Archived Softlines Color Explosion: This has been a rough week!

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Former Softlines TL
Jul 7, 2011
Can you say stressed out? Girls, Boys, Infants, Mens, Sleepwear, and Performance all had their adjacencies reset this week. Is corporate serious? Also, the amount of errors, typos, and generally poor merchandising strategy really makes me question who writes these things. :wacko: So glad I get to fill out the adjacency surveys. 🙂

How did you guys do it? I'm still relatively new to Softlines so please give me all your adjacency setting tips!
Is corporate serious? Also, the amount of errors, typos, and generally poor merchandising strategy really makes me question who writes these things.

my guess is the person who wrote the stuff only had a few hours to cut and paste - their hours were cut due to bull poop
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Rough week indeed - a little less stressful than last summer when all the jean walls + 4-5 adjacencies set at one time.

I had my team start on a bunch of planograms and some of the smaller adjacencies last week (Performance, Sleep, Boys, Girls). This week Tuesday and Thursday were left for Infants and Mens and they set the remainder of the planograms each day. I allocated at least 3-4 people to work in Softlines each day which left Hardlines kind of empty but *shrug*...

Worked out well. I'll be walking the last of the adjacencies tomorrow to ensure accurateness and the planograms should all be done except for the Mens tees.

So, to sum it up, planning and getting ahead was the key to success.
Le gasp. I wish I was able to get those kinds of resources.
Whoever decided to put the cosmetics reset and change all the adjacencies in the same week needs to be beaten with a wet towel for a a couple of hours.
Our SLTL and SL Brand TM did overnights all week to do them. It's the only reason they got done.
Rough week for sure. I'm a lone SL TL in a ULV store and have been doing them all by myself for the last week. I still have two of them left to do for the next couple of days too. :wacko: Fun when I come in at 10 and have guests shopping around me all day lol. The only way to get it done is constant communication with the other TLs and ETLs and planning at least a week in advance exactly how and when you will set all the POGs and adjacencies.
I think for our next large adjacency set I will definitely ask them if we can go overnight... we only have a few people trained on how to do adjacencies (and only having two books) and with how large the POG workload was I was SO overwhelmed. :/ I like how I'm saying past-tense as if I've finished everything.. 😀
We had Myself (pricing TL), SL TL, ETL-GE, ETL LOG and STL setting these adjacencies this week and we might finish tomorrow. But theres no guarantee..... Corporate take over anyone?
WTF?! You had ETLs doing adjacencies?!! No one in my store besides the ETL-SL, two merchandising brand tms and me and the other softlines tl know how to read/set them. I'm so jealous.
We had Myself (pricing TL), SL TL, ETL-GE, ETL LOG and STL setting these adjacencies this week and we might finish tomorrow. But theres no guarantee..... Corporate take over anyone?

we have the srtl for pricing (who used to be the srtl for softlines) and the sltl doing softlines and the srtl for presentation splitting between softlines and cosmetics, other than that it's just tm's doing the change over.
Whoever decided to put the cosmetics reset and change all the adjacencies in the same week needs to be beaten with a wet towel for a a couple of hours.

urgh I agree. We were supposed to have cosmetics done, but with only me and one other person there... it hasnt been going very fast, and since we are the closest ones for "fast service" feels like every time I pick up a shelf, im called back!

we got the mens finished up today, think the rest of SL is almost complete, so its just the last part of cosmetics to get done, which they are putting 4 or 5 of us on it for 1 or 2 days, will get done for sure.
WTF?! You had ETLs doing adjacencies?!! No one in my store besides the ETL-SL, two merchandising brand tms and me and the other softlines tl know how to read/set them. I'm so jealous.

No wonder your stressed out I have at least 6 tm's that can read and set an adj at this point and more that can set tables and pogs. How we tackled it was infants/intimates/active on Sunday mens on Monday boys and girls on Tuesday we had the team that knows how to come in an attack it one day at a time under Plano hours 🙂
WTF?! You had ETLs doing adjacencies?!! No one in my store besides the ETL-SL, two merchandising brand tms and me and the other softlines tl know how to read/set them. I'm so jealous.

