Archived Right or Wrong Write Up

Right or wrong

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Dec 23, 2014
Closing with heavy guest calls, heavy flexible fulfilments, heavy backstock, and the line had to be cleared and set. Price change didn't get complete. TL threatened a write up. Is that means for a write up?
At our store, price change comes before backstock. Sometimes if price change is super massive and there's lots of interruption by guest requests, FFs, and cardboard, etc., I don't finish pulling price. I will just let the LOD know before I leave, and it's never been an issue. Often, I will check the price change estimated times at 6 pm when they come in and let the LOD know if they're projected to be huge.

I don't think that's grounds for a write-up. My TL pulled me aside for a conversation about how much work I was actually getting done at night... so I started keeping track of everything I do and writing it down. That way when they come in the next morning and see that I didn't get to any backstock, they can see that oh, StackerMistress had 20 FFs last night and had to make a bale, etc.
Write up is for not 'performing up to standards'.
The joy is they can set the standards no matter how unreasonable.
You can defend yourself to your hearts content and if they feel like pining this on you it won't matter.

This sounds to me like the TL is playing CYA.
If the ETL is reasonable and you can present your case carefully, thoroughly, completely and without histrionics, you might be able to get out of the write up.
There is one backroom team member at my store, who works in the evenings( he is also the one who never pushes the dairy/frozen autofills) he hardly ever pulls the price changes. In matter of fact he will take the time to go into each batch ( you can tell because when you go to pull them the next morning...its prompts for C to continue not A for apply locations) if they are more than a couple locations or if the locations are up high he leaves them. I always dread going in the following morning after he has closed in the backroom. I will add that this is not something that started happening during the 4th quarter...he has been doing it since he started. I could understand if it had just started....we all get busy and don't have time to do everything Spot demands of us ...but if it happens over and over again...then that's a different story. So my advice to the OP would be if its a one time thing...I wouldn't sweat if that much. IF your team lead pushes the issue explain to them what happened....hopefully you have one of the few understanding tl/etls
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