Archived RTW adj

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Sep 20, 2011
I finished the 10/2 adj today (I dont know about you guys but my etl told me it's best practice to set them the week of) now my issue is with rack 6. It's actually a convertible and it have merona fleece jackets on the front on online Plano it says look at the adj and the adj has nothing. The message boards for Softlines has nothing I mysupported it and nothing so I tried calling a nearby store and the Softlines Tl said she was going to call me because we also bounce things off each other. So does anyone know what goes there?
Wing it! Look for opps in backroom. Grab them, go for it! Rack alignments too. Make sure your thermals are on th floor & set.
Everything is set no hanging in the back room sad day...I just put up more shelves on the back and put up more fleece on the back since I got two identical for front and back but I don't like it looks weird to me
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