Archived Remodel challenges for AP

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Jul 19, 2019
Hello all,
It appears my store will be getting a remodel. Don’t know the details yet.
As AP, what are some of the greatest challenges you guys have faced at each level of AP. (TSS, APS, APTL, ETL-AP, APBP)
How did this effect your business, productivity and work life.
Want to prep for the storm!
Every time we have had contractors in the store overnight for an extended period of time, at least one idiot tries to steal something. I guess nobody tells them there are cameras all over the place
We had the service doors open and people would just walk out, stealing things, completely ignoring our door guard.
LOL the store looses sales anyways and 10x easier to steal stuff this is why they should close target there just stupid! For ap it’s harder because the stupid random walls blocked off and then aisles are tiny.
Wouldn't making sure the right people are in the store working on the right things
Thanks for the input. I’m looking more for actual challenges. Are you expected to oversee any process overnight in specific? Is AP in charge of tracking certain contractors or is there any physical security changes while the transition is in place? Theft occurring is what keeps us in AP in business! Not worried about internal or external theft. Just want to know what processes with change in those roles while a remodel happens.
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