Archived So does your store require cart attandants to wear vests

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Apr 5, 2015
For a while I was never asked to put one on unless of a visit and even then I never was asked where I work its hot so I hate putting it on but the new gstl pissed me off because he says put it on I told him nobody cared in till he come and now it's all about safety.I'm not the only cart attandant one has been there 6 years and he was asked to put it on and refused to.i m putting up a fight but I am losing ground please
Every store should be requiring CAs wear vests.

This is a ridiculous thing to fight about, and both you & the other CA at your store (who has supposedly been CA for 6 years but is ignorant of basic safety procedure) need to grow up. The vest is for your safety. If I were your GSTL you bet I'd be coaching for it and writing you up (and I'm against write-ups 99% of the time). The fact that your store has chosen to ignore best practice does not excuse it. Suck it up. There are far more important things to protest about, like getting a Final for uttering a profane word under your breath.
For a while I was never asked to put one on unless of a visit and even then I never was asked where I work its hot so I hate putting it on but the new gstl pissed me off because he says put it on I told him nobody cared in till he come and now it's all about safety.I'm not the only cart attandant one has been there 6 years and he was asked to put it on and refused to.i m putting up a fight but I am losing ground please

IT"S A DAMN VEST. If those vests are anything like ours, which I'm sure they are, they're lightweight as could possibly be and they are intended so that our guests, who never know wtf on earth is going on around them, can spot you in the parking lot and not run you over.

However, your problem is not with the vests. Your problem is with authority. Go ahead and put up a fight though, I promise they don't want you there anyway and at this point they are probably looking for a reason to fire you. You're lucky nothing happened to you after the last thing you pulled with your softlines TL.

Also, please quit coming here and asking us for help if you're unwilling to accept it. We laid it all out for you after the last incident, and it looks like you're still up to the same old thing. Again, you're just here to try and get someone to make you feel as though you are justified and it's not happening.
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What Flabbergasted said. Wearing the vest is 100% for your safety. All businesses that have cart attendants do this. It's actually extremely negligent of management to have not been enforcing this. Just because that's how it's been, doesn't mean it was right. I don't see what your problem with it is either, other than you having some beef with the authority being used on you. You don't even have to wear it all the time, only when you're brining in carts.
Wearing a Hi-Vis Vest is a common safety practice when working in the street; construction crews do it, police officers, security, crossing guards for schools, etc.
I'm not sure on the specifics, but it's probably a requirement by OSHA standards regarding PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Choosing to protest the use of the vest seems childish and you, without a doubt, do not have any ground to stand on. If you're sensitive to heat, then bring it up with HR and see if you can switch workstations.
Wear a safety vest, please. It's mention the learning plan for ca. Also, it is better to seen at night, than not when pushing carts.

To the op, did you get CA certs or learning plan done yet?
For a while I was never asked to put one on unless of a visit and even then I never was asked where I work its hot so I hate putting it on but the new gstl pissed me off because he says put it on I told him nobody cared in till he come and now it's all about safety.I'm not the only cart attandant one has been there 6 years and he was asked to put it on and refused to.i m putting up a fight but I am losing ground please
Safety vests were enforced on a store by store basis years years ago. But from what I understood, there was an incident a cart attendant was hit by a guest's car, and it is not pretty much company enforced after that.
Safety vests were enforced on a store by store basis years years ago. But from what I understood, there was an incident a cart attendant was hit by a guest's car, and it is not pretty much company enforced after that.

This! My first job ever was collecting carts at a grocery store. I always wore my vest (they were very strict about it), even still, people don't pay attention. Had someone back into my line of carts as I was pushing it, thus raming the row into my stomach. Nearly knocked the wind out of me. I can only imagine how many more incidents there could have been had I NOT worn a vest.

To the OP, I understand it can be hot, but Target is pretty good at accommodating the uniform for Cart Attendants. A vest is nothing. Wear shorts, wear a sun hat, wear sunglasses. All cotton clothing, carry a water with you. Heck, even take a towel with you if you need to clean sweat off your face. These are all things I've seen our Cart Attendants do to survive the summer.
I wear one when I ride my bike at night, hell I'd wear five if it meant not getting run over.
Do the smart thing and wear the damned vest.
If you're worried about looking dorky with it on, think how dorky you're going to look in a body cast when some idiot backs over you because they didn't see you.
For a while I was never asked to put one on unless of a visit and even then I never was asked where I work its hot so I hate putting it on but the new gstl pissed me off because he says put it on I told him nobody cared in till he come and now it's all about safety.I'm not the only cart attandant one has been there 6 years and he was asked to put it on and refused to.i m putting up a fight but I am losing ground please

Seriously, dude? Put that shit on or quit. Too bad Target doesn't let stores take such a hardline approach when dealing with team members.
I bet that's not true. A good lawyer could kick that out.

After all, it's not the CA's fault he wasn't wearing it. Know what I mean?
thanks for your reply guys your right i have autority problem but just against target they always treated me like dirt since i started and its only aganist me the cart attandant and one other one.when ever they need me i am there.and still like dirt.thanks
I bet that's not true. A good lawyer could kick that out.

After all, it's not the CA's fault he wasn't wearing it. Know what I mean?
Target would just print out the policy that saids the CA has to wear it, and the part of the policy that saids a TL or ETL or LOD can't ask you to do something against policy.
I don't push carts, but I routinely have directed traffic when doing security for a local fair. I not only wear a vest, but have my own that is a higher class of visibility and matching reflective gloves. I wear the save level of ppe as a police officer or other emergency services. Cause I don't want to get hit by some redneck.

#whatilivefor :p
If they want to get hit by crazy ass guests at night then by all means don't wear the vest! But yeah all of ours wear them and it's like someone said its just a damn vest.
My store says that vests are required, but I haven't seen a cart attendant wear a vest in quite some time.
I don't wear a vest. My bright red shirt and bright red vest is just as noticeable as any orange/lime colored vest. However, if I was asked to wear one I would wear it no problemo. I even bought my own cool mesh vest: Spot's vest are a solid material.
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