Archived Regarding recognition and being a GSA

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Executive Team Leader
Aug 19, 2013
So most GSAs agree on one thing: it seems the TLs get the recognition for doing well with conversion, while the GSAs get the flack for doing poorly. Recently moving to GSA myself, I have noticed the same exact thing and I had a chat with our ETL-GE about it.

I know this is a case-by-case, but he actually agreed that our TLs and himself do not do what is needed to recognize the GSAs. The cashiers get showered with gifts, personalized cards, and they all seem very happy with the way they're recognized. The TLs get recognized by the district and in meetings, so where does that leave GSAs?

If any other GSA has had this problem and found a solution, chime in. Also, if you have some input on what could be done, let us know!
If you perform outstandingly and you get the attention of the ETL's you will be recognized. They will want you to move up asap.
What rednkhaki said. Perform outstandingly. You'll have to work twice as hard as your GSTL to get the same recognition as he/she does.

I finally got district-wide recognition as a quality GSA and as a GSTL/GSA trainer by quite literally forcing everyone to recognize the fact that I was the one gettting all these good results, not my GSTL. I played the politics game like I was a TL.

I'd also make sure you're seasoned enough to instantly speak to and address any decision that you make before you get too focused on earning your much-deserved recognition. I was to the point where I could run the front end, probably set up a new store's front end, and have the department completely memorized in every way possible before I started doing this. Remember, when you challenge your superiors, you're always going to have to speak to your decisions and back them with solid logic, which is much easier to do when you have the GSA position and everything it entails burned into your skull :)
So our store has been exceeding green for the past 4+ weeks in conversion and myself and the other GSA (who is also new) have been busting our butts around it. I was talking to her (the other GSA) and neither of us have gotten as much as a "good job" from ANY of our leaders. There's even a vibe card up on the wall from our ETLGE to our TLs for being consistently green in conversion. I even had the most RedCard apps last week. Not one bit of recognition. Not sure how long they expect us to work this hard because I'm sure the both of us are ready to protest!
I agree recognition is due but you'll see sometimes the higher you go the less recognition you get. The gstl may get recognized by the Etlge because they "manage you" and you are doing good which in the eyes of an etl means the Tl is doing good. I agree you should get recognition from your ge but also challenge your gstl. They should be recognize you. Have an honest and open conversation with them. I do agree with you that sometimes the gsa does get stuck in recognition limbo.
we look at gsa's for their shifts as a "gstl" unfortunately they know oh so and so is working, we'll get some redcards. yeah, you know the opposite is true. i don't work with them, don't expect red cards. conversion is more the team instead of one person talking about them
Is it weird that I dislike recognition and find it insulting? If you recognize me for something it feels to me as if I did more than you expected me to, so unless that something was truly amazing it feels to me as if you are saying that you think so little of me that when I succeed at doing something trivial it's an unexpected surprise.
Dunno, just always found congratulations to be patronizing. It'd be like standing outside the restroom, and congratulating me for not catching my genitalia in the zipper as I exit.

When you spend an 8 hour day putting out fires at the front lanes and juggle your princess TMs and PITA guests, and manage not to kill anyone...and do such a great job at it that the LOD fails to notice there were even any issues...and you've worked your ass off and skipped at least one of your breaks, and still managed to leave the front end looking presentable...and no one says one word to you...the first day it's fine...the second day, it's fine...but after months and months of it, where the only words out of anyone's mouth regarding your work is the team conversion score, you tend to understand how a little recognition can go a long ways.

When you spend an 8 hour day putting out fires at the front lanes and juggle your princess TMs and PITA guests, and manage not to kill anyone...and do such a great job at it that the LOD fails to notice there were even any issues...and you've worked your ass off and skipped at least one of your breaks, and still managed to leave the front end looking presentable...and no one says one word to you...the first day it's fine...the second day, it's fine...but after months and months of it, where the only words out of anyone's mouth regarding your work is the team conversion score, you tend to understand how a little recognition can go a long ways.


Though some ETLs/LODs are better than others. My STL is a very positive, genuine person, and she isn't entirely blinded by the almighty conversion metric. Some of the others, though... just as you described.
we look at gsa's for their shifts as a "gstl" unfortunately they know oh so and so is working, we'll get some redcards. yeah, you know the opposite is true. i don't work with them, don't expect red cards. conversion is more the team instead of one person talking about them
Funny, the opposite is true in our store. Our conversion rate is carried by a couple of cashiers, one of whom legit badgers people and will only ask for RedCards when there's good prizes available.
we look at gsa's for their shifts as a "gstl" unfortunately they know oh so and so is working, we'll get some redcards. yeah, you know the opposite is true. i don't work with them, don't expect red cards. conversion is more the team instead of one person talking about them
Funny, the opposite is true in our store. Our conversion rate is carried by a couple of cashiers, one of whom legit badgers people and will only ask for RedCards when there's good prizes available.