Cross Train, Cross Train, Cross Train "One store, One team, One vision" All of our Hardlines Team Leaders know how to set adjacencies too.
At my store that is not the culture. Hardlines stays in hardlines. Market stays in market etc etc. We rarely reach over unless no one is able to grab a call or cover a break in the respective workcenter.
At my store that is not the culture. Hardlines stays in hardlines. Market stays in market etc etc. We rarely reach over unless no one is able to grab a call or cover a break in the respective workcenter.

Thats not good....... Change the culture, Thats what I did when i first started....
At my store that is not the culture. Hardlines stays in hardlines. Market stays in market etc etc. We rarely reach over unless no one is able to grab a call or cover a break in the respective workcenter.

Wow! Not at my store. We are all over the place. Cashiers help with reshop, hardlines and softlines help each other zoning. Just my shifts... I have signing, market, electronics and hardlines, and that's all in one week 🙂 STLinmaking is right.. change the culture.
Well I mean.. we have TMs who work in different work centers different days of the week except softlines. We have two TMs in Softlines who will also work HL or Cashier but no one is really crosstrained into softlines unless it is now their primary workcenter. Trust me, I have tried to change it in the short amount of time I've been a TL. Unfortunately, we really have no hours right now and with how busy it is there isn't a moment that I could spend training someone. 🙁
start small 🙂 When I started, I was hardlines working nights and weekends. Being the team player, at the end of the night I would check in with HL, SL and Electronics to see where everyone was at and if any help was needed. If HL's was done with their zone and reshop, we would go and help in SL. Even if it was only finger spacing racks and making sure everything is up off the floor, so that the SL's tms could knock out the reshop. If SL was caught up, we'd have them come over and do reshop and touch ups on the zone. Rather than you as TL doing a full training with no hours, have tm's do a "down and dirty" on the fly training. That way, when you do have the hours, you have people that have a head start rather than starting from scratch.
our store doesn't have the hours to cross train .. we usually will have two , sometimes only one softlines person in the day .. we have 3 softlines brand TM who get about 35 hours .. but we each have a closing night and what not .. we're the only ones in softlines ever and we're the only ones who ever set our adj.
We handled our "explosion" with relative ease. We made sure to finish the RTW adjacency 1 week early so we actually had 2 weeks to do 6 adjacencies..... sure did ease the stress level! We finished our last bit Friday morning. I know there were notes saying not to set early if the signs were not in yet, but given the choice of setting without signs or blowing the set out of the water by being late setting, I said screw the signs..... I don't wanna run around like a chicken with it's head cut off!!!

And yes, whoever in corporate thinks up the set times on the front cover of our adjacencies is obviously not accounting for the time to set all the associated POG's as well as the time to pull it yourself, get fixtures needed/dispose of unneeded fixtures, hang/merchandise clearance, etc. They should be shot in the nuts!!!!!
our store doesn't have the hours to cross train .. we usually will have two , sometimes only one softlines person in the day .. we have 3 softlines brand TM who get about 35 hours .. but we each have a closing night and what not .. we're the only ones in softlines ever and we're the only ones who ever set our adj.

sounds like my store.
Stressed out doesn't even cut it.
I'm still stressed out!!
Most adjacencies break within two weeks are sooo, and with this set its like you can't let it break because its still going on!! -__-
This was an ultimately #fail I think. although I did like the Mens color pants, bought some blue ones for myself. lol

Can you say stressed out? Girls, Boys, Infants, Mens, Sleepwear, and Performance all had their adjacencies reset this week. Is corporate serious? Also, the amount of errors, typos, and generally poor merchandising strategy really makes me question who writes these things. :wacko: So glad I get to fill out the adjacency surveys. 🙂

How did you guys do it? I'm still relatively new to Softlines so please give me all your adjacency setting tips!
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