is just blech...

I've not looked at some of the underling code for things in a while, BUT they seriously need to step back from some of the platform lock in they were using.. As some one who has done this, and does this on the side, they need to be a lot more platform independent on what they do. Translation FOLLOW THE STANDARDS! Don't use extensions to HTML, CSS, ECMAScript etc. that are not supported or only supported and pushed to lock in users to one particular browser and OS.

This holds true for a LOT of TGT and others systems, step away from the MS train! L-I-N-U-X. Had they embraced that more the chances of the data breach and performance issues would have been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced.

If they are listening,
So, let's just say there are two versions of a Target Account (again, you log into your phone and this account should work in store or online). The free version is similar to what you have now, doesn't provide much benefit (other than tracking and offering specific deals based on purchase habits). The upgraded version should offer all the benefits in one place. REDperks, Cartwheel (automatic adding anybody?), Personalized Sales, Free 2 Day Shipping etc... The thing I think it should have imo, and this is the kicker, is that you can EITHER pay for this service per year like some of our competitors OR if you load up your REDcard as your preferred tender, the fee is waived! How sweet would that be? Target App[lication] should also be a form of mobile payment (get rid of CurrentC and internalize it as a REDcard).

Do NOT LISTEN TO THIS! :mad: Nope I am not paying for one thing! :mad: I don't sign up for any of that crap... Prime don't have enough to warrant its cost since I purchase little from AMZN, and I don't give a crap about their video service, as I will get my shows the same way I have for free for years. There is how many of these programs out there ranging from Wet Seals FIC at $20/yr for a 10% year long discount to Prime at $99/year... By the time I purchase all these I have nothing to spend on things! NOPE!

The current free shipping on with RC, is fine. My only gripe with this and other stores "free shipping" is the use of Mail Innovations and SurePost... :mad: One place, Figis, uses them and YOU PAY FOR THAT CRAP service, and PAY DEARLY FOR IT. :mad: If some place says they are usiing UPS or FedEx, then I expect same to deliver it! And at some of the prices for shipping, IOW they are charging for UPS/Fedx and pocketing the savings for using these hybrid schemes! :mad: As for shipping from Are you that in a hurry then PAY for the express shipping.

As for the whole mobile payment application... meh...meh... I don't think that really should be something TGT puts resources into, nor do I want it developed outsourced unless they do it with US citizens and US based IT firms. Thats part of the, no, a LOT of the issues with IT, not only TGT, but it compounds TGT's issues.

I would rather they use Samsung Pay and/or Google-Android Pay (or what ever its called this week.) and a big fat NO! NO! NO! on anything crapple! Rip that whole mess out of ELCT, ban the mytoys, Nothing but Samsung and/or other Android products! Ok, you can have one 4ft section for all the crapple accessories and stuff you can cram in to it! :p

The point is, as a shopper I want to come in and to be able to use my phone and one app[lication] to access everything I need. I don't want cards, multiple app[lications] and log-ins, etc to get everything. I think (especially for our RC users), that they should be able to do this.

I have no issue with simplification, and using one application, one login, and rolling Cartwheel et al into ONE COHESIVE program.. but some of what you suggest, ie: PAYING for this... NOPE, NO WAY!

As for this phone centric mindset... No... I am not saying no as an option... but not everyone uses their phone/tablet in that manner.. I am not tied to my phone/tablet....and I am not going to be forced into doing things that way either, it smells way too much like that whole "choose well" scheme... Don't tell me how to live my life! :mad: If I want a physical RC or an physical Tarjay Elite Club program card.. so be it... find a way to tie my membership to my RC or something... but if you are going to force/tell me how I have to live with some device clutched in my hand.. well.. my phone is not the device you will be prying from my cold dead hand! ;)
Do NOT LISTEN TO THIS! :mad: Nope I am not paying for one thing! :mad: I don't sign up for any of that crap... Prime don't have enough to warrant its cost since I purchase little from AMZN, and I don't give a crap about their video service, as I will get my shows the same way I have for free for years. There is how many of these programs out there ranging from Wet Seals FIC at $20/yr for a 10% year long discount to Prime at $99/year... By the time I purchase all these I have nothing to spend on things! NOPE!

I use Amazon constantly, and Prime is definitely worth it. The video selection isn't great, but they sometimes get recently released movies up pretty quickly which is nice. For those of us who do use amazon frequently, it's definitely worth it, so I would argue the same for a Target plan similar to Amazon Prime.

I definitely do agree with you on one thing though, the website definitely needs some attention. It isn't the worst web design in the world, but some parts could definitely use some updating, like the buttons and the category system. It seems like it's trying to basically be a "Red" Amazon, and Amazon has it own host of web UI issues that are also present on Target's website.
@RockLobster, Pay for the "privilege" to shop at Target or Most shoppers would have to be spending some serious coin to benefit or at least perceive that they benefit from a fee based program.
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