Archived Softlines ad set up

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Mar 30, 2012
Process of ad set up? i see on the business walk theres a box for ad map, no idea what it is. When i do set up i scan all rack items into generic location (rtw is h15 mens is o15, etc) and tables are located with whatever their tied too. Brand TM is complaining and whining that it takes her longer to do ad set up because the signs arent prepped right. So im trying to figure out if theres a better way or if im doing it wrong and what in the world is an ad map for SL? Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂
At my store, a new etl put locations on all racks, tables, so that things could be tied to a location. It's weird. We don't do map thing. But, other stoes do it. It will tell where your signing goes to by pog. Which is cool with me. But, that will work if all pogs or sp's are update to date. It's usually done on friday.
Stickiinsoftlines or supermanleader, babytrees are your ears on?They are our sf folks.
Hey GLobal!

Oversee the Ad process at our store. Here's what we do: WE have one dedicated Team Member that does softlines ad every week, with the obvious other few that are cross trained. But anyways, moving on.... She will come in on Thursday or Friday afternoon and set the ad signs for that coming sunday. She will actually make copies of the current adjacencies and those become the department maps. She'll actually highlight the rack on the copy of the adjacency that is going on sale. She will do each department in its own, re-merchadising as needed. Then on Sundays whom ever is doing the ad set, just needs to follow the map created and scan the sign in. For Racks we do high numbers like 56 or 80 so things don't get tied to tables. If a table is on sale we do tie it to the table. During the mapping process she will write the table number on the actual sign so it makes it quicker.

Hope this helps!!! Feel free to tell me if that made no sense or is unclear, I fought with a guest for a half hour tonight over a return. She was relentless............ Exhausted..
Thank you stl! Very helpful answer i understand it enough to implement it in my store for SL.
Make a couple photocopies of the current adjacency prototype map for each department (unless it's resetting soon). Take the signs and a copy of the new ad and walk each department. highlight all racks on the photocopied adjacency that need signs. Create the white 11x11s that you need ahead of time. Write the rack number and the aisle number (if applicable) on the back of the signs. Anything without an aisle number is the first letter of the dpt and 01 (H01). Saves so much time and improves takedown accuracy! 🙂

There is a roll out on Workbench for this; it's under "setting and preparing (prepping?) promotion signing".
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