Archived Solid Pfresh Inventory Routine?

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Mar 14, 2013
Going on my 3rd Inventory for Pfresh, does anyone have solid routines to make this process go faster/more efficiently??
I'm a PA in a PFresh store and have done it twice. To me I think it would depend on how your store is setup. We do it with 3 people..

1 does meat cooler, 1 starts produce cooler, the other does the ambient room, once done with the ambient room they move to produce and and start at the opposite end of where the starting team member started..

Afterwards we all blitz the freezer because it sucks so much. in the two times I have done it, we got all coolers done in about an hour, and then we had to wait to do the sale floor which probably took 15-20 minutes. We also had barely, if any, audits.
I've done it like 11 or 12 times?

We have 3 people. Get those section labels printed out as soon as you come in and cut them all up. My TL always has those red, thick markers for us to mark boxes and check the section labels. I don't think the section label numbers are actually tied to their category (just more for us to keep track) so if you cannot find a label for the category, use a different one; I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter.

Corp would probably frown on this but don't use tape for the section labels; use the white portable printer labels to tape them to the shelves. Faster and easier. Precount boxes at 6 and after you done it a few times you don't even have to open a box to tell how many are in for most stuff; just lift it or push it around a bit and you can tell if it's full or not. Not always fool-proof but very very close.

The past 2 times the audit has been acting pretty idiotic... Kept on resetting to no store selected and was finicky. We just kept on retrying until it sent the audit to RF. If this happens, switch computers.

I think that's it.
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