Archived Scheduled Outside of My Availability

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Oct 26, 2017
I put down Sundays as unavailable on my application, I've never changed it, and so far I haven't had any trouble, but for some reason they scheduled me tomorrow (the 19th). Will I have any issue calling out tomorrow or talking to the hiring manager about it?
Did you tell hr when you were interviewed that you can't work Sunday? The schedule has been up over a week. Did you talk to your etl or TL about it. Did you put your shift on swap board?

Waiting to the last minute, means that you have to call off.

If you are seasonal, chances staying after 4 Qtr may be limited.
Did you tell hr when you were interviewed that you can't work Sunday? The schedule has been up over a week. Did you talk to your etl or TL about it. Did you put your shift on swap board?

Waiting to the last minute, means that you have to call off.

If you are seasonal, chances staying after 4 Qtr may be limited.

Yes, I DID tell HR that I'm unavailable on Sundays, in both of my interviews, AND on my application.
I checked yesterday and it was swapped, off Sunday, work Monday, my usual schedule. I double checked tonight and it was backwards, work Sunday, off Monday, which is not how it usually goes. It was normal today, otherwise I would've said something before now.
If you are checking the online schedule, may not be correct. If you have confirm your shift was taken & signed off by an lod, you should be ok. But, if the person does not show for your shift & spot calls you. Then, you have to call off.
Sorry for being snappy, today was a long busy day, and a sudden change kind of made me angry. It's probably just a scheduling mistake, because I've definitely told them that I'm unavailable on Sundays. I'm going to call in the morning around 9:30 because I'm not scheduled to be there until 11AM. I'm just anxious and angry and it's not a good combination
Call store asap. May have been an honest mistake, there were a lot of scheduling mistakes this week due to BF. They may not hold it against you, communication is key in these situations.

You said it was swapped but did an LOD sign the swap board?

My shift was NOT on the swap board. I didn't swap it! I checked one day it was normal and then yesterday it wasn't.

Ugh. Sorry. I didn't know what to say when I call them.
My shift was NOT on the swap board. I didn't swap it! I checked one day it was normal and then yesterday it wasn't.

Ugh. Sorry. I didn't know what to say when I call them.

Got it, did you have this shift on the posted schedule? Or just the online one?

If the posted schedule says you're off then you're off, could be a mytime error.

If the posted schedule says you are working you will need to check in
I called and talked to the LOD and I couldn't really get a word in. I'm gonna see about it when I go up there I guess?
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