Archived Required to volunteer?

  • Thread starter shadwolf
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  • Replies 41
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Is anyone else required by their ETL to participate in volunteer work off the clock? Is this even legal?
You aren't required to volunteer by any stretch, but it's not uncommon for some ETLs (thankfully my current crop don't do this...) to bring TMs and TLs to volunteer events for "exposure" to the district - one of our former STLs did this all the time. I, myself, enjoy volunteering so I don't mind at all going to the company events, and if I get some exposure, great!
my etl-hr was mad that i didn't sign up for this last volunteer thing but i dont feel safe.. its in a bad area and last year this same event there was a shooting.. no thanks.. besides.. ive attended every other volunteer event this year and we have over 300 hours logged for our store. im the only team lead who shows up anyways. buttttt... that being said no your not required..
I feel I've been looked down upon by my ETL HR because I chose not to participate in the donation thing that automatically takes some amount you choose out of your paycheck. I thought that sort of soliciting is totally uncalled for.
I feel I've been looked down upon by my ETL HR because I chose not to participate in the donation thing that automatically takes some amount you choose out of your paycheck. I thought that sort of soliciting is totally uncalled for.

I got the biggest stink eye from our ETL HR at a huddle when they were pushing the United Way donations. Someone asked what United Way does and the ETL HR said "they provide services to the poor and needy." So I said "like Target team members." That didn't go over so well...
I feel I've been looked down upon by my ETL HR because I chose not to participate in the donation thing that automatically takes some amount you choose out of your paycheck. I thought that sort of soliciting is totally uncalled for.

I got the biggest stink eye from our ETL HR at a huddle when they were pushing the United Way donations. Someone asked what United Way does and the ETL HR said "they provide services to the poor and needy." So I said "like Target team members." That didn't go over so well...

I would have loved that comment. I was an ETL and I got the stink eye when I put a big $0 on the sheet. F that noise. I donate to military organizations because I want to, I'm not trying to be forced to donate to United Way. And for TMs to donate, that is ludicrous. Target should be donating to TMs. I don't like how they solicit it individually.
Volunteer stuff can be fun. My store gets excited when we have something like the feed children stuff. I have gone to one event and it was out last one last year and I promised I would go again. But I've been either sick or busy. It can be fun and just good for the soul to help out. It also shows your comraderie. It's also a great team building experience.
I never gave one cent through the United Way. I just said all money I choose to give I donate to my church. What are they going to say to that?
When Spot decides to pay me a living wage, then we will discuss me giving to United Way. But not one minute sooner.

Heck, my store had a "raise $100 in a week for United Way and every ETL will get a pie in the face." I think they made like $10 off that one. Hahaha.
When Spot decides to pay me a living wage, then we will discuss me giving to United Way. But not one minute sooner.

Heck, my store had a "raise $100 in a week for United Way and every ETL will get a pie in the face." I think they made like $10 off that one. Hahaha.

Raise$ 100 in a week and everyone gets a pie would work.
While it wouldn't actually make any money, everyone would be much happier.
We came pretty close to our goal, through no help from me. Most of our yearly charity budget goes to GLAAD. :)
Our leaders just didn't put any effort into it. Popsicle day and pastry day (different days) they forgot to put them out for us to buy. Bake sale day never happened. Car wash day, the leaders went out and washed cars...I think just a couple of TMs got their cars washed and the rest were all from guests. Nobody cared to get the leaders pied. Root beer float day may have raised a couple of bucks, but I'm not sure...I was off that day.

If our store had a goal, I don't know what it was. Heck, what they should have done is do a pool to see who corporate decides to take money from at the beginning of next year (even though we didn't check the option on the form). It's happened to quite a few TMs over the years at my store.
Our store crushed our goal for United Way we ended up with some insane dollar amount that is equal to like half of my year's pay.
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