Archived Sad but Funny

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Sep 17, 2016
So yesterday i did a 3pm to close shift in Electronics.

There's this lady who always comes and asks for Mobile (she always buys a phone card, asks Electronics TMs to load it for her even though we can't and used refuse a no for an answer) and then there was this guy who was in the wheelchair, the lady was pushing him around. He was asking questions about laptops, took about 10-15 minutes to finish with them. One of the rude things the guy in the wheelchair said was "You don't know" when he asked about what a word mean't on the laptop box.

But, anyways - the real part of the story. The whole time while i was helping the two guests out, there is this guy right at the prepaid cell phones who was eyeing me and clearly wanted help. He kept on talking to himself pretty loud where i could hear (couple feet away) but I couldn't understand what he was saying. He did not want to wait, so left.

Later, i am helping another guest - who looks quite old, has a vietnam war hat and a bernie sanders sweater on. I was helping him for about 3 minutes, quick and simple - because he called in earlier. I walk over to ring him up, and i walk quite quickly, and this guest was quite old with a cane. However, the same guy who was talking to himself earlier came up and asked a question. He had a cracked phone in his hand, a phone card and asked some question. But the older guest took down his cane and went to the guy and said, "Did i interrupt you?" (something the line of this) and the guest said "Yes you did (in a rude tone).. don't worry this will only take a few minutes" and he asked some question really quickly but i did not understand what he was asking and i didn't want the other guest to get mad at me for helping, so i just quickly said yes. He went to the front and paid.

Guest comes back, keep in mind this guy is like in his 50s so not as old as the other guest.
He comes back, theres two others waiting for me. One lady leave, another guy waits, he points to the original guest and said he was first. So, it turns out the guys question from earlier is that he wanted to make phone calls and he had the $50 boost mobile plan. He asked if he could buy a $35 card and said if he could make phone calls, and i said yes to this. Technically, it would work if you changed your plan from the $50 to $35 plan, i didn't say how. But he comes back, and tells me that i said that would work. Technically, it does right? If you call boost mobile and change your plan over, he basically said that he wants to make phone calls and bought the $35 card.

He throws the phone on the counter, tells me to power it up (He only has the cable, no wall plug) and make it work. He says he comes to Target all the time and they do it for him (mobile was not in at the time). I was about to do it for him, but i couldn't find a wall plug. He pointed to Target Mobile's counter where they charge underneath there electronics, so clearly he is talking about Mobile. I was looking on there side for a wall plug, couldn't find one, and he said the wall plug is right there. I ask him where, as i looked for a place to power it on and plug it in, but there was no where. (Guy was rude as fuck and disrespectful to the guest earlier, i could of plugged it into the register or the side of the laptops)

He said "thats fucking ridiculous well get a manager", so i ask for the LOD. He was in a meeting. I ask the TLOD - soft lines TL, which is a pretty good friend of mine! She says she's coming to electronics, but i tell her to stop and i will meet her. She is by sporting goods, i explained her the whole situation and said we can't requestion/make it work and he has to come when Mobile is here. I explained it to him, then he throws and says he wants his fucking money back. I ask him for his receipt, he says it's in his car. I run up to talk to the GSTl, explain the situation, and then run back to help the other guest. One guest left, the other guy is still there. He told me that when i went to talk to the TLOD the guy called me "fucking china man" or "stupid china man"... sad, but funny to me. Ridiculous!
tl;dr - man comes in talking to himself, get inpatient and leaves

comes back, interrupts old guest, i answer him with a yes

comes back, tells me to do something only mobile does
calls me "stupid fucking china man" and wants refund
Start talking to him in the worst Pidgin English you can muster while attempting his return.
He'll find out 'stupid' is insulting someone whose help he needed.
Me so sorry.

In all srsns, I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit.
If I were the LOD, here's how I'd handle it. If I knew the man made an ethnic slur towards you, I'd give him his card back and tell him to contact Target for a refund. He should have waited for mobile from the get go. I won't tolerate a guest making ethnic slurs and creating a threatening work environment for my employees. Ever. I don't care what comes down from corporate through the pipeline. I don't negotiate with terrorists.
Isn't there a point in which a target TM can simply refuse to service/help a guest being extremely rude? I would have walked away and called LOD/AP because of a guest being extremely rude and causing a problem.
I'm actually curious about that whole refusing service thing too, I recently just had a guy call me stupid and insult me, because I didn't know where sunglasses were. Like, right from the get go he was rude and demanding and how could I not know, I work here and I better find out where they are! (spoiler, softlines just went through a revision in mens I don't know where shit is now) And so badly I wanted to just say "you know what, I don't have to deal with this" and call the LOD.
just say "you know what, I don't have to deal with this" and call the LOD.
Pretty much all you have to do from my experience, I've never had to do it honestly.
Back when i was Target Mobile, the Electronics TL was talking to me on my day off (well, i think it was before i started my shift, maybe like 2-3 hours) i just came from the gym, to go buy an iPad for school, then was going to go home and shower and come back.

The guest asked me a question about Assursion? or something like that about free phones? and said that Target had it. The TL looked over to me and said no we didn't and all i remember is that the guest started getting really rude and the electronics TL was like "If your going to be rude I'm not going to help you" something like that
Businesses have the right to refuse service. It might not always be good business. But when a customer starts to make slurs or personal attacks, it's time for them to go. You might lose a customer, but some customers aren't worth keeping, especially when they're creating a toxic work environment.
You could of used the Samsung tablet display cable to power his phone. He was trying to trick you on the phone card. Next time, just hit the additional cashiers button to electronics for help. My folks know that I need help or something is going on in electronics. I wear an radio earpiece & guests won't hear anything.
What the fuck you guys. Of course you have the right to refuse service. Why on earth would you let a guest basically shit in your mouth...and then ask if you have to let them? No! Of course you don't! There are infinite amount of ways to tell a guest to respect you. And if that doesn't work, call an LOD. Walk away.

Recently, I was helping this nasty old woman on the salesfloor. She was just a fucking disgrace. I just walked away from her, and didn't even call an LOD.
When guests come in with prepaid phones and wanting us to load their minutes, I had to explain them its against Target policy to handle guest property after purchase.

If the guy was just wanting you to charge his phone. Just point him to the wall chargers and explain that all he needed was the charger. Never connect a guest phone into store equipment.
And so badly I wanted to just say "you know what, I don't have to deal with this" and call the LOD.
If it's not an area you're familiar with, you can always volunteer to go find a TM who would know better. And if they're a real douche, go find the LOD/a TL instead and warn them it's a problem guest. That way if they need to get kicked out (or, more likely, coddled), at least it's not you dealing with it.
When guests come in with prepaid phones and wanting us to load their minutes, I had to explain them its against Target policy to handle guest property after purchase.

If the guy was just wanting you to charge his phone. Just point him to the wall chargers and explain that all he needed was the charger. Never connect a guest phone into store equipment.
Basically said that was fucking bs, and that he wanted a manager when i told him it would work then basically brought up target mobile did it (didn't say that, but i knew that's what he mean't).

Ended up being the Softlines TL, i told her to get the fuck away from this guy lol and turn the corner.
This guy was actually here again at the store, last night. He said he bought a phone (his old phone from last time was cracked a'f) and got it from Mobile this time, and said that mobile would have him promise his service would work/etc. He said it didn't, he came back 30 minutes after mobile left, and he had to have bought it before 3pm. (when i started) and he came at 8:30pm. He told me to make it work and started cussing and all that again. Crazy lol
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