Archived So how long can you wait oustide for a key carrier to let you in?

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Jul 13, 2011
is there like a limit where you can just leave and get paid? or do you have to wait? we waited outside for a hour and a half cuz no TLOD was scheduled at 6. Had to wait till 7:30 for the 8am lod to let us in.
called one of our SrTL and he said he wasnt getting out of bed on his day off 😉 had 1 more number but they didnt answer
Um where was the ETL-LOG or Flow TL? (I'm assuming you're a 4am store.) You didn't get on your cell phone and call the store and tell them there are people outside? Does your overhead doorbell not work?
Um where was the ETL-LOG or Flow TL? (I'm assuming you're a 4am store.) You didn't get on your cell phone and call the store and tell them there are people outside? Does your overhead doorbell not work?

from what i gather they are a 6am store and no one with keys was scheduled in the morning to actually unlock the doors. We have only had that happen once or twice but we were always able to get ahold of someone to come open the doors for us within 20 minutes.
is there like a limit where you can just leave and get paid? or do you have to wait? we waited outside for a hour and a half cuz no TLOD was scheduled at 6. Had to wait till 7:30 for the 8am lod to let us in.

This isn't a "oh the professor wasn't here in 15 minutes, class is canceled!". You were scheduled to be there anyway, so you should've waited. But, you should have been able to do a punch correction for 6 am regardless of not starting til 7:30, since you were scheduled and there and just unable to enter.
This isn't a "oh the professor wasn't here in 15 minutes, class is canceled!". You were scheduled to be there anyway, so you should've waited. But, you should have been able to do a punch correction for 6 am regardless of not starting til 7:30, since you were scheduled and there and just unable to enter.

I would definitely do this. I don't think you should ask for permission to do this either. It's completely unfair for people to be forced to wait outside.
was prolly just a one time deal, ETL is on vacation, but we all did get punch corrections for 6am. And no one was inside we are a 6am store :thumbsup:
The way it's always worked at my stores in the past:
If you show up and no one opens the door, if you leave you get nothing. If you stay you put in a punch correction for the scheduled start time and work till your normal end time.

Used to have an ETL-LOG that was absolutely horrible at waking up on time for her 4am shifts so a few times a month we were outside for 30 minutes-1 hour+.
I'd just curl up and take a nap, if it was still locked when I woke up I'd go home, if someone showed up then I'd work! lol 😛
doesn't the same rule apply as "if you get send home after an hour you still get paid for at least 3?"
I think it's totally unfair having to wait 2 hours. If I go to a doctors office and have to wait 2 hours, I'd put up a stink and leave.
I think an HR tm would be the best one to answer this question (unless they already did, I never claim to pay enough attention) though. I always thought it was an hour, but then again, I used to think we had 7 min after scheduled time to punch in not to be considered late, but just recently found out it's 5 min.
BUT... I'd wait .. .. and be totally pissed 😡the rest of the day, punch correction or not.
Just think of it as an easy day, getting to sit around outside, and getting paid. If it makes you feel any better, know that the key-carrier will probably be in a lot of hot water if and when they do arrive.
We actually had this happened at my store once. We waited one hour for someone to show up. Nobody showed up so we went home got paid for 4 hours tho.
we had half hour issues for a while, about a year ago. we were told, you leave, you do not get paid. you stay, you do a punch correct and you get paid for your time setting in your car. cameras are in the parking lot, they can see who stayed, if you left and for how long.
Our LOG takes his time letting team members in at 6am if he is busy with something else at the time as he says its opening LODs job to get there at 6am to let the team in so if he is in the back dealing with something else oh well and when team members complain he says to tell their opening lod to get there on time..
I could have sworn that BP says it's 30 minutes, and then you can leave. You'll get paid for 3 hours. If you decide to stay, then you do a punch correction for the scheduled start time, and leave at your scheduled end time.

As far as using the cameras outside to tell who was actually there and who wasn' opinion is that is a line of BS.
Last summer, those of us who worked at 6 would just wait at the front doors to be let in. There was usually a group of us there, not just one or two people. When school started, they said it wasn't BP to do that, so they had to wait for the LOD to "wave" them in at 5:55. Thing was, the LOD forgot half the time. We wouldn't get let in until 6:15 sometimes. Just do a punch correction, no big deal, right? :thumbsdown:

Of course, that made everyone frustrated because we all had tasks we needed to get going on (price accuracy, food ave, etc.) so we started leaving our cars at 5:55. The LOD at first freaked out at us, but we've been doing it all summer and she's quit yelling at us.

My thought is...isn't it more "dangerous" for the overnight team to come in when it's pitch dark than it is for us to arrive when the sun's coming up? We're usually all together...when I did overnights during Christmas, I walked in alone many times. You'd think with guests there there would be more chance of something happening, but whatever...😕
I am a 4am store. Our folks did, in order to say they were there in view of the camera.

Camera or not, I can think of a better way to spend 2 hours.

I would wait about 10 minutes, after that, sit on the doorbell, call a few times, and if a half hour passed with nobody responding, I would leave.
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