That's a culture problem. Time to back off the prizes for a bit and get back to core roles. We had a couple of cashiers who would go up to whoever was running the lanes and say, "I got a REDcard, what's my prize?" We eventually told them the prize was a high five and keeping their job. Only after they got it through their thick skulls that we weren't going to reward them for doing their job, and they stopped acting entitled to something everytime they took a breath, did we bring back the prizes (on a very, very limited and regulated scale).
we look at gsa's for their shifts as a "gstl" unfortunately they know oh so and so is working, we'll get some redcards. yeah, you know the opposite is true. i don't work with them, don't expect red cards. conversion is more the team instead of one person talking about them
Funny, the opposite is true in our store. Our conversion rate is carried by a couple of cashiers, one of whom legit badgers people and will only ask for RedCards when there's good prizes available.

That's a culture problem. Time to back off the prizes for a bit and get back to core roles. We had a couple of cashiers who would go up to whoever was running the lanes and say, "I got a REDcard, what's my prize?" We eventually told them the prize was a high five and keeping their job. Only after they got it through their thick skulls that we weren't going to reward them for doing their job, and they stopped acting entitled to something everytime they took a breath, did we bring back the prizes (on a very, very limited and regulated scale).
The problem is that she just doesn't ask without a prize, and then we frequently won't make conversion. We have prizes almost all the time now because otherwise we don't get enough REDcards.
Then eventually she won't ask unless the prize is good enough. And then she'll have you all over a barrel. Best to stop the prizes, coach her for not asking, and work with your other cashiers to bring up their rates. When you can bring up the rest of the team, she will fall into line or find herself on the end of some very unhappy weekly conversations.
Some of our GSAs just don't really care anymore. They'll ask "are you saving 5% with your Target REDcard today?" and drop it if they say no. A lot of the cashiers feel like they're harassing guest by asking EVERY TIME, and a lot of the GSAs get asked why they didn't get any REDcards that night, well it's because that one particular cashier doesn't work nights. Do you have any advice regarding any of this? Our srGSTL is never around and, since the GSAs are always off zoning or something, the cashiers basically run the lanes on their own now.
Some of our GSAs just don't really care anymore. They'll ask "are you saving 5% with your Target REDcard today?" and drop it if they say no. A lot of the cashiers feel like they're harassing guest by asking EVERY TIME, and a lot of the GSAs get asked why they didn't get any REDcards that night, well it's because that one particular cashier doesn't work nights. Do you have any advice regarding any of this? Our srGSTL is never around and, since the GSAs are always off zoning or something, the cashiers basically run the lanes on their own now.
Then eventually she won't ask unless the prize is good enough. And then she'll have you all over a barrel. Best to stop the prizes, coach her for not asking, and work with your other cashiers to bring up their rates. When you can bring up the rest of the team, she will fall into line or find herself on the end of some very unhappy weekly conversations.

Our store has been having the GSTLs coach the TMs who only perform if there's a prize on the line. Giving them the "it's your job to push RedCards, the prizes are a fun bonus" speech. All of the GSAs and GSTLs do daily observation sheets so we know who is consistently trying to drive conversion.
I don't like the recognition for getting the redcards. It shouldn't be a daily thing.
If it were me I would do a monthly or bi monthly prize and it would be on conversions. Person with the highest conversion wins. In case of. Tie I would have a playoff - next one of the winners to get a redcard gets the prize. And I would make the prize in 10-15 range. Not something from one spot.

Isn't asking for redcards part of our job? Hell, why don't they give us a prize every day for just coming in to work.

I guess I can see how some people like the reward system. But there comes a time in everyone's life that they have to grow up and realize that they have to do what they have to do for the sake of doing it and do it to the best of their ability.

As menial as the job is, many should be thankful that they have a job at all. Most places would let go some of the deadbeats long ago, instead target tries to bribe them and dangle the carrot in front of their faces - here get a redcard and I'll give you a treat. Now dance in a circle on your hind feet. Good boy - stay.
we look at gsa's for their shifts as a "gstl" unfortunately they know oh so and so is working, we'll get some redcards. yeah, you know the opposite is true. i don't work with them, don't expect red cards. conversion is more the team instead of one person talking about them
Funny, the opposite is true in our store. Our conversion rate is carried by a couple of cashiers, one of whom legit badgers people and will only ask for RedCards when there's good prizes available.

That's a culture problem. Time to back off the prizes for a bit and get back to core roles. We had a couple of cashiers who would go up to whoever was running the lanes and say, "I got a REDcard, what's my prize?" We eventually told them the prize was a high five and keeping their job. Only after they got it through their thick skulls that we weren't going to reward them for doing their job, and they stopped acting entitled to something everytime they took a breath, did we bring back the prizes (on a very, very limited and regulated scale).

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