Archived Shelf price and zebra price not matching

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Jan 23, 2019
I've noticed a few times that the price of an item on the Zebra is more than the price tag on the shelf. Is this a problem? I'm in inbound so I was not taught anything about pricing. One of the items was either a air fryer or instant pot that the Zebra was showing cost $20 more
I've noticed a few times that the price of an item on the Zebra is more than the price tag on the shelf. Is this a problem? I'm in inbound so I was not taught anything about pricing. One of the items was either a air fryer or instant pot that the Zebra was showing cost $20 more

the shelf price is wrong.

someone activated the new pricing but didn't print a shelf label for it
Or like my store since they killed the pricing team they had no one doing labels.. Until they got like 5000(hardlines only) labels behind then leadership thought it might be good to give someone a 4hr shift a week to catch up..

I wonder if any customers ask for a price change to what the shelf says. It could add up to some major losses it seems like with how many incorrect prices I've found. Though, I was shopping in market this evening and the shelf price of something I bought was actually more than what it rang up as.
Sometimes I catch a new POG that's been set but an item still has the 70% off clearance price from the last time it was in the store (last year presumably).
I wonder if any customers ask for a price change to what the shelf says. It could add up to some major losses it seems like with how many incorrect prices I've found. Though, I was shopping in market this evening and the shelf price of something I bought was actually more than what it rang up as.

Yes, they absolutely do, as they should.

We theoretically have a price change and POG teams, but with hours being what they are we can't even get freight done let alone literally anything else on the floor, so.
